[Glass] Ubuntu 14.04 ethernet static ip and GemTools login

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Mar 25 11:29:30 PDT 2015


First, I am under the impression that you are able to successfully 
connect your remote GemTools using ssh port forwarding and this session 

   OGCustomSessionDescription new
     name: 'Scandella3106 gestionale';
     stoneHost: 'localhost';
     stoneName: 'gestionale';
     gemHost: 'localhost';
     netLDI: '57858';

So you are in business again?

Secondly, I understand that the when using the following session 

   OGCustomSessionDescription new
     name: 'Scandella3106 gestionale';
     stoneHost: 'scandella';
     stoneName: 'gestionale';
     gemHost: 'scandella';
     netLDI: '57858';

an attempt to connect GemTools _from the local host_, you have trouble, 

If the above assumptions are correct, then I will guess that the problem 
is that the netldi is not listening on the interface associated with the 
host scandello ... but I am not an expert.

However, I do know that if you want to connect GemTools running on the 
local host and using X11 forwarding, that you should use the exact same 
session description that works for ssh port forwarding:

   OGCustomSessionDescription new
     name: 'Scandella3106 gestionale';
     stoneHost: 'localhost';
     stoneName: 'gestionale';
     gemHost: 'localhost';
     netLDI: '57858';

When you use port forwarding you fool the netldi and stone into thinking 
that the GemTools session is running on the local host, so the same 
session description should work when you are ACTUALLY running on the 
local host ...


On 3/25/15 10:55 AM, Dario Trussardi via Glass wrote:
> Dale, Martin,
>> Dario,
>> I'll have to wait for Martin to chime in with what he thinks may be 
>> going on now ...
>> but, I'm inclined to take a different tack to address your GemTools 
>> remote login problem.
>> You have ssh installed and you can log into the remote machine using 
>> ssh, so you should be able to setup ssh port forwarding for GemTools.
> OK i follow this different tack.
>> I've done a writeup on this as part of the soon to be released 
>> gsDevKitHome 1.0.0[1].
>> In a nutshell you do the following (after setting up the static ip 
>> address):
> I submit this:
>> ssh scandella -l scandella -L 57858:localhost:57858  -L 
>> 57860:localhost:57860
> i go into my  gestionale directory
>> # cd to your gestionale directory
> I submit this:
>> . defStone.env
> and submit this adding _ldi at the end.
>> $GEMSTONE/bin/startnetldi -a scandella -g -p 57860:57860 -P 57858 
>> gestionale_ldi
>> The use localhost in your session description, :
> I update the GemTools session and the login work fine.
> OK.
>>   OGCustomSessionDescription new
>> name: 'Scandella3106 gestionale';
>> stoneHost: 'localhost';
>> stoneName: 'gestionale';
>> gemHost: 'localhost';
>> netLDI: '57858';
> For understund:
> The netstat -ltpn report:
>         (Non tutti i processi potrebbero essere identificati, le
>         informazioni sui processi non propri
>         non saranno mostrate, per visualizzarle tutte bisogna avere
>         privilegi di root.)
>         Connessioni Internet attive (solo server)
>         Proto CodaRic CodaInv Indirizzo locale Indirizzo remoto Stato
>         PID/Program name
>         tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
>         tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
>         tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
>         tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
>         tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN -
>         tcp6 0 0 :::55127 :::* LISTEN 1948/stoned
>         tcp6 0 0 :::25 :::* LISTEN -
>         tcp6 0 0 :::57858 :::* LISTEN 2224/netldid
>         tcp6 0 0 :::* LISTEN 1950/shrpcmonitor
>         tcp6 0 0 ::1:54786 :::* LISTEN 1950/shrpcmonitor
> After close the ssh connection i test the login with GemTools classic 
> session :
> OGCustomSessionDescription new
> name: 'Scandella3106 gestionale';
> stoneHost: 'scandella';
> stoneName: 'gestionale';
> gemHost: 'scandella';
> netLDI: '57858';
> It don't works the GemTools go into loop.
> But the server show netldi listening on that address  and 57858 port.
> as i report in hold email with not static ip ( where netldi is into 
> 50377 )
>> Dale, Martin,
>> i restart the system with  /etc/network/interfacesfile  set to:
>>         # This file describes the network interfaces available on
>>         your system
>>         # and how to activate them. For more information, see
>>         interfaces(5).
>>         # The loopback network interface
>>         auto lo
>>         iface lo inet loopback
>>         # The primary network interface
>>         auto p2p1
>>         iface p2p1 inet dhcp
>> Now the scandella at scandella:~$ netstat -ltpn
>> command report:
>>         (Non tutti i processi potrebbero essere identificati, le
>>         informazioni sui processi non propri
>>          non saranno mostrate, per visualizzarle tutte bisogna avere
>>         privilegi di root.)
>>         Connessioni Internet attive (solo server)
>>         Proto CodaRic CodaInv Indirizzo locale  Indirizzo remoto    
>>           Stato       PID/Program name
>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>         LISTEN      -
>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>         LISTEN      -
>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>         LISTEN      -
>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>         LISTEN      830/topaz
>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>         LISTEN      838/topaz
>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>         LISTEN      833/topaz
>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>         LISTEN      835/topaz
>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>         LISTEN      832/topaz
>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>         LISTEN      834/topaz
>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>         LISTEN      -
>>         tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*            
>>              LISTEN      -
>>         tcp6       0      0 :::25                   :::*            
>>              LISTEN      -
>>         tcp6       0      0 :::50377                :::*            
>>              LISTEN      1479/netldid
>>         tcp6       0      0 :::52490                :::*            
>>              LISTEN      1438/stoned
>>         tcp6       0      0         :::*            
>>              LISTEN      1440/shrpcmonitor
>>         tcp6       0      0 ::1:34671               :::*            
>>              LISTEN      1440/shrpcmonitor
>> The GemTools open on 50377 works fine.
> It's not very strange?
> Thanks,
> Dario
>> Dale
>> [1] 
>> https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/blob/dev/docs/portForwardingForRemoteLogins.md
>> On 3/25/15 3:07 AM, Dario Trussardi via Glass wrote:
>>> Dale,
>>>> Dario,
>>>> Replace the line:
>>>>   $GS_HOME/bin/tode startnetldi $stoneName -A192.168.1.10
>>>> with a direct call to the startnetldi as described in my last email:
>>>>   $GEMSTONE/bin/startnetldi -g -a $USER -A192.168.1.10 -l \
>>>> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/${stoneName}_ldi.log \
>>>> ${stoneName}_ldi
>>> OK i do this test, i report what i do:
>>>> before we get to the point where we are trying to debug the 
>>>> startNetldi script, let's verify that you can start a netldi that 
>>>> works with your remote GemTools. So:
>>>>   1. login in as the user that is running your stone processes
>>> I login as scandella
>>>>   2. cd $GS_HOME/gemstone/stones/<stone-name>
>>> i go to my gestionale stone   directory
>>>>   3. execute the following bash script:
>>>>       .  defStone.env
>>> i do the command:    . defStone.env( with a blank after the. )
>>>>   4. then manually start the netldi:
>>>>       $GEMSTONE/bin/startnetldi -g -a $USER -A192.168.1.10 -l \
>>>> ${GEMSTONE_NAME}_ldi
>>> i do the command :
>>>  $GEMSTONE/bin/startnetldi -g -a scandella -A192.168.1.10 -l 
>>> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/gestionale_ldi.log \gestionale_ldi
>>> It Report:
>>>     GemStone version ''
>>>     startnetldi[Info]: Starting GemStone network server
>>>     'gestionale_ldi'.
>>>     startnetldi[Info]: GEMSTONE is:
>>>     '/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/product'.
>>>     startnetldi[Info]: GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL is:
>>>     '#dir:$GEMSTONE_LOGDIR#log:%N%P.log'.
>>>     startnetldi[Info]: Log file is
>>>     '/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gestionale/logs/gestionale_ldi.log'.
>>>     startnetldi[Info]: GemStone server 'gestionale_ldi' has been
>>>     started, process 4336 .
>>> Now the scandella at scandella:~$ netstat -ltpn
>>> command report :
>>>         (Non tutti i processi potrebbero essere identificati, le
>>>         informazioni sui processi non propri
>>>          non saranno mostrate, per visualizzarle tutte bisogna avere
>>>         privilegi di root.)
>>>         Connessioni Internet attive (solo server)
>>>         Proto CodaRic CodaInv Indirizzo locale    Indirizzo remoto  
>>>             Stato PID/Program name
>>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>>         LISTEN      -
>>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>>         LISTEN      -
>>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>>         LISTEN      -
>>>         tcp        0      0*              
>>>         LISTEN      -
>>>         tcp6       0      0 :::22 :::*                    LISTEN      -
>>>         tcp6       0      0 :::25 :::*                    LISTEN      -
>>>         tcp6       0      0 :::*                  
>>>          LISTEN  4336/netldid
>>>         tcp6       0      0 ::1:57858 :::*                    LISTEN
>>>          4336/netldid
>>>         tcp6       0      0  :::*                
>>>            LISTEN  4336/netldid
>>>         tcp6       0      0 :::*                  
>>>          LISTEN  4248/shrpcmonitor
>>>         tcp6       0      0 ::1:54660 :::*                    LISTEN
>>>          4248/shrpcmonitor
>>>         tcp6       0      0 :::57323  :::*                    LISTEN
>>>          4246/stoned
>>>>   5. test your remote GemTools
>>> I update the GemTools session:
>>>   OGCustomSessionDescription new
>>> name: 'Scandella3106 gestionale';
>>> stoneHost: 'scandella';
>>> stoneName: 'gestionale';
>>> gemHost: 'scandella';
>>> netLDI: '57858';
>>> .............
>>> ...........
>>> It don't work, when i do theGemTools loginthe system go into loop
>>>  until i stoped the:gestionale_ldi 4336 process
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dario
>>>> When we get GemTools working with a manually started netldi, then 
>>>> you can try changing the startNetldi script.
>>>> Dale
>>>> On 03/24/2015 04:02 PM, Dario Trussardi via Glass wrote:
>>>>> Dale, Martin,
>>>>>> On 03/24/2015 01:02 PM, Dario Trussardi via Glass wrote:
>>>>>>> What do you intend with:  did this fix it for you?
>>>>>>> For now i don't resolve the problem.
>>>>>> OK, thanks. From your previous message I wasn't sure whether you were
>>>>>> still seeing the problem.
>>>>>>> Considerations?
>>>>>> The netldi is only listening on the IPv6 localhost address. If 
>>>>>> you want
>>>>>> to use GemTools from another machine, it must also listen on the
>>>>>> address. I'm not sure why it isn't already listening on
>>>>>> that address, but you should be able to fix it by adding 
>>>>>> -A192.168.1.10
>>>>>> to your startnetldi command line (see the man page for startnetldi).
>>>>>> Once you've started netldi with that option, netstat -ltpn should 
>>>>>> show
>>>>>> netldi listening on that address.
>>>>> First:my environment is based on tODE and i think to change the 
>>>>> file startNetldi
>>>>> adding some parameter to the last line.
>>>>>     #! /bin/bash
>>>>>     #=========================================================================
>>>>>     # Copyright (c) 2014 GemTalk Systems, LLC
>>>>>     <dhenrich at gemtalksystems.com
>>>>>     <mailto:dhenrich at gemtalksystems.com>>.
>>>>>     #=========================================================================
>>>>>     usage() {
>>>>>       cat <<HELP
>>>>>     USAGE: $(basename $0) [-h] <stone-name>
>>>>>      Start the netldi process for the given stone.
>>>>>     OPTIONS
>>>>>       -h display help
>>>>>     EXAMPLES
>>>>>       $(basename $0) -h
>>>>>       $(basename $0) kit
>>>>>     HELP
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     set -e # exit on error
>>>>>     if [ "${GS_HOME}x" = "x" ] ; then
>>>>>       echo "the GS_HOME environment variable needs to be defined";
>>>>>     exit 1
>>>>>     fi
>>>>>     source ${GS_HOME}/bin/shFunctions
>>>>>     getOpts_help $@
>>>>>     if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
>>>>>       usage; exit 1
>>>>>     fi
>>>>>     stoneName=$1
>>>>>     echo "starting netldi $stoneName"
>>>>>     # set up stone environment
>>>>>     stonePath=$GS_HOME/gemstone/stones/$stoneName
>>>>>     pushd $stonePath >& /dev/null
>>>>>     source $stonePath/stone.env
>>>>>     popd >& /dev/null
>>>>>     $GS_HOME/bin/tode startnetldi $stoneName -A192.168.1.10
>>>>> But with this information when i do the command : startNetlidi 
>>>>> gestionale  i don't solve the problem.
>>>>> The netstat -ltpn don't report  netldi listening on that address.
>>>>> Second:in addition  the service are  started with Daemontools 
>>>>> Gemstone service and  i don't know where i need add the -A parameter.
>>>>> Anyone know informations about it ?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Dario
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> -Martin
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