[Glass] Backup procedure
Johan Brichau via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Jun 8 10:27:15 PDT 2015
Yes, the GEM_TEMPOBJ_POMGEN_PRUNE_ON_VOTE = 90 setting is related and it cleans the temp obj memory, which is holding onto the objects.
In fact, I never recycle the seaside fastcgi gems but I sometimes have to recycle the servicevm gem once I notice that several Gb are not being reclaimed after an MFC. It always helps.
I have not figured out why the servicevm is behaving different in our case because the flag is set for all gems.
I never experienced a voting issue though, except if I accidentally launched another MFC concurrently. I don’t know but maybe a backup also blocks the voting process for an MFC? I think the manual mentions the conditions of the voting though.
> On 08 Jun 2015, at 19:12, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Johan Brichau <johan at yesplan.be <mailto:johan at yesplan.be>> wrote:
> Hi Mariano,
> Why are you stopping the Seaside gems during an MFC?
> If this is because you’ve noticed that some ‘garbage’ is retained by the gems: a simple recycle (stop/start) does the job as well.
> Hi johan,
> Thanks for asking. Yes, that was one of my concerns. Good to know a stop/start would work too.
> Once your repository grows larger, it will take a considerable amount of time to complete a full backup. You don’t want your site to be offline that long.
> Indeed, and I was already thinking about that. At some point, I remembered having a problem in which the GC would not run because they were waiting for the "vote" of some seaside gems (at least that's what I thought). I THINK this is related to GEM_TEMPOBJ_POMGEN_PRUNE_ON_VOTE = 90; thingy. Right?
> So..if I make sure my seaside gems do have such flag, I am safe now? I am using and latest GLASS.
> Thanks Johan for asking!
> Johan
>> On 08 Jun 2015, at 17:00, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Dario,
>> Yes, I have to do that and another couple of things (like disabling monit so that it won't start my gems while they are down for GC)
>> Here is the full script. While it won't work out of the box for you, I think you can really get an idea.
>> Dale, you may want to take something from it too (in fact, this script was a fork of yours, but I added quite a few things).
>> I am not a bash expert, so it's far from perfect.
>> Cheers,
>> #!/bin/bash
>> # Actually I only need this for the gemstone.secret check..because the rest gets from the site source
>> source /opt/gemstone/product/seaside/defSeaside
>> if [ -s $GEMSTONE/seaside/etc/gemstone.secret ]; then
>> . $GEMSTONE/seaside/etc/gemstone.secret
>> else
>> echo 'Missing password file $GEMSTONE/seaside/etc/gemstone.secret'
>> exit 1
>> fi
>> SiteSubfolder="$1"
>> # Requires a Sites subfolder password as a parameter
>> if [ "a$1" = "a" ]; then
>> echo 'Missing argument <Sites subfolder>'
>> exit 1
>> fi
>> source $MYAPP_SITES_DIRECTORY/$SiteSubfolder/gemstone/env
>> date=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`
>> backupfile=${GEMSTONE_DATADIR}/backups/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup_${date}.dbf.gz
>> su -m $GEMSTONE_USER -c "touch $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log"
>> su -m $GEMSTONE_USER -c "touch $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_old_backups.log"
>> echo "`date` ------------------------ Starting backup of ${GEMSTONE_NAME} ------------------------" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> if [ ! -d "${GEMSTONE_DATADIR}/backups" ]; then
>> su -m $GEMSTONE_USER -c "mkdir -p '${GEMSTONE_DATADIR}/backups'"
>> fi
>> echo "`date` Adding backup to object log" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> $MYAPP_GEMSTONE_ADDITIONS_SCRIPTS/runTopazStringScript.sh $1 "
>> begin
>> run
>> (ObjectLogEntry trace: 'BACKUP: begin ' object: '${backupfile}') addToLog.
>> %
>> commit
>> logout
>> quit
>> "
>> echo "`date` Stopping monit" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> monit unmonitor -g ${GEMSTONE_NAME} >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log 2>&1
>> echo "`date` Stopping seaside gems" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> sh $APPLICATION_DIR/scripts/stopSeasideGems.sh
>> echo "`date` Performing #markForCollection and #reclaimAll" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> $MYAPP_GEMSTONE_ADDITIONS_SCRIPTS/runTopazStringScript.sh $1 "
>> begin
>> run
>> [
>> [
>> MCRepositoryGroup default repositoriesDo: [:rep | rep flushCache ].
>> MCDefinition clearInstances.
>> MCMethodDefinition cachedDefinitions removeKeys:
>> (MCMethodDefinition cachedDefinitions keys).
>> MCMethodDefinition shutDown.
>> MethodVersionHistory uniqueInstance cleanUp.
>> SystemRepository markForCollection.
>> SystemRepository reclaimAll.
>> ] on: Halt, Warning do: [:ex | ex resume]
>> ] on: Error do: [:ex | ].
>> %
>> commit
>> logout
>> quit
>> "
>> echo "`date` Start new tranlog and perform backup" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> $MYAPP_GEMSTONE_ADDITIONS_SCRIPTS/runTopazStringScript.sh $1 "
>> run
>> | id |
>> id := SystemRepository startNewLog.
>> [ id < 0 ] whileTrue: [
>> System sleep: 1.
>> id := SystemRepository startNewLog ].
>> SystemRepository fullBackupCompressedTo: '${backupfile}'
>> %
>> logout
>> quit
>> "
>> echo "`date` Start again Seaside Gems" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> sh $APPLICATION_DIR/scripts/startSeasideGems.sh
>> sleep 10
>> echo "`date` Starting monit" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> monit monitor -g ${GEMSTONE_NAME} >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log 2>&1
>> echo "`date` Writing object log" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> $MYAPP_GEMSTONE_ADDITIONS_SCRIPTS/runTopazStringScript.sh $1 "
>> begin
>> run
>> (ObjectLogEntry trace: 'BACKUP: completed ' object: '${backupfile}') addToLog.
>> %
>> commit
>> logout
>> quit
>> "
>> if [ $? -eq 0 ]
>> then
>> echo "`date` Successful backup ... starting validation of backup" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> echo "------------------------------------------------------------" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> $GEMSTONE/bin/copydbf ${backupfile} /dev/null >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log 2>&1
>> if [ $? -eq 0 ]
>> then
>> echo "`date` Successful validation " >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> echo "------------------------------------------------------------" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> echo "------------------------------------------------------------" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> echo "`date` Delete old backups" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> $MYAPP_GEMSTONE_ADDITIONS_SCRIPTS/runTopazStringScript.sh $1 "
>> run
>> | autoGeneratedBackups backupsToKeep |
>> autoGeneratedBackups := (FACompatibilityUtils current directoryFromPath: '${GEMSTONE_DATADIR}/backups/') faEntries
>> select: [ :anEntry | ((anEntry faBasename beginsWith: '${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup_')
>> and: [ anEntry faBasename endsWith: '.dbf.gz' ])
>> and: [anEntry faBasename size = '${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup_${date}.dbf.gz' size ]
>> ].
>> (FileStream oldFileNamed: '$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_old_backups.log')
>> setToEnd;
>> nextPutAll: ('There are ', ((FACompatibilityUtils current directoryFromPath: '${GEMSTONE_DATADIR}/backups/') faEntries) size asString, ' entries in backup folder'); crlf;
>> nextPutAll: ('There are ', autoGeneratedBackups size asString, ' autogenerated backups'); crlf;
>> flush.
>> autoGeneratedBackups := autoGeneratedBackups asSortedCollection: [:entryA :entryB | entryA faBasename < entryB faBasename].
>> backupsToKeep := autoGeneratedBackups last: (7 min: autoGeneratedBackups size).
>> (autoGeneratedBackups reject: [ :each | backupsToKeep includes: each ]) do: [:anEntry |
>> (FileStream oldFileNamed: '$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_old_backups.log')
>> setToEnd; nextPutAll: ('File to be deleted: ', anEntry faBasename); crlf; flush.
>> anEntry faParentDirectory deleteFileNamed: anEntry faBasename.
>> ].
>> System performOnServer: 'ln -sf ''', backupsToKeep first fullName , ''' ''', backupsToKeep last faParentDirectory pathName, '/OldestBackup'''.
>> %
>> commit
>> logout
>> quit
>> "
>> echo "`date` Delete old tranlogs file and only keep the needed ones for the oldest backup `readlink ${GEMSTONE_DATADIR}/backups/OldestBackup` " >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> sh $MYAPP_GEMSTONE_ADDITIONS_SCRIPTS/delete-old-tranlogs.sh -d ${GEMSTONE_DATADIR} -f ${GEMSTONE_DATADIR}/backups/OldestBackup -g /opt/gemstone/product -r >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log 2>&1
>> echo "`date` ---------------------- Backup finihed -----------------------"
>> exit 0
>> else
>> reason="Failed validatino"
>> echo "`date` Failed validation" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> fi
>> else
>> reason="Failed backup"
>> echo "`date` Failed backup" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> fi
>> $MYAPP_GEMSTONE_ADDITIONS_SCRIPTS/runTopazStringScript.sh $1 "
>> run
>> 'For details about the failure, scan backward in log file to previous topaz session or copydbf sessions'
>> %
>> logout
>> quit
>> run
>> (ObjectLogEntry fatal: 'BACKUP: failed ' object: '${reason}. See $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log for details') addToLog.
>> %
>> commit
>> logout
>> quit
>> "
>> echo "------------------------------------------------------------" >> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${GEMSTONE_NAME}_backup.log
>> exit 101 #failure
>> On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 11:46 AM, Dario Trussardi via Glass <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>> Ciao,
>> i need to setup procedure for backup my devKit glass environment.
>> For now i use:
>> https://github.com/glassdb/webEditionHome/blob/master/bin/startGemStoneBackup.sh <https://github.com/glassdb/webEditionHome/blob/master/bin/startGemStoneBackup.sh>
>> This procedure do:
>> runs a GemStone full backup (compressed) and validates the resulting backup file
>> It work fine and startNewLog before do the backup.
>> Now i need to complete the backup.
>> I think:
>> 1) save the new backup into another system into local network ( named backupSystem )
>> 2) remove the old backup from the server and from the backupSystem
>> 3) remove the old tranlog from the server
>> 4) remove other .... logs from the server
>> Someone has already addressed this issue?
>> The goal is to have a system which automatically manages all the step and is ready for restoring in the break case.
>> Thanks for considerations..
>> Dario
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>> --
>> Mariano
>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com <http://marianopeck.wordpress.com/>
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> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com <http://marianopeck.wordpress.com/>
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