[Glass] update notice for tODE dev branch users ...

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Jun 29 18:12:10 PDT 2015

If you have NOT been using tODE on the dev branch (mainly folks that are 
working with server blocks), then this message does not affect you.

If you have bee using tODE on the dev branch, but don't plan on 
upgrading to a later version of tODE, then you don't have to read any 

If you DO plan on upgrading to a newer version of tODE on the dev 
branch, then you need to use the pharo client upgrade script described 

I have been working on porting Ston to GemStone 3.3 and as part of the 
process I have changed the implementation of Ston that is used with tODE 
and GemStone. The new version of tODE client is backwards compatible 
with older server versions of tODE and the newer server versions of tODE 
are backward compatible with the older versions of the client, but when 
you are upgrading along the dev branch, it always a good idea to keep 
your client and server in synch.

In order to update the pharo client you have two choices:

   1. Delete the old pharo client image(s) and rebuild them using 
   2. Execute the following expression in a pharo workspace in an 
existing pharo client:

Metacello image
     baseline: 'Metacello';
   (MCWorkingCopy allManagers
     detect: [ :wc | wc packageName = 'Ston-Core' ]
     ifNone: [  ]) ifNotNil: [ :wc | wc unregister ].
   Metacello image
     baseline: 'Tode';
     onConflict: [ :ex | ex useIncoming ];
     load ]
     on: MCMergeOrLoadWarning
     do: [ :ex | ex resume: true ].
   TDShell resetWorldMenu

Normally I would push the above changes out as a new version of 
GsDevKitHome, so that the standard $GS_HOME/bin/updateTodeImage script 
can be used, but I am figuring that there aren't too many people who are 
going to be affected by this change so publishing a workspace is simpler 
for me (and for you).

For more information about what I've done with Ston, take a look at the 
v0.9.4 release notes[1].

As always, let me know if you run into problems,


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/ston/releases/tag/v0.9.4

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