[Glass] GsDevKit Server Blocks for Thin Client appications ... pre-announcement

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Jun 22 09:42:36 PDT 2015

Once again this is very cool stuff!

On 06/19/2015 05:34 AM, Pierre CHANSON wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> here is a new video: https://vimeo.com/131145038
> to present a beginning of a Roassal tool for tODE.
> I decided these tool to be based on interactions, buttons and left clicks.
> So you can clic some button to get common thing you would usually get 
> by writing an expression with a serverblock in the workspace. I think 
> it can be a gain of time, I used them myself on tODE.
> Then we can jump on the useful tool, the pointer detective. The 
> improvements are that when there is more than 10 paths or references 
> about to be displayed you can choose how much you want to be so. (Or 
> almost, 3 options).
> There is also two scroll bars that permit you to navigate fast and 
> with precision in a large graph. I worked for a while on this it is 
> really scalable and follow the changes in the graph like zoom or 
> elements draggable etc. Also if you are lost far from the elements 
> just touching the scroll bar makes you come back to the border of the 
> encompassing rectangle.
> Then other sub-tools:
> There are buttons to get a oop from object name or to get selectors of 
> class or part of selectors given a sub string etc, in a sub-tool named 
> search.
> The sub-tool help will just write on your workspace the right 
> expression you are looking for.
> I also began a sub-tool classes hierarchy to have an interactive 
> mondrian builder to give a shape, a layout, metrics for size or colour 
> and that give you a visualization of subclasses... This one, if found 
> interesting or useful could be a looot improved.
> I will be totally aware of what are the uses of Gemstone developpers, 
> what could they want to be visualized :)
> Thanks you ! waiting for you feedbacks,
> Pierre
> 2015-05-29 15:22 GMT+02:00 Pierre CHANSON <chans.pierre at gmail.com 
> <mailto:chans.pierre at gmail.com>>:
>     You are right, there are several ways to solve this, you'll hear
>     from me soon
>     cheers,
>     Pierre
>     2015-05-28 22:24 GMT-03:00 Mariano Martinez Peck
>     <marianopeck at gmail.com <mailto:marianopeck at gmail.com>>:
>         Wow...this is so fuc... cool!!!!! AWESOME. Really... as soon
>         as I need to trace pointers again in GemStone I DO KNOW how to
>         do it :)
>         Yes... you should be really really careful about the number if
>         items the #findAllReferences can answer. Remember GemStone is
>         also a database...so the "image" may have billions of objects.
>         So if the tool hangs hangs quite frequently, then i won't
>         work. I think you should define a treshold and if more than
>         that, then somehow present to the user the number of items and
>         allow HIM (the user) to decide wether to display such items or
>         not....
>         Thanks!
>         On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 7:52 PM, Pierre Chanson via Glass
>         <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>         <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>             Thanks a lot, great ! I am still learning a lot for now
>             about Gemstone and it's applications (and also Pharo).
>             On 28 mai 2015, at 19:38, Dale Henrichs
>             <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
>             <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>             Pierre,
>>             Again, very cool ... I am nearing the end of my (intense)
>>             work on GemStone 3.3 so we should touch bases when I am done.
>>             Dale
>>             On 5/25/15 1:47 PM, Pierre CHANSON wrote:
>>>             Hi all, finally I found some time to work on this.
>>>             first, based on the PointerDetective of Ben
>>>             (http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~BenComan/PointerDetective
>>>             <http://smalltalkhub.com/#%21/%7EBenComan/PointerDetective>)
>>>             I did a RPointerDetective using Roassal and usable on a
>>>             Pharo image.
>>>             Then I made a second class adapted to work on tODE,
>>>             given a TDShell and using server blocks.
>>>             Here is a little video of the result:
>>>             https://vimeo.com/128790347
>>>             The prerequisite are the last version of Roassal and the
>>>             package:
>>>             http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~PierreChanson/RPointerDetective
>>>             <http://smalltalkhub.com/#%21/%7EPierreChanson/RPointerDetective>
>>>             The first part is on a Pharo image (could be a tODE
>>>             image too) with the script:
>>>             --------------------------------------------
>>>             ob := 'OBJ'.
>>>             ar := { ob. 12 }.
>>>             e := (RTBox new) elementOn: ar.
>>>             v := RTView new.
>>>             v add: e.
>>>             RPointerDetective on: ob
>>>             -------------------------------------------------
>>>             Second part is on tODE, given an oop of server object.
>>>             The first script :
>>>             RPointerDetective onServerFindAllReferencePathsToObject:
>>>             154679809 shell: shell
>>>             And the second:
>>>             RPointerDetective onServer: 154679809 shell: shell
>>>             The first script is using the
>>>             findAllReferencePathsToObjects:limitObjArray:printToLog:. In
>>>             that case the graph is directly given by the gemstone
>>>             method and displayed on the view on clic.
>>>             The second script is using the gemstone method
>>>             findAllReferences. here tODE is calling the method when
>>>             the object is clicked on the view. This one can be
>>>             dangerous because we do not take care of the number of
>>>             object that are going to be displayed...
>>>             There is still a lot of interesting things to do, with
>>>             interactions on the view for example with the
>>>             possibility to dinamically change the colors given a
>>>             block or display the pointersFrom of a node or the
>>>             possibility to open a tODE inspector etc.
>>>             cheers,
>>>             Pierre
>>>             2015-04-30 20:14 GMT-03:00 Pierre CHANSON
>>>             <chans.pierre at gmail.com <mailto:chans.pierre at gmail.com>>:
>>>                 Oh thanks ! I like this method now,  I am going to
>>>                 give a try :)
>>>                 2015-04-30 14:59 GMT-03:00 Dale Henrichs via Glass
>>>                 <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>                 <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>>:
>>>                     +1 :)
>>>                     On 04/30/2015 10:26 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck
>>>                     via Glass wrote:
>>>>                     Hi Pierre,
>>>>                     Do you want to do a super killer example of
>>>>                     using Roassal and ServerBlocks?
>>>>                     As you may known, since in Smalltalk you cannot
>>>>                     delete an object (compared to relational DBs
>>>>                     where you do delete rows), removing all
>>>>                     references to an object so that is GCed,
>>>>                      sometimes is not a walk in park. Ben was tired
>>>>                     of using the Pharo Explorer for that, and he
>>>>                     did this:
>>>>                     http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~BenComan/PointerDetective
>>>>                     <http://smalltalkhub.com/#%21/%7EBenComan/PointerDetective>
>>>>                     If that is valuable in Pharo, imagine in
>>>>                     GemStone. And now, with the serverBlocks, that
>>>>                     would be very easy.
>>>>                     Just see today's email of Otto saying he
>>>>                     couldn't GC an object.
>>>>                     To find pointers to an object in GemStone:
>>>>                     SystemRepository findReferencePathToObject:
>>>>                     123456789 asObject
>>>>                     yeah...maybe I should try it myself :)
>>>>                     On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 7:42 PM, Pierre CHANSON
>>>>                     <chans.pierre at gmail.com
>>>>                     <mailto:chans.pierre at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>                         Thanks again Dale !
>>>>                         here are three small examples using these
>>>>                         blocks in the roassal workspace of tODE:
>>>>                         https://vimeo.com/126435220
>>>>                         I highlight here the server blocks in red.
>>>>                         The first one is a Mondrian view of the
>>>>                         class Collection (server side) with all
>>>>                         it's subclasses.
>>>>                         The classes are processed in the block and
>>>>                         stocked statically on the variable "classes".
>>>>                         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>                         | b classes |
>>>>                         classes :=shell onServerDo:[Collection
>>>>                         withAllSubclasses collect: [ :c | c name ->
>>>>                         {(c superClass name). ((c instVarNamed:
>>>>                         #methDicts asString) numElements)}]].
>>>>                         b := RTMondrian new.
>>>>                         b shape circle.
>>>>                         b nodes: classes.
>>>>                         b edges connectFrom: [:e | classes detect:
>>>>                         [ :c | c name = e value first ] ifNone:[
>>>>                         nil ]] .
>>>>                         b shape bezierLineFollowing: [:e | classes
>>>>                         detect: [ :c | c name = e value first ]
>>>>                         ifNone:[ nil ]];
>>>>                              color: (Color blue alpha: 0.2).
>>>>                         b normalizer
>>>>                         normalizeSize: [:e | e value second ]
>>>>                         using: #sqrt;
>>>>                         normalizeColor: [:e | e value second ]
>>>>                         using: (Array with: Color green with: Color
>>>>                         red) using: #sqrt.
>>>>                         b layout cluster.
>>>>                         b build.
>>>>                         b view open
>>>>                         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>                         The second script use the RTExploraBuilder
>>>>                         to do the same process, but this time the
>>>>                         builder call dynamically the server on
>>>>                         clics (we are using the oop of objects).
>>>>                         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>                         | builder |
>>>>                             builder := RTExploraBuilder new.
>>>>                             builder shape circle
>>>>                                 size: 30;
>>>>                                 color: (Color blue alpha: 0.5);
>>>>                                 if: [ :cls |
>>>>                                     (shell onServerDo: [ (Object
>>>>                         _objectForOop: (cls value)) subclasses
>>>>                         size]) = 0 ] fillColor: (Color red alpha: 0.5).
>>>>                             builder
>>>>                         layout: [RTClusterLayout new horizontalGap:
>>>>                         80];
>>>>                         onClickExplore: [ :cls |
>>>>                         shell onServerDo: [ ((Object _objectForOop:
>>>>                         (cls value)) subclasses collect: [:c | c
>>>>                         asString -> c asOop]) asArray ]
>>>>                                     ];
>>>>                         withPopup: [:cls | cls key];
>>>>                         dragChildren;
>>>>                                 node: (shell onServerDo:
>>>>                         [Collection asString -> Collection asOop]);
>>>>                                 open.
>>>>                         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>                         The last script is about users. This need
>>>>                         the last version of Roassal. We present
>>>>                         some selection menus, a button and a radar
>>>>                         Chart. Created with the RTMenuBuilder the
>>>>                         button add a new user on the server with
>>>>                         the characteristics selected in the other
>>>>                         menus and present the characteristics of
>>>>                         the added users on a Kiviat chart on the view.
>>>>                         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>                         |nameMenus privilegeMenus groupMenus|
>>>>                             v := RTView new.
>>>>                             kiv := RTKiviatBuilder new view: v.
>>>>                             n := RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new
>>>>                         objects: (kiv objects).
>>>>                             kiv shape circle color: [ :value | n
>>>>                         rtValue: value kiviatNode named]; size: 10.
>>>>                             kiv addMetric: [ :v | v second size]
>>>>                         max: 5 title: 'groups'.
>>>>                             kiv addMetric: [ :v | v third size]
>>>>                         max: 5 title: 'privileges'.
>>>>                             kiv addMetric: [ :v | v first size]
>>>>                         max: 10 title: 'name'.
>>>>                             kiv activatePolygons.
>>>>                             kiv build.
>>>>                             b := RTMenuBuilder new view: v.
>>>>                             nameMenus := Array with: ('Henri'->[:m
>>>>                         |]) with: ('Bob'->[:m |]) with:
>>>>                         ('Robert'->[:m |]).
>>>>                             groupMenus := Array with:
>>>>                         ('Subscribers'->[:m |])
>>>>                         with:('Publishers'->[:m |]).
>>>>                         privilegeMenus := Array with:
>>>>                         ('ObsoleteStatistics'->[:m |])
>>>>                         with:('UserPassword'->[:m |])
>>>>                         with:('SessionAccess'->[:m |]).
>>>>                             b menu: 'add User' callback: [
>>>>                                 |name groups privileges |
>>>>                                 name := (nameMenus detect: [ :m | m
>>>>                         selected ]) name.
>>>>                                 groups := (groupMenus select: [:m |
>>>>                         m selected]) collect: [:g | g name].
>>>>                         privileges := (privilegeMenus select: [:m |
>>>>                         m selected]) collect: [:p | p name].
>>>>                         shell onServerDo: [
>>>>                         AllUsers addNewUserWithId: name password:
>>>>                         '' defaultObjectSecurityPolicy: nil
>>>>                         privileges: privileges inGroups: groups .
>>>>                         System commitTransaction.].
>>>>                                 kiv addDynamicObject: (Array with:
>>>>                         (name) with: (groups) with: (privileges))
>>>>                         ].
>>>>                             nameMenus := b menu: 'user'
>>>>                         subcheckmenus: nameMenus background: (Color
>>>>                         red alpha: 0.3).
>>>>                         RTMenuGroup on: nameMenus.
>>>>                             nameMenus first selected: true.
>>>>                             groupMenus := b menu: 'groups'
>>>>                         subcheckmenus: groupMenus background:
>>>>                         (Color blue alpha: 0.3).
>>>>                             groupMenus first selected: true.
>>>>                         privilegeMenus := b menu: 'privileges'
>>>>                         subcheckmenus: privilegeMenus background:
>>>>                         (Color green alpha: 0.3).
>>>>                         privilegeMenus first selected: true.
>>>>                             b view open.
>>>>                         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>                          Pierre
>>>>                         2015-04-23 19:58 GMT+02:00 Mariano Martinez
>>>>                         Peck via Glass
>>>>                         <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>>                         <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>>:
>>>>                             On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 1:53 AM,
>>>>                             Richard Sargent
>>>>                             <richard.sargent at gemtalksystems.com
>>>>                             <mailto:richard.sargent at gemtalksystems.com>>
>>>>                             wrote:
>>>>                                 Mariano,
>>>>                                 Depending on what you mean by
>>>>                                 "execute stuff on server Y", 3.2
>>>>                                 includes something called
>>>>                                 GsExternalSession. It it capable of
>>>>                                 executing Smalltalk specified in
>>>>                                 Block on a separate session against
>>>>                                 the same stone or a different one.
>>>>                                 It doesn't support copying object
>>>>                                 graphs, but if your definition of
>>>>                                 execute stuff has limited
>>>>                                 requirements for exchanging data,
>>>>                                 it could be what you are looking for.
>>>>                                 See the 3.2 documentation for details.
>>>>                             Good to know too. Thanks Richard.
>>>>                                 On Apr 21, 2015 7:01 PM, "Mariano
>>>>                                 Martinez Peck via Glass"
>>>>                                 <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>>                                 <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>>
>>>>                                 wrote:
>>>>                                     On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 2:23
>>>>                                     AM, Dale Henrichs via Glass
>>>>                                     <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>>                                     <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>>
>>>>                                     wrote:
>>>>                                         A GsDevKit Server Block[1]
>>>>                                         is a block that is written
>>>>                                         in-line in client
>>>>                                         Smalltalk, but is executed
>>>>                                         in GemStone. For example
>>>>                                         the following expression is
>>>>                                         executed in a standard
>>>>                                         Pharo workspace:
>>>>                                           | shell x y |
>>>>                                           shell := TDShell
>>>>                                         forSessionNamed: 'devKit'.
>>>>                                           x := 3.
>>>>                                           y := 4.
>>>>                                           shell onServerDo: [ x + y ].
>>>>                                     Dale,
>>>>                                     I know (because I already asked
>>>>                                     a few months/years ago) that
>>>>                                     from a stone X you can do a
>>>>                                     remote login on stone Y and
>>>>                                     execute stuff in Y. But now I
>>>>                                     wonder....could server blocks
>>>>                                     also work for
>>>>                                     gemstone-gemstone? (my gut
>>>>                                     feelings tell me that yes) I
>>>>                                     mean, could I run the above
>>>>                                     code from GemStone itself?  
>>>>                                     That would automatically
>>>>                                     resolve all the remote login
>>>>                                     stuff and the ston serialization.
>>>>                                     Thanks in advance,
>>>>                                         and the `[3 + 4 ]` block is
>>>>                                         executed in GemStone using
>>>>                                         the `devKit` session
>>>>                                         description to log into the
>>>>                                         stone. The temp vars x and
>>>>                                         y referenced in the server
>>>>                                         block and defined in Pharo
>>>>                                         are shipped across the wire
>>>>                                         to GemStone along with
>>>>                                         block source where the
>>>>                                         block source is compiled
>>>>                                         and executed. The result is
>>>>                                         then shipped back across
>>>>                                         the wire and returned as
>>>>                                         the result of #onServerDo:
>>>>                                         message in Pharo. Pharo
>>>>                                         execution can continue on
>>>>                                         using the result. STON[2]
>>>>                                         is used to serialize the
>>>>                                         objects that are shipped
>>>>                                         across the wire.
>>>>                                         For any of you familiar
>>>>                                         with underpinnings of
>>>>                                         GemTools, Jade or tODE,
>>>>                                         this is not necessarily
>>>>                                         ground-breaking technology,
>>>>                                         however, exposing this
>>>>                                         capability to developers
>>>>                                         just may be.
>>>>                                         It has been a long standing
>>>>                                         crime that developers in
>>>>                                         the Pharo community choose
>>>>                                         to use MongoDB and MySQL
>>>>                                         over GemStone, but frankly
>>>>                                         the problem is that (until
>>>>                                         now) we have not had a
>>>>                                         simple client-based
>>>>                                         solution for adding
>>>>                                         GemStone-based persistence
>>>>                                         for native Pharo
>>>>                                         applications - the pharo
>>>>                                         developers have not really
>>>>                                         had a choice.
>>>>                                         Being able to embed server
>>>>                                         blocks in client code
>>>>                                         certainly qualifies as
>>>>                                         simple. Solution(?), well
>>>>                                         that remains to be seen,
>>>>                                         but I am optimistic.
>>>>                                         As a more concrete example,
>>>>                                         here's Pharo workspace code
>>>>                                         that uses NeoCSV running in
>>>>                                         Pharo to load stone objects
>>>>                                         in a Dictionary in GemStone:
>>>>                                         'NeoCSVBenchmark.csv'
>>>>                                         asFileReference
>>>>                                         readStreamDo: [ :stream |
>>>>                                           | reader converter buffer
>>>>                                         bufCnt numRecords records |
>>>>                                           converter := [ :string |
>>>>                                         NeoNumberParser parse:
>>>>                                         string ].
>>>>                                           reader := NeoCSVReader
>>>>                                         on: (ZnBufferedReadStream
>>>>                                         on: stream).
>>>>                                           reader
>>>>                                         recordClass: NeoCSVTestObject;
>>>>                                         addIntegerField: #'x:';
>>>>                                         addIntegerField: #'y:';
>>>>                                         addIntegerField: #'z:'.
>>>>                                           buffer := Array new: 1000.
>>>>                                           bufCnt := 0.
>>>>                                           [ reader atEnd ]
>>>>                                         whileFalse: [
>>>>                                               bufCnt := bufCnt + 1.
>>>>                                               buffer at: bufCnt
>>>>                                         put: reader next.
>>>>                                               bufCnt = buffer size
>>>>                                         ifTrue: [
>>>>                                         numRecords := bufCnt.
>>>>                                         records := buffer.
>>>>                                         DevKitShell
>>>>                                         onServerDo: [
>>>>                                         1 to: numRecords do: [
>>>>                                         :index |
>>>>                                         | record |
>>>>                                         record := records at: index.
>>>>                                         NeoCSVDictionary at: record
>>>>                                         x put: record ].
>>>>                                         System commitTransaction.
>>>>                                         nil ].
>>>>                                         bufCnt := 0 ] ] ].
>>>>                                            DevKitShell onServerDo:
>>>>                                         [ System commitTransaction ]
>>>>                                         The code ships 1000
>>>>                                         instances of
>>>>                                         NeoCSVTestObject at a pop
>>>>                                         to GemStone. Using the
>>>>                                         above technique, one can
>>>>                                         easily arrange to store
>>>>                                         some pretty large object
>>>>                                         graphs in GemStone ...
>>>>                                         Efficient queries based on
>>>>                                         standard Smalltalk can be
>>>>                                         written on the client and
>>>>                                         transparently performed in
>>>>                                         GemStone (see the
>>>>                                         GsDevKitServerBlocks doc[1]
>>>>                                         for the complete example).
>>>>                                         Server blocks do not
>>>>                                         duplicate the functionality
>>>>                                         GemBuilder for
>>>>                                         Smalltalk[6][7] which
>>>>                                         provides transparent
>>>>                                         replication and maintenance
>>>>                                         of objects between the
>>>>                                         client and server. With
>>>>                                         server blocks you end up
>>>>                                         with disconnected copies of
>>>>                                         server objects.
>>>>                                         Because of this disconnect,
>>>>                                         I think the best way to
>>>>                                         architect an application
>>>>                                         using server blocks, is to
>>>>                                         plan on "executing all
>>>>                                         business logic" on the
>>>>                                         server --- If you are using
>>>>                                         an MVC pattern, the M would
>>>>                                         primarily be managed on the
>>>>                                         server while the VC would
>>>>                                         be managed on the client.
>>>>                                         As an application evolves,
>>>>                                         the code can migrate back
>>>>                                         and forth between client
>>>>                                         and server as needed.
>>>>                                         Most of the server blocks
>>>>                                         code leverages tODE and has
>>>>                                         been in use for several
>>>>                                         years. The code that
>>>>                                         spelunks in the block
>>>>                                         structure and extracts the
>>>>                                         _value_ of temp variables
>>>>                                         is only a couple of days
>>>>                                         old and has some pretty
>>>>                                         rough edges (notice the odd
>>>>                                         placement of temp variables
>>>>                                         and declarations in the
>>>>                                         above example).
>>>>                                         The server-side debugger
>>>>                                         and inspectors, etc. will
>>>>                                         use tODE (at least for now)
>>>>                                         ... in the server blocks
>>>>                                         doc[1] I demonstrate an
>>>>                                         #exportClassToServer: to
>>>>                                         illustrate the potential to
>>>>                                         share code in weird and
>>>>                                         wonderful ways between the
>>>>                                         client and server.
>>>>                                         If you have the
>>>>                                         interest/opportunity to
>>>>                                         take this code for a spin,
>>>>                                         let me know. I have written
>>>>                                         instructions[5] for
>>>>                                         installing the experimental
>>>>                                         Roassal Visualization
>>>>                                         code[4] (GemStone and
>>>>                                         Pharo3.0 or Pharo4.0) for
>>>>                                         Pierre Chanson and those
>>>>                                         instructions can be used
>>>>                                         for doing work with GsDevKit
>>>>                                         Server Blocks. There are a
>>>>                                         handful of obvious things
>>>>                                         that need to be done:
>>>>                                           - connection pools
>>>>                                           - coordinated
>>>>                                         client/server debuggers
>>>>                                           - client-side exception
>>>>                                         handlers for server errors
>>>>                                           - more???
>>>>                                         and if folks express
>>>>                                         interest in start to do
>>>>                                         exploratory work with
>>>>                                         server blocks, then I will
>>>>                                         make time to provide support.
>>>>                                         I am hoping to have
>>>>                                         something to announce by
>>>>                                         Smalltalks in November,so
>>>>                                         it would be useful if some
>>>>                                         experienced GemStoners
>>>>                                         tried things out before then...
>>>>                                         I do have to finish up the
>>>>                                         documentation for
>>>>                                         GsDevKitHome 1.0.0 and tODE
>>>>                                         0.1.0 and I'm also
>>>>                                         committed to doing some
>>>>                                         work on the 3.3 GemStone
>>>>                                         release, so we'll see how
>>>>                                         that goes:)
>>>>                                         I also think that server
>>>>                                         blocks can be very useful
>>>>                                         for the "develop in Pharo,
>>>>                                         deploy in GemSstone" crowd,
>>>>                                         since it will be possible
>>>>                                         to write "pharo-based
>>>>                                         scripts" to perform
>>>>                                         server-side tasks ...
>>>>                                         Questions or comments?
>>>>                                         Dale
>>>>                                         [1]
>>>>                                         https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/articles/gsDevKitServerBlocks.md#gsdevkit-server-blocks
>>>>                                         [2]
>>>>                                         https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston#ston---smalltalk-object-notation
>>>>                                         [3] https://vimeo.com/123261640
>>>>                                         [4]
>>>>                                         https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev/projects/roassal#roassal-visualization
>>>>                                         [5]
>>>>                                         https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/projects/roassal/devBootstrap.md
>>>>                                         [6]
>>>>                                         http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-vw/
>>>>                                         [7]
>>>>                                         http://gemtalksystems.com/products/gbs-va/
>>>>                                         _______________________________________________
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>>>>                                     -- 
>>>>                                     Mariano
>>>>                                     http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
>>>>                                     _______________________________________________
>>>>                                     Glass mailing list
>>>>                                     Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
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>>>>                             -- 
>>>>                             Mariano
>>>>                             http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
>>>>                             _______________________________________________
>>>>                             Glass mailing list
>>>>                             Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>>                             <mailto:Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
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>>>>                     -- 
>>>>                     Mariano
>>>>                     http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
>>>>                     _______________________________________________
>>>>                     Glass mailing list
>>>>                     Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com  <mailto:Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
>>>>                     http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
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>>>                     Glass mailing list
>>>                     Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>                     <mailto:Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
>>>                     http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
>             _______________________________________________
>             Glass mailing list
>             Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>             <mailto:Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
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>         -- 
>         Mariano
>         http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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