[Glass] Early access update: PR #13

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Nov 5 12:11:19 PST 2015


I would like you to check the source in 
MetacelloToolBox>>baselineNamed:. It should look like the following:

baselineNamed: baseName
   | baselineName |
   "Check if the class does not exist"
   baselineName := self baselineNameFrom: baseName.
   (Smalltalk includesKey: baselineName asSymbol)
     ifFalse: [
       "Create the configuration class"
       self ensureMetacello.
         subclass: baselineName asSymbol
         instanceVariableNames: ''
         classVariableNames: ''
         poolDictionaries: ''
         category: baselineName.
       MetacelloPlatform current registerPackageNamed: baselineName.
       (MetacelloPlatform current globalNamed: baselineName asSymbol)
         compile: 'baseline: spec <baseline>'
         classified: 'baseline'    "a bit of a hack here to create an 
initial null basline method" ].
   project := (MetacelloPlatform current globalNamed: baselineName asSymbol)

Note the #compile:classified: method when the class is being created ... 
if you don't have that code in you image, then you haven't updated to 
the latest version of Metacello:

   updateGsDevKit -s

and then in the tODE shell of your stone:

   project load Tode

which should refresh tODE as well as the Metacello and GLASS1 (see the 
"Update Script for Client/Server and Server" section of the EA #15[1]).

If you have that code, then it's back to the drawing board ... BTW I'm 
bullet-proofing the `project new` command and adding a --force option 
that should do some self cleaning in the event of errors ...


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/pull/15

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