[Glass] Some more easy stats printing or production tools?

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Jun 10 09:46:26 PDT 2015

It looks like `System cacheStatisticsForAllSlotsShort` is a good 
shortcut for getting a basic summary for all of the processes attached 
to the shared cache.


On 6/10/15 9:44 AM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
> Well this one is a bit convoluted and I will be putting together a 
> tODE command/api to make this a bit easier...
> System class>>_cacheName: sets the 'ProcessName' entry in the 
> cacheStatistics array in the SPC. There is a cacheStatitics array in 
> the SPC for each GemStone process. Different processes have different 
> entries in the cacheStatistics array .... To get the descriptions for 
> the cacheStatics for a given process type you use System 
> class>>cacheStatisticsDescriptionForType: (see the comment for the arg 
> to use). For a gem (type 8), there are 223 cacheStats in GemStone 
> 3.2.2 (the stone version I happen to be working with at the moment). 
> The first description is 'ProcessName' and that's where the name can 
> be found...
> To get the 'ProcessName' for your current session:
>   | cacheStatValues cacheStatDescriptions myProcessName |
>   cacheStatValues := System gemCacheStatisticsForSessionId: System 
> session.
>   cacheStatDescriptions := System cacheStatisticsDescriptionForType: 8.
>   myProcessName := cacheStatValues at: (cacheStatDescriptions indexOf: 
> 'ProcessName')
> You can also access cacheStatistics based on pid 
> (cacheStatisticsProcessId:), by gem name (cacheStatsForGemWithName:), 
> etc...
> Dale
> On 6/10/15 2:42 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 3:37 AM, Johan Brichau via Glass 
>> <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com 
>> <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>     You can set the gem description like this in it’s ‘startup
>>     script’ (Smalltalk part:)
>>     System _cacheName: '$1_$2’.
>>     The $1 and $2 are env vars in my script that contain the adaptor
>>     name and port.
>>     I think this is also in the standard startSeaside30_Adaptor
>>     script but I don’t know for sure.
>> Thanks Johan, that was kind of what I was looking for. It seems the 
>> startSeaside30_Adaptor does indeed the thing:
>> System _cacheName: ((x := '$1-' , (GsSession serialOfSession: System 
>> session) printString , '-' , System myUserProfile userId) copyFrom: 1 
>> to: (x size min: 31)).
>> I put a transcript show in there and it should be setting something 
>> like 'FastCGI_service-140-userxxx', which is correct.
>> The problem is that my session descriptions still does not show it. 
>> See below.
>>     This way, the session name shows up in the stats and should be
>>     available where you are looking for it as well I believe.
>> Where? Where it displays the session name in the stats? From 
>> #descriptionOfSession: I do not see it in any field...
>> Thanks!
>>     Johan
>>>     On 10 Jun 2015, at 08:31, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass
>>>     <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>     <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>>     On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Dale Henrichs via
>>>     Glass<glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>     <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>>wrote:
>>>         Mariano,
>>>         Great idea!
>>>         I took a look at the `gs` command in tODE and here are a
>>>         couple of more things that you could provide:
>>>         System gemConfigurationReport.
>>>         System stoneConfigurationReport.
>>>         System clientVersionReport.
>>>         System clientVersionReport.
>>>         System clientVersionReport.
>>>         "The following provides a desription for the current
>>>         gemstone gem. `System currentSessions` provides
>>>         list of all sessionIds in system, so you could also generate
>>>         a table of all sessions and their description"
>>>     Hi Dale,
>>>     Is there a way to know which are the seaside gems and the
>>>     seaside maintenance gem from such a list? Watching the
>>>     description and everything, I cannot find an easy way of knowing
>>>     it. The only thing is the gem pid. But then it is not that easy
>>>     for me to know if such a pid is a seaside gem or not.
>>>     Is there a way? I would like to list the seaside gems and their
>>>     status (if at least one seaside gem works)... (I am thinking if
>>>     I could do a http request over the exact port and check on
>>>     timeout).  mmmm maybe I can do a "System perform: " over the
>>>     monit status. grrrr gemstone doesn't have permissions to execute
>>>     monit..grr. Ok, I will see... but any idea is appreciated.
>>>     Cheers,
>>>     Thanks
>>>         | sessionId ar |
>>>         sessionId := System session.
>>>         ar := System descriptionOfSession: sessionId.
>>>         ^ Dictionary new
>>>         at: #'userProfile' put: (ar at: 1);
>>>         at: #'gemPid' put: (ar at: 2);
>>>         at: #'gemHost' put: (ar at: 3);
>>>         at: #'gemPrimitiveNumber' put: (ar at: 4);
>>>         at: #'mostRecentTransactionTime' put: (ar at: 5);
>>>         at: #'sessionState' put: (ar at: 6);
>>>         at: #'transactionMode' put: (ar at: 7);
>>>         at: #'onOldestCommitRecord' put: (ar at: 8);
>>>         at: #'sessionSerialNumber' put: (ar at: 9);
>>>         at: #'sessionId' put: (ar at: 10);
>>>         at: #'gciHostIP' put: (ar at: 11);
>>>         at: #'sessionPriority' put: (ar at: 12);
>>>         at: #'gciUniqueHostId' put: (ar at: 13);
>>>         at: #'mostRecetStoneRequest' put: (ar at: 14);
>>>         at: #'sessionLoginTime' put: (ar at: 15);
>>>         at: #'systemCommitsSinceSessionView' put: (ar at: 16);
>>>         at: #'systemDescription' put: (ar at: 17);
>>>         at: #'numTempObjIds' put: (ar at: 18);
>>>         at: #'numTempPageIds' put: (ar at: 19);
>>>         at: #'sessionVoteState' put: (ar at: 20);
>>>         yourself
>>>         Dale
>>>         On 06/09/2015 09:46 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
>>>>         Hi guys,
>>>>         I am adding some WEB tools for those users which are very
>>>>         admin or developers to my app. So far I added WAObjectLog
>>>>         and now a simple component that renders the result of
>>>>         "(Smalltalk at: #SystemRepository) fileSizeReport. "
>>>>         I wonder which other kind of easy stats or production tool
>>>>         I might be missing.
>>>>         If there is something else that could be of use to me,
>>>>         please let me know. I want to provide as much as possible I
>>>>         have at hand for a small amount of effort, to my admin users.
>>>>         Thanks in advance,
>>>>         --
>>>>         Mariano
>>>>         http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
>>>>         <http://marianopeck.wordpress.com/>
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>>>     --
>>>     Mariano
>>>     http://marianopeck.wordpress.com <http://marianopeck.wordpress.com/>
>>>     _______________________________________________
>>>     Glass mailing list
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>>     Glass mailing list
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>> -- 
>> Mariano
>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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