[Glass] Spring CampSmalltalk Vancouver Island

Sebastian Heidbrink via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Mar 31 09:36:17 PDT 2015

I am sorry this was a typo!

When: Saturday & Sunday April 25-26th

Location: Makerspace Nanaimo
2221 McGarrigle Rd


Hi Smalltalk enthusiasts!

Since Tim and I were already asked for a second CampSmalltalk this
spring we decided hold another camp in Nanaimo at the end of April.

Last Camp in Nanaimo was amazingly successful and everyone had much fun.
If you’re in the general pacific north-west region do consider coming along.

When: Friday & Saturday April 25-26th

Location: Makerspace Nanaimo
2221 McGarrigle Rd

their website:  makerspacenanaimo.org

Non! We have the Space all weekend long and do not need to leave the
place this time!

If you are interested in
... any kind of ScratchOnPI projects
... combining your Smalltalk project with any other peripheral device
... would like to try a different Smalltalk out
... just want to chat and meet old and new friends

....then this should be the perfect weekend to do this and come over to
Makerspace in Nanaimo.

Please contact us directly if you have questions regarding travel or
accomodationa. We got some valuable feedback from last CampSmalltalk's

Please let us also know if you’re interested.
Tim and Sebastian

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