[Glass] Exception stack and ajax [WAS] Re: Can't find Dale's seaside component for exploring Object Log
Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sat May 30 08:41:48 PDT 2015
On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 11:51 PM, Dale Henrichs <
dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Okay....
> In WARemoteDebuggingWalkbackErrorHandler>>open: there is a test for
> isXmlHttpRequest which is there to differentiate between html responses and
> AJAX responses IIRC and it responds with
> WAResponseGenerator>>internalError:...It looks to me like a continuation
> _is_ created and stored in the object log, but I take it you aren't
> necessarily interested in that route ...
YES, it IS stored in the object log, and I AM interested in that (on one
hand). So that I could "remote debug" when I can, but also I need a plain
dead string stack :)
> Sooo, I would say that you would want to customize
> WAResponseGenerator>>internalError: to include a stack trace in the
> response using GsProcess class>>stackReportToLevel: .... it's probably
> worth verifying that WAResponseGenerator>>internalError: is the one
> generating the response, but reading the code it looks like it's the one
> that must be doing that ... You might want to return a structured response
> so that you client could produce a bit better output or even display the
> error and stack to the user in some form...
Well, maybe I do not need to show it to the user. But I need this: The user
can call me and tell me: "mariano, I have an error at 19:45 and I was doing
X". Could you check? Sometimes (for another topic I can remote debug) so I
want to be able to get both: 1) cotinuation stored in the object log so
that I can use the WAObjectLog 2) get the plain string stack written in
the gem text log.
I am already getting 1) but not 2)
Presenting the error to the user could even be a 3) if you want. Of course
it would be nice, but at least with 2) I am fine.
> Dale
> On 5/29/15 5:53 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 9:19 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <
> glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> Let's see, GsProcess class>>stackReportToLevel: is the message used to
>> dump the error to the gem log and you could add that to the console message.
>> You could also arrange to log the error and stack by arranging to call
>> GRGemStonePlatform>>logError:title:shouldCommit: and the stack would be
>> logged to the gem log and the object log (presumably shouldCommit: should
>> be false as you want to let the final commit before the response is called
>> to do the work)...
>> Then you'd have things covered three ways ...
>> I also thought that the standard continuation error handling logic was
>> triggered by ajax errors and continuations were snapped of for those errors
>> as well ... but I don't see a sender for ajaxErrorHandler in my Seaside
>> image, so perhaps that call is made instead of the call to the standard
>> handler?
> Dale,
> #ajaxErrorHandler is my own method (well, shared by Paul and I improved
> it a bit). The sender of this method is part of my root/main application
> component and does:
> html document
> addLoadScript:
> (html jQuery document
> onAjaxError: (self ajaxErrorHandler
> asFunction: #('event' 'jqxhr' 'settings' 'exception'))).
> I just tried by commenting those lines, and I see not difference in
> gemstone. I mean, I get the exception if I go to "DEbug" -> "Remote
> Debugging" in GemTools. In addition, with the WAObjectLog I do see the
> "resumable exception" and I can indeed see the "messageText" of the
> exception.
> What I have no way to get is the full stack string (no matter if I set
> or not my ajax error handler) without having to remote debug. I mean...I
> need to get the full stack string without needing GemTools or similar.
> Note that the #ajaxErrorHandler is at client side from what I can see
> so I am not sure how can I include there what you suggest
> (#stackReportToLevel: and logError:title:shouldCommit: )
> I guess I am missing something...
> Thanks in advance!
>> Dale
>> On 5/29/15 4:49 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
>> BTW...let me ask something... In my seaside app, I have the remote
>> debug error handler. So if I have an exception that is not cached anyway, I
>> get to the nice seaside walkback with the typical buttons to remote debug,
>> full stack etc. The problem I am having now is if the error happens as part
>> of an ajax callback. In my case, I have an ajax error handler (pasted
>> below). I get the browser popup saying "the program just broke" and
>> everything. But I don't know how I can get the full stack of the error.
>> Imagine the final user using the app. He receives such a popup. Now, me, as
>> developer, how can I see the stacktrace of that error? My gemstone logs
>> show nothing. The user has no way to click or copy paste the stack to send
>> it to me.
>> Thanks in advance (this was the original purpose of why I wanted to
>> explore the object log).
>> ajaxErrorHandler
>> ^ ' if (jqxhr.status == 403) {
>> alert("For security reasons we sign people out during periods
>> of inactivity. Please sign in again.");
>> window.location.href =
>> settings.url.split("?")[0].replace("help","");
>> } else {
>> // This is on purpose because sometimes with TinyMCE we would get
>> status 0 and empty error...when there was no error
>> // The reason is explained in:
>> http://bartwullems.blogspot.com.ar/2012/02/ajax-request-returns-status-0.html
>> if (jqxhr.readyState == 0 || jqxhr.status == 0) {
>> return; //Skip this error
>> };
>> // Lets write to console all error info possbile
>> var requestResponse = {
>> url: settings.url,
>> method: settings.type,
>> data: settings.data,
>> httpStatus: jqxhr.status,
>> error: exception || jqxhr.statusText,
>> data: settings.data
>> };
>> console.error(requestResponse);
>> alert("This program just broke. You can either try again,
>> sign out and sign in and try again, or contact us about error: " +
>> exception);
>> }'
>> Sebastian
>>> On 2015-05-29 2:16 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 5:53 PM, Sebastian Heidbrink <
>>> sebastian_heidbrink at yahoo.de> wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> I am not 100% sure if this is what you are looking for, but it might
>>>> include stuff related to this.
>>>> http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/Naviode.html
>>> THanks Sebastian, but it's not that one. The one I am talking about is
>>> a very simply seaside app you can register and allows you to browse in a
>>> kind of html table the entries of the object log. The app is also
>>> pass-protected.
>>> Thanks anyway
>>>> Sebastian
>>>> Am 29.05.2015 um 13:40 schrieb Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass:
>>>> Do you remember where is it? (the blog post)
>>>> thanks in advance,
>>>> --
>>>> Mariano
>>>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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>>> Mariano
>>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
>> --
>> Mariano
>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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