[Glass] Sixx problematic

Dario Trussardi via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Mar 10 11:06:57 PDT 2015


	I have a devkit tODE stone create with	 createTodeStone  devkit

into it i load:

  bulkMigrate: [ 
    {#( 'XMLSupport' '1.2.2' 'http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/MetacelloRepository').
	#('Seaside3' '3.0.13' 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main').
    #('ZincHTTPComponents' '1.1' 'http://www.squeaksource.com/ZincHTTPComponents').
    #('Magritte3' '3.0' 'http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository').
    #('Magritte3AddOns' '3.0.0' 'http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository').
    #('Pier3' '3.0.0' 'http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository').
    #('Pier3AddOns' '3.0.3' 'http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository')}
      do: [ :ar | 
        | projectName version repository |
        projectName := ar at: 1.
        version := ar at: 2.
        repository := ar at: 3.
        Metacello new
          configuration: projectName;
          repository: repository;
        Metacello new
          configuration: projectName;
          version: version;
          repository: repository;
          onUpgrade: [ :ex :existing :new | 
                existing locked
                  ifTrue: [ ex disallow ]
                  ifFalse: [ ex allow ] ];
          onConflict: [ :ex | ex disallow ];
        Metacello new
          configuration: projectName;
          version: version;
          repository: repository;
          lock ] ]


GsDeployer bulkMigrate: [
  Metacello new
      baseline: 'SIXX';
      repository: 'github://glassdb/SIXX:master/repository';
      load ].

A this point the 	SixxExamples example2		works fine.

Now i can save a sixx file relative to my data  application  	anEnv link	 with:

	writeObject: anEnv toFile: aFilename inFolder: aDirectoryPath 

	| fileStream sws |
	fileStream := ( FileDirectory on: aDirectoryPath) newFileNamed: aFilename.
	sws := SixxWriteStream on: fileStream.

	sws nextPut: anEnv. 
	sws close.

After when i do the command:  ^Object readSixxFrom: fileStream contents.

to read the sixx file create above the system answer the error:

a SixxXmlParseError occurred (error 2710) -  G/S[Scandella3106 devkit:1]

AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
AbstractException >> signal (envId 0)
SixxPortableUtil class >> signalException: (envId 0)
[] in  SixxXmlUtil class >> parseXml:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
AbstractException >> _executeHandler: (envId 0)
AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0)
AbstractException >> signal: (envId 0)
AbstractException class >> signal: (envId 0)
XMLTokenizer >> parseError: (envId 0)
XMLTokenizer >> errorExpected: (envId 0)
XMLTokenizer >> nextLiteral (envId 0)
XMLTokenizer >> nextPCDataDelimitedBy:putOn: (envId 0)
[] in  XMLTokenizer >> nextPCData (envId 0)
XMLNestedStreamWriter >> writeWith: (envId 0)
XMLTokenizer >> nextPCData (envId 0)
XMLTokenizer >> nextToken (envId 0)
XMLParser >> parseToken (envId 0)
XMLParser >> parseDocument (envId 0)
SAXHandler >> parseDocument (envId 0)
XMLDOMParser >> parseDocument (envId 0)
SAXHandler class >> parseDocumentFrom:useNamespaces:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
XMLDOMParser class >> parseDocumentFrom:useNamespaces:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
SAXHandler class >> parseDocumentFrom:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
SixxYaxoXmlParserAdapter class >> parseXml:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
[] in  SixxXmlUtil class >> parseXml:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0)
SixxXmlUtil class >> parseXml:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
Behavior >> readSixxFrom:context:persistentRoot: (envId 0)
Behavior >> readSixxFrom: (envId 0)

Considerations ?



P.S.  I have another    stone where i have:

	ConfigurationOfGsSIXX project currentVersion >=0.3-c.1 [ConfigurationOfGsSIXX]

	ConfigurationOfXMLSupport project currentVersion  >= [ConfigurationOfXMLSupport]

	Into it  all works fine.

	The sixx file created into it   can reading  into  the devkit  tODE stone  without problem

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