[Glass] Encoding in Topaz files ...

James Foster via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri May 22 09:01:42 PDT 2015

Yes, Jade does some conversions in bringing strings from the server to the client. The best way to tell the internal GemStone representation is to keep as much of the evaluation on the server as possible. For example:
	myString class name
	(MyClass compiledMethodAt: #’mySelector’) sourceString class name
If you evaluate these then you will get a better idea of what is stored internally.

If you want to see the characters themselves, then you could convert them (again, on the server):
	myString asArray collect: [:each | each codePoint]

My understanding is that Dolphin’s support for Unicode is minimal so I’m somewhat constrained on how to show things in a Win32 environment.


> On May 22, 2015, at 8:14 AM, itlists at schrievkrom.de via Glass <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> I can now answer this question by myself - the source code is actually
> stored as instances of Unicode16 class in the database - and I guess,
> that jade is doing something like asString to convert it back to ANSI
> code page.
> Marten
> -- 
> Marten Feldtmann
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