[Glass] gsDevKit / tode first time setup

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Oct 20 23:48:14 PDT 2015

If you've still got the debugger window open, I need to see the context 
for frame 5 ... select frame 5 and then "Window > print window" in the 
context window (pane/window below the stack window)... for frames 12 and 
13, I'd like to see (self): click on the frame in the stack window, then 
click on (self) in the context window and then "Window > print window"

and then we'll go from there ...

re: learning curve ... haha yeah it is a bit different than your 
father's Smalltalk dev environment ... I'm curious about any aha moments 
you might have, including the oh crap ones too --- they are be worth 
sharing ... I've used tODE too long and went through a different 
learning curve (no menus and only shortcut keys in the very beginning) ...


On 10/20/2015 11:14 PM, Jon Paynter wrote:
> ... this tode client has a bit of a learning curve.
> here is the stack dump
> aTDDebugger
> --------------------
> 1. ArgumentError(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @5 line 25
> 2. ArgumentError(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
> 3. Dictionary(Object)>>_error: @13 line 7
> 4. Dictionary(AbstractDictionary)>>errorNilKey @2 line 5
> 5. Dictionary>>at:put: @3 line 9
> 6. MetacelloRepositoriesSpec(MetacelloMemberListSpec)>>mapAdd:into: @4 
> line 3
> 7. [] in MetacelloRepositoriesSpec(MetacelloMemberListSpec)>>map @2 line 8
> 8. MetacelloAddMemberSpec>>applyAdd:copy:merge:remove: @2 line 3
> 9. [] in MetacelloRepositoriesSpec(MetacelloMemberListSpec)>>map @2 line 8
> 10. OrderedCollection(Collection)>>do: @5 line 10
> 11. MetacelloRepositoriesSpec(MetacelloMemberListSpec)>>map @7 line 6
> 12. 
> MetacelloMCBaselineOfProjectSpec(MetacelloGenericProjectSpec)>>repositorySpecs 
> @5 line 3
> 13. 
> TDMetacelloUnloadedProjectRegistrationDefinition(TDMetacelloProjectRegistrationDefinition)>>repositorySpecs 
> @3 line 2
> 14. 
> TDMetacelloUnloadedProjectRegistrationDefinition(TDMetacelloProjectRegistrationDefinition)>>repositorySpec 
> @2 line 3
> 15. 
> TDMetacelloUnloadedProjectRegistrationDefinition(TDMetacelloProjectRegistrationDefinition)>>hasFileTreeRepo 
> @2 line 2
> 16. 
> TDMetacelloUnloadedProjectRegistrationDefinition(TDMetacelloProjectRegistrationDefinition)>>hasGitRepository 
> @2 line 2
> 17. 
> TDMetacelloUnloadedProjectRegistrationDefinition(TDAbstractProjectRegistrationDefinition)>>isGitDirty 
> @2 line 2
> 18. TDMetacelloUnloadedProjectRegistrationDefinition>>isDirty @3 line 2
> 19. [] in ExecBlock2(TDMetacelloTool)>>sortRegistrationList: @30 line 17
> 20. Array(SequenceableCollection)>>mergeFirst:middle:last:into:by: @15 
> line 14
> 21. Array(SequenceableCollection)>>mergeSortFrom:to:src:dst:by: @11 
> line 10
> 22. Array(SequenceableCollection)>>mergeSortFrom:to:src:dst:by: @10 line 9
> 23. Array(SequenceableCollection)>>mergeSortFrom:to:src:dst:by: @8 line 8
> 24. Array(SequenceableCollection)>>mergeSortFrom:to:src:dst:by: @10 line 9
> 25. Array(SequenceableCollection)>>mergeSortFrom:to:by: @12 line 18
> 26. Array(SequenceableCollection)>>sort: @3 line 6
> 27. TDMetacelloTool>>sortRegistrationList: @2 line 8
> 28. TDMetacelloTool>>projectRegistrationDefinitionList @6 line 4
> 29. [] in TDMetacelloTool>>projectlist @2 line 13
> 30. TDMetacelloProjectBrowser>>clientList:listElement: @3 line 4
> 31. [] in 
> TDMetacelloProjectBrowser(TDAbstractToolBuilder)>>clientListBlock @2 
> line 2
> 32. TDMiniToolSpec>>clientList:listElement: @4 line 3
> 33. TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder>>clientList: @3 line 2
> 34. 
> TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder(TDClientListElementBuilder)>>firstList: 
> @2 line 2
> 35. 
> TDMiniToolClientListElementBuilder(TDClientListElementBuilder)>>buildClientElementUsing:editorAspect: 
> @19 line 15
> 36. [] in ExecBlock2(TDTopezServer)>>clientElementFor:using: @4 line 9
> 37. [] in TDTopezServer>>editorNodeFor:aspect:do: @8 line 9
> 38. [] in ExecBlock1(TDTopezServer)>>editorNodeClassNameFor:aspect:do: 
> @5 line 10
> 39. TDTopezServer>>lookupClassNameFor:aspect:defaultAspect:in:do: @24 
> line 28
> 40. TDTopezServer>>editorNodeClassNameFor:aspect:do: @5 line 3
> 41. TDTopezServer>>editorNodeFor:aspect:do: @2 line 3
> 42. TDTopezServer>>clientElementFor:using: @3 line 4
> 43. TDTopezServer>>edit:using: @2 line 3
> 44. TDMetacelloProjectBrowser(Object)>>editUsing: @4 line 3
> 45. TDMetacelloProjectBrowser(TDAbstractToolBuilder)>>open @3 line 2
> 46. [] in TDMetacelloTool>>projectlist @8 line 35
> 47. Dictionary(AbstractDictionary)>>at:ifPresent:ifAbsent: @3 line 5
> 48. TDMetacelloTool>>projectlist @4 line 27
> 49. TDMetacelloTool class(TDAbstractDevTool 
> class)>>performSubCommand:objIn:commandOptions:todeCommand: @23 line 22
> 50. [] in TDMetacelloTool class>>project @2 line 5
> 51. TDMetacelloTool class(ExecBlock)>>cull:cull:cull:cull: @7 line 4
> 52. TDTopezServer>>evaluateCommand:objIn: @18 line 22
> 53. TDTopezServer>>evaluateSTONCommand: @9 line 6
> 54. Executed Code
> 55. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 12:10 PM, Dale Henrichs 
> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>     On 10/19/2015 10:13 PM, Jon Paynter wrote:
>         ok I got the session properties updated on the client  - I
>         changed "seaside_ldi" to "netldi"
>         and now i can log in.
>         I opened the project list, but when poking around in the menus
>         to try and create a new project, something broke and now I get
>         a dictionary error "attempt to store nil as a key"
>         restarting the tode client doesnt seem to rollback whatever
>         changes were made, so now the project list is broken.
>         not sure how to get a stack dump or I would include one here.
>     Presumably you are getting a dialog box with the error in it and
>     three buttons labeled "Proceed" "Abort" "Debug" ... if so press
>     the "Debug" button and a debugger should open go to the window
>     that looks like a stack trace and us the "Window > print window"
>     menu item to get a text version of the window (this is available
>     on every tODE window except the console) copy the stack text and
>     past that in a mail image so I can look at the stack trace ...
>     If you are not getting a dialog, then describe how you are being
>     presented with the "attempt to store nil as a key" message and
>     we'll go from there...
>     Dale

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