[Glass] [GLASS] Seaside - growing extent - normal?

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Mar 27 10:24:15 PDT 2015


To get my bearings, it would be useful to see the chunk of the stack 
where WACache>>gemstoneReap is involved ... so we can understand where 
we blowing out memory...


On 03/27/2015 10:04 AM, Lawrence Kellogg wrote:
>> On Mar 27, 2015, at 12:48 PM, Dale Henrichs 
>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
>> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>> Larry,
>> Yea the bulk of the progress that you've made should be committed... 
>> should probably add a final transcript show in the gemstoneReap 
>> method ... but when your `Expire Progress` matches the preceding 
>> `finished scan` that chunk of work won't be done again ...
>> At this point in time, I suggest that you make a backup in case we 
>> hit a problem (like run out of extent space or something) that would 
>> make things difficult to proceed from ... this is just precautionary, 
>> but prudent ...
>> I am interested in what caused the out of memory so checking in the 
>> gem log for a smalltalk stack when you ran out of memory would help 
>> ... it's possible that we'll just hit the same situation right off 
>> the bat, when we start process again, so might as well try to 
>> understand that one...
> Well, the beginning of a very long stack dump is this:
> GsMethod 1926657,   Object >> _doesNotUnderstand:
> GsMethod 10662913,   metaSortedCollection >> sortBlock:
> GsMethod 1754881,   Behavior >> new
> GsMethod 9573889,   SortedCollection >> sortBlock:
> GsMethod 1924097,   Object >> size
> GsMethod 3381249,   SmallInteger >> >
> GsMethod 2242817,   metaKeyValueDictionary >> new
> GsMethod 2243841,   metaKeyValueDictionary >> new:
>  GsMethod 2057729,   metaInteger >> _selectedPrimeGreaterThan:
>  GsMethod 1924609,   Object >> at:
>  GsMethod 3378689,   SmallInteger >> //
>  GsMethod 3378945,   SmallInteger >> <=
>  GsMethod 1753857,   Behavior >> _basicNew:
>  GsMethod 2257665,   KeyValueDictionary >> _initializeWithoutClear:
>  GsMethod 3181569,   metaSystem >> _sessionStateAt:put:
>  GsMethod 3206913,   metaSystem >> myUserProfile
>  GsMethod 3294977,   SymbolDictionary >> at:ifAbsent:
>  GsMethod 1534721,   ComplexBlock >> value
>  GsMethod 7693313,   metaGsSession >> currentSession
>  GsMethod 7723777,   GsCurrentSession >> objectNamed:
>  GsMethod 3275521,   SymbolList >> resolveSymbol:
>  GsMethod 1795329,   Association >> value
>  GsMethod 7592193,   metaGsPackagePolicy >> globalName
>  GsMethod 3300353,   SymbolDictionary >> at:otherwise:
>  GsMethod 3297281,   SymbolDictionary >> associationAt:otherwise:
>  GsMethod 7660545,   GsPackagePolicy >> enabled
>  GsMethod 7640833,   metaSessionTemps >> current
>  GsMethod 3182081,   metaSystem >> _sessionStateAt:
>  GsMethod 7657217,   GsPackagePolicy >> sessionMethodDictionaryGlobalName
>  GsMethod 3299585,   SymbolDictionary >> at:put:
>  GsMethod 3293953,   SymbolDictionary >> _validatePrivilegeOld:new:
>  GsMethod 1789185,   metaAssociation >> newWithKey:value:
>  GsMethod 3307777,   SymbolAssociation >> key:value:
>  GsMethod 3308033,   SymbolAssociation >> key:
>  GsMethod 1796865,   Association >> value:
>  GsMethod 3300097,   SymbolDictionary >> _at:put:
>  GsMethod 3299073,   SymbolDictionary >> _validatePrivilegeGeneric:
>  GsMethod 3140097,   metaSystem >> _protectedMode
>  GsMethod 3215873,   metaSystem >> _zeroArgPrim:
>  GsMethod 2278145,   KeyValueDictionary >> _at:put:
>  GsMethod 2230273,   IdentityDictionary >> hashFunction:
>  GsMethod 1910529,   Object >> identityHash
>  GsMethod 2272513,   KeyValueDictionary >> tableSize
>  GsMethod 3377665,   SmallInteger >> \\
>  GsMethod 2263297,   KeyValueDictionary >> keyAt:
>  GsMethod 1923585,   Object >> _at:
>  GsMethod 2267649,   KeyValueDictionary >> valueAt:
>  GsMethod 1916417,   Object >> _basicAt:
>  GsMethod 1699329,   Boolean >> |
>  GsMethod 2276609,   KeyValueDictionary >> atHash:putKey:
>  GsMethod 1922561,   Object >> _basicAt:put:
>  GsMethod 2221569,   IdentityDictionary >> atHash:putValue:
>  GsMethod 2256129,   KeyValueDictionary >> atHash:putValue:
>  GsMethod 7661313,   GsPackagePolicy >> sessionMethodDictionary
>  GsMethod 1900033,   Object >> class
>  GsMethod 2278401,   KeyValueDictionary >> size
>  GsMethod 7652097,   GsPackagePolicy >> symbolList
>  GsMethod 7723521,   GsCurrentSession >> symbolList
>  GsMethod 3395329,   SequenceableCollection >> reverseDo:
>  GsMethod 1942785,   Number >> downTo:do:
>  GsMethod 1943041,   Number >> downTo:by:do:
> which ends with this:
>  GsMethod 119023873,   GRObject >> initialize
>  GsMethod 178011137,   WAAttributeSearchContext >> 
> findAttributeAndSelectAncestorsOf:
>  GsMethod 178009601,   WAAttributeSearchContext >> key
>  GsMethod 177473793,   WAConfiguration >> localAttributeAt:ifPresent:
>  GsMethod 177920257,   WAUserConfiguration >> localAttributeAt:ifAbsent:
>  GsMethod 177924865,   WAUserConfiguration >> parents
>  GsMethod 177361153,   WASystemConfiguration >> localAttributeAt:ifAbsent:
>  GsMethod 177361409,   WASystemConfiguration >> attributes
>  GsMethod 177362945,   WASystemConfiguration >> description
>  GsMethod 177375233,   WAConfigurationDescription >> attributes
>  GsMethod 177473281,   WAConfiguration >> expressionAt:ifPresent:
>  GsMethod 177920769,   WAUserConfiguration >> expressionAt:ifAbsent:
>  GsMethod 178011649,   WAAttributeSearchContext >> isAttributeLocalOn:
>  GsMethod 177471233,   WAConfiguration >> inheritedValueForContext:
>  GsMethod 178010881,   WAAttributeSearchContext >> isAttributeInheritedOn:
>  GsMethod 178009857,   WAAttributeSearchContext >> at:put:
> (vmGc  Instances counts for generation code
>      GsMethod                                id:   98817    1025 
> instances   320176 bytes
>  vmGc ---)
> -----------------------------------------------------
> GemStone: Error         Fatal
> VM temporary object memory is full
> , almost out of memory, too many markSweeps since last successful
> scavenge
> Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 4067 Arg Count: 1 Context : 20
> Arg 1:   20
> [Info]: Logging out at 03/27/2015 04:11:47 PM UTC
> *****************************************************
> ****** GemStone Abnormal Shutdown at 03/27/2015 04:11:48 PM UTC
> *****************************************************
> -----------------------------------------------------
> GemStone: Error         Fatal
> VM temporary object memory is full
> , almost out of memory, too many markSweeps since last successful
> scavenge
> Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 4067 Arg Count: 1 Context : 20
> Arg 1:   20
> I’ll make a backup and try again.
> Larry
>> Dale
>> On 03/27/2015 09:31 AM, Lawrence Kellogg wrote:
>>>> On Mar 27, 2015, at 12:08 PM, Dale Henrichs 
>>>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
>>>> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>>> Larry,
>>>> Not sure ... I guess the I'm curious if the system is in iowait or 
>>>> burning cpu ... top should give you that information ... I'd also 
>>>> be interested to know if you've run out of disk space ... check the 
>>>> stone log for that information ...
>>>> Based on what you find out we'll go on from there ...
>>> The struggle continues, eventually, I ran out of temporary Object 
>>> Memory:
>>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>>> Disk space as at 63%. Can I run it again? Did any of that stick?
>>> Larry
>>>> Dale
>>>> On 03/27/2015 07:43 AM, Lawrence Kellogg wrote:
>>>>> Well, I put in Transcript calls to show count all the time, not 
>>>>> just at mod 1000..and I made it all the way through, except it 
>>>>> does’t seem to want to come back to me. The image is frozen.
>>>>> Is it hung in the final commit?
>>>>> Here is a screen shot of the last part of the display. Yes I’m 
>>>>> running it in GemTools. I don’t care if it’s slow as long as it 
>>>>> works.
>>>>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>>>>> Larry
>>>>>> On Mar 26, 2015, at 1:01 AM, Dale Henrichs 
>>>>>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hmmm, I think we need to set a breakpoint in there ... I might be 
>>>>>> tired, but I can't see how that can happen ... but then that's 
>>>>>> what a debugger is for ...
>>>>>> Are you running this expression from GemTools? If so the 
>>>>>> `Transcript show:` might be awfully expensive (lot's o round 
>>>>>> trips over the WAN) ... you might use GsFile gciLogServer: and 
>>>>>> then tail the gem log file on the server to see progress ...
>>>>>> Need to find out where the 0 is coming from first...
>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>> On 3/25/15 7:34 PM, Lawrence Kellogg wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Dale,
>>>>>>>   Well, I replaced the WACache>>gemstoneReap method and ran the 
>>>>>>> code from before but it just shows Scan Progress: 0 over and 
>>>>>>> over again.
>>>>>>>   I let it run a few hours but had to kill it as the computer is 
>>>>>>> in my bedroom and I can’t sleep if it makes noise all night.
>>>>>>>   Do I try again tomorrow?
>>>>>>>   best,
>>>>>>>   Larry
>>>>>>>> On Mar 25, 2015, at 6:23 PM, Dale Henrichs 
>>>>>>>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
>>>>>>>> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hmm, I scanned the code in WACache>>gemstoneReap and saw that a 
>>>>>>>> commit was being down every 100 entries, but presumably you 
>>>>>>>> blew up while building the collection of entries to expire ... 
>>>>>>>> sorry about that ... There should be a a stack dump in the gem 
>>>>>>>> log (depending upon where you ran the expressions where we can 
>>>>>>>> verify my assumption.
>>>>>>>> It looks like we need to replace WACache>>gemstoneReap with the 
>>>>>>>> following:
>>>>>>>> gemstoneReap
>>>>>>>>   "Iterate through the cache and remove objects that have expired."
>>>>>>>>   "In GemStone, this method is performed by a separate 
>>>>>>>> maintenance VM,
>>>>>>>>      so we are already in transaction (assumed to be running in 
>>>>>>>> #autoBegin
>>>>>>>>  transactionMode) and do not have to worry about acquiring the 
>>>>>>>> TransactionMutex.
>>>>>>>>     Since we are using reducedConflict dictionaries in the 
>>>>>>>> first place, we will remove the keys
>>>>>>>>     and values from the existing dictionaries without using the 
>>>>>>>> mutex."
>>>>>>>>   | expired count platform |
>>>>>>>>   expired := UserGlobals at: #'ExpiryCleanup' put: 
>>>>>>>> OrderedCollection new.
>>>>>>>>   platform := GRPlatform current.
>>>>>>>>   platform doCommitTransaction.
>>>>>>>>   count := 0.
>>>>>>>>   objectsByKey
>>>>>>>>     associationsDo: [ :assoc |
>>>>>>>>       (self expiryPolicy isExpiredUpdating: assoc value key: 
>>>>>>>> assoc key)
>>>>>>>>         ifTrue: [
>>>>>>>>           self notifyRemoved: assoc value key: assoc key.
>>>>>>>>           count := count + 1.
>>>>>>>>           expired add: assoc.
>>>>>>>>           count \\ 100 == 0
>>>>>>>>             ifTrue: [ platform doCommitTransaction ].
>>>>>>>>           count \\ 1000 == 0
>>>>>>>>             ifTrue: [ Transcript cr; show: 'Scan progress: ' , 
>>>>>>>> count printString.] ] ].
>>>>>>>>   Transcript cr; show: 'finished scan: ' , count printString.
>>>>>>>>   count := 0.
>>>>>>>>   (UserGlobals at: #'ExpiryCleanup' )
>>>>>>>>     do: [ :assoc |
>>>>>>>>       count := count + 1.
>>>>>>>>       objectsByKey removeKey: assoc key ifAbsent: [].
>>>>>>>>       keysByObject removeKey: assoc value ifAbsent: [ ].
>>>>>>>>       count \\ 100 == 0
>>>>>>>>         ifTrue: [ platform doCommitTransaction ].
>>>>>>>>       count \\ 1000 == 0
>>>>>>>>         ifTrue: [ Transcript cr; show: 'Expire progress: ' , 
>>>>>>>> count printString.]].
>>>>>>>>   platform doCommitTransaction.
>>>>>>>>   UserGlobals removeKey: #'ExpiryCleanup'.
>>>>>>>>   platform doCommitTransaction.
>>>>>>>>   ^ expired size
>>>>>>>> This implementation should be more resistant to an out of 
>>>>>>>> memory condition and I've got some logging in  there as well 
>>>>>>>> ... the `Transcript show:` should show up in the gem.log and/or 
>>>>>>>> Transcript...
>>>>>>>> I haven't tested this but if there's a problem in the scan loop 
>>>>>>>> it will fail quickly. If there's a problem in the expire loop, 
>>>>>>>> you can skip the scan loop, and just run the expire loop ...
>>>>>>>> Sorry about that ... hopefully the second time will be the 
>>>>>>>> charm ...
>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>> On 3/25/15 2:36 PM, Lawrence Kellogg wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello Dale,
>>>>>>>>> Well, Step 1 ran for hours and halted in the debugger with 
>>>>>>>>> this error:
>>>>>>>>> Error: VM temporary object memory is full
>>>>>>>>> , almost out of memory, too many markSweeps since last 
>>>>>>>>> successful scavenge
>>>>>>>>> What do I do now?
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Larry
>>>>>>>>>> On Mar 25, 2015, at 2:15 PM, Dale Henrichs 
>>>>>>>>>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Okay here's the sequence of steps that I think you should take:
>>>>>>>>>>   1. expire all of your sessions:
>>>>>>>>>>   | expired |
>>>>>>>>>>   Transcript cr; show: 'Unregistering...' , DateAndTime now 
>>>>>>>>>> printString.
>>>>>>>>>>   expired := WABasicDevelopment reapSeasideCache.
>>>>>>>>>>   expired > 0
>>>>>>>>>>     ifTrue: [ (ObjectLogEntry trace: 'MTCE: expired sessions' 
>>>>>>>>>> object: expired) addToLog ].
>>>>>>>>>>   Transcript cr; show: '...Expired: ' , expired printString , 
>>>>>>>>>> ' sessions.'.
>>>>>>>>>>   System commitTransactions
>>>>>>>>>>   2. initalize your object log
>>>>>>>>>>   3. run MFC
>>>>>>>>>>   [
>>>>>>>>>>   System abortTransaction.
>>>>>>>>>> SystemRepository markForCollection ]
>>>>>>>>>>     on: Warning
>>>>>>>>>>     do: [ :ex |
>>>>>>>>>> Transcript
>>>>>>>>>>         cr;
>>>>>>>>>>         show: ex description.
>>>>>>>>>>       ex resume ]
>>>>>>>>>>   4. Then do a backup and restore ... you can use GemTools to 
>>>>>>>>>> do the restore,
>>>>>>>>>>       but then you should read the SysAdmin docs[1] for 
>>>>>>>>>> instructions to do the restore
>>>>>>>>>>       (I've enclosed link to 3.2 docs, but the procedure and 
>>>>>>>>>> commands should pretty
>>>>>>>>>>       much be the same, but it's best to look up the docs for 
>>>>>>>>>> your GemStone version[2]
>>>>>>>>>>       and follow those instructions)
>>>>>>>>>> As I mentioned earlier, it will probably take a while for 
>>>>>>>>>> each of these operations to complete (object log will be fast 
>>>>>>>>>> and the backup will be fast, if the mfc tosses out the 
>>>>>>>>>> majority of your data) and it is likely that the repository 
>>>>>>>>>> will grow some more during the process (hard to predict this 
>>>>>>>>>> one, tho).
>>>>>>>>>> Step 1 will touch every session and every continuation so it 
>>>>>>>>>> is hard to say what percent of the objects are going to be 
>>>>>>>>>> touched (the expensive part), still there are likely to be a 
>>>>>>>>>> lot of those puppies and they will have to be read from disk 
>>>>>>>>>> into the SPC ...
>>>>>>>>>> Step 3. is going scan all of the live objects and again it 
>>>>>>>>>> hard to predict exactly how expensive it will be ...
>>>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>>>> [1] 
>>>>>>>>>> http://downloads.gemtalksystems.com/docs/GemStone64/3.2.x/GS64-SysAdmin-3.2/GS64-SysAdmin-3.2.htm
>>>>>>>>>> [2] http://gemtalksystems.com/techsupport/resources/
>>>>>>>>>> On 3/25/15 10:18 AM, Lawrence Kellogg wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Dale,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the help. I’m a terrible system admin when it 
>>>>>>>>>>> comes to maintaining a system with one user, LOL.
>>>>>>>>>>> I’m not running the maintenance VM and I haven’t been doing 
>>>>>>>>>>> regular mark for collects.
>>>>>>>>>>> I’m trying to do a fullBackupTo: at the moment, well see if 
>>>>>>>>>>> I get through that. Should I have done a markForCollection 
>>>>>>>>>>> before the full backup?
>>>>>>>>>>> I’ll also try the ObjectLog trick.
>>>>>>>>>>> I guess I need to start from a fresh extent, as you said, 
>>>>>>>>>>> and the extent file will not shrink. I’m at 48% of my 
>>>>>>>>>>> available disk space but it does seem slower than usual.
>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>> Larry
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mar 25, 2015, at 12:58 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Lawrence,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you doing regular Mark for collects? Are you running 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the maintenance vm along with you seaside servers?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Seaside produces persistent garbage (persistent session 
>>>>>>>>>>>> state that eventually times out) when it processes requests 
>>>>>>>>>>>> so if you do not run the maintenance vm the sessions are 
>>>>>>>>>>>> not expired and if you do not run mfc regularly the expired 
>>>>>>>>>>>> sessions are not cleaned up ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Another source of growth could be the Object Log ... (use 
>>>>>>>>>>>> `ObjectLogEntry initalize` to efficiently reset the Object 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Log ... pay attention to the mispelling ... thats another 
>>>>>>>>>>>> story). If you are getting continuations saved to the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> object log, the stacks that are saved, can hang onto a lot 
>>>>>>>>>>>> of session state, that even though expired will not be 
>>>>>>>>>>>> garbage collected because of references from the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> continuation in the object log keep it alive ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> The best way to shrink your extent (once we understand why 
>>>>>>>>>>>> it is growing) is to do a backup and then restore into a 
>>>>>>>>>>>> virgin extent ($GEMSTONE/bin/extent0.seaside.dbf)...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 3/25/15 8:34 AM, Lawrence Kellogg via Glass wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well, Amazon sent me a note that they are having hardware 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> trouble on my instance, so they shut it down. It looks 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> like they’re threatening to take the thing offline 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> permanently so I’m trying to save my work with an AMI and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> move it somewhere else, if I have to.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I finally got Gemstone/Seaside back up and running and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> noticed these lines in the Seaside log file. These kind of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> messages go on once a day for weeks. Is this normal?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 03/07/2015 02:44:14 PM UTC ---
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Extent = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> !#dbf!/opt/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.1-x86_64.Linux/seaside/data/extent0.dbf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     has grown to 22528 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Repository has grown to 22528 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Extent = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> !#dbf!/opt/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.1-x86_64.Linux/seaside/data/extent0.dbf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     has grown to 22544 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Repository has grown to 22544 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 03/08/2015 03:31:45 PM UTC ---
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Extent = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> !#dbf!/opt/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.1-x86_64.Linux/seaside/data/extent0.dbf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     has grown to 22560 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Repository has grown to 22560 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Extent = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> !#dbf!/opt/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.1-x86_64.Linux/seaside/data/extent0.dbf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     has grown to 22576 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Repository has grown to 22576 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 03/10/2015 03:19:34 AM UTC ---
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Extent = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> !#dbf!/opt/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.1-x86_64.Linux/seaside/data/extent0.dbf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     has grown to 22592 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Repository has grown to 22592 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- 03/10/2015 03:46:39 PM UTC ---
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Extent = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> !#dbf!/opt/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.1-x86_64.Linux/seaside/data/extent0.dbf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     has grown to 22608 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Repository has grown to 22608 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Extent = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> !#dbf!/opt/gemstone/GemStone64Bit2.4.4.1-x86_64.Linux/seaside/data/extent0.dbf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>     has grown to 22624 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Repository has grown to 22624 megabytes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> My extent has now grown to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -rw------- 1 seasideuser seasideuser 23735566336 Mar 25 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 15:31 extent0.dbf
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don’t get a lot of traffic so I’m a little surprised at 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the growth. Should I try to shrink the extent?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I suppose I should also do a SystemRepository backup, if I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can remember the commands.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Larry
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