[Glass] gsDevKitHome -----> GsDevKit_home

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Oct 12 21:32:49 PDT 2015

The deeds have been done:

   gsDevKtHome v0.0.4 - marks commit formerly known as "master branch"
   gsDevKitHome v0.1.0 - marks commit formerly known as "dev branch"

   tODE v0.0.4 - marks commit used by gsDevKitHome v0.0.4
   tODE v0.1.0 - marks commit used by gsDevKitHome v0.1.0

   tODE v0.2.0 - marks first commit that will be used by GsDevKit_home.

Pull Request #222[1] describes the work done between tODE v0.1.0 and v0.2.0.

I've got a little more work to do in GsDevKit_home ... main task is 
porting the gsDevKitHome tests to GsDevKit_home, then I'll be ready for 


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/pull/222
On 10/11/15 8:15 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
> I've been hinting at the imminent release of GsDevKit_home (and tODE) 
> for a couple of weeks now and while I'm not quite ready to pull the 
> trigger on the release, I _am_ getting very close to looking for some 
> early adopters who are willing to take GsDevKit_home for a spin.
> Buuut before I do that I want to button up GsDevKitHome and tODE for 
> those of you who are using both the master branch and dev branch of 
> GsDevKitHome so that I can start publishing the latest releases for 
> tODE on the master branch.
> My plan is to merge the gsDevKitHome and tODE dev branches into the 
> respective master branches without disturbing those of you using the 
> dev and master branches of gsDevKitHome. In order to do that I need 
> you to change the definition of the project entry in your stones. I've 
> included instructions for updating the project entries at the bottom 
> of this message. If you are not in the habit of updating to the latest 
> version of gsDevKitHome and tODE, then you shouldn't have to do 
> anything special - although to be safe it wouldn't hurt for you to 
> change the project entry anyway.
> If you have local clones of the tODE project, then the next time you 
> do a `git pull` from github, you will want to use either the tag 
> v0.0.4 for master branch users or the tag v0.1.0-dev (or v0.1.0 after 
> I finish merge) for dev branch users.
> It is worth noting that the new GsDevKit_home will give you several 
> options for accommodating stones created with gsDevKitHome (both 
> master and dev branches) so that you can start using GsDevKit_home 
> while continuing to use and manage the older stones.
> I plan to do a bit more testing tomorrow (Monday) and do the 
> GsDevKitHome and tODE merges when things look clean.
> If you have any conerns, let me know ASAP ...
> Dale
> Tode project entry update instructions
> --------------------------------
> To edit the Tode project entry bring up a `project list`, select the 
> `Tode` project, then select the "Browse  >> project entry" menu item. 
> After pasting in the correct code, use the "accept" menu item to save 
> your changes to disk.
> Project entry, if you are on the master branch:
>   | project |
>   project := TDProjectSpecEntryDefinition new
>     baseline: 'Tode'
>       repository: 'github://dalehenrich/tode:v0.0.4/repository'
>       loads: 'GemStone Dev';
>     status: #(#'active');
>     yourself.
>   ^ project
> Project entry, if you are on the dev branch:
>   | project |
>   project := TDProjectSpecEntryDefinition new
>     baseline: 'Tode'
>       repository: 'github://dalehenrich/tode:v0.1.?/repository'
>       loads: 'GemStone Dev';
>     status: #(#'inactive');
>     locked: true;
>     yourself.
>   ^ project
> If you are on the dev branch and the Tode project entry is locked (it 
> is by default), then you will need to unregister the project ("Project 
> >> unregister") before loading for the new project entry to take 
> effect (I've got to fix this bug:)

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