[Glass] Migration of instances ...

itlists@schrievkrom.de via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu May 21 22:43:53 PDT 2015

manually this could be done via the following code - I assume (without
considering out of memory problems or stuff like this):

/* here is code to import my new class definitions and methods */

/* then a commit is done */

/* a new transaction is started */

allMyClasses do: [ :eachClass |
  | classHistory   |

  (classHistory := eachClass  classHistory) isNil ifFalse:[
  "the last element seems to be the current class"
    1 to: (classHistory size -1) do: [ :anIndex |
      (classHistory at: anIndex) migrateInstancesTo: eachClass

/* and again a commit */


Marten Feldtmann

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