[Glass] Git based repositories (package-cache) problem when moving extent to another stone
Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Oct 26 17:09:35 PDT 2015
On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 7:58 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> On 10/26/2015 03:03 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
>> Dale,
>> I am finding problems with git-based repositories. Basically, let's say I
>> load some stuff from git under the stone called 3.2.9. Then I copy the
>> extent and I restore such a extent in another stone, called 'otherStone'.
> What scripts steps do you use when you"copy and restore in another stone"
> ....
I do a snapshot with tODE then a cp of the extent.
>> I now try to update code in my 'otherStone' and I get an exception while
>> loading Seaside from metacello. The problem ends up being that in fact it
>> is trying to get the stuff from here:
>> '/opt/gemstoneAdditions/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/gs_329/logs/github-cache/GsDevKit/Seaside31/v3.1.4.2-gs/GsDevKit-Seaside31-55f1bac/repository'
> Ah okay ... I've been working with local clones of all of the projects
> (the mode that I think everyone should follow) ... the problem you are
> seeing has to do with using github:// repositories ... git repositories use
> filetree:// and the expectation is that you are moving extents within the
> same $GS_HOME environment ... nonetheless this should work ...
Yes, the problem I found is when using github repos, not filetree (at least
the error I had), and yes, using same $GS_HOME.
>> All those files have a different OS owner and file permissiones etc etc.
>> Of course, if I remove
>> /opt/gemstoneAdditions/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/gs_329/logs/github-cache
>> it suddenly starts to work in 'otherStone'.
> This seems to be a bug in MCGitHubRepository ... specifically
> MCGitHubRepository class>>resetCacheDirectoryIfInvalid will reset the
> CacheDirectory if it's no longer "valid" but it's test for "valid" is that
> the directory exists ... it should also worry about permissions ... I guess
> ... alternatively I could catch an error on access and reset the
> CacheDirectory and try again ... I don't know if there is platform
> independent protocol in Metacello for doing permission testing ... no quick
> fix there, I think ....
Yes, that's exactly the point. In my case, the 'another' stone runs with a
different OS user and hence there is a permission issue at file system
> In the mean time, you can clear the cache directory manually:
> MCGitHubRepository cacheDirectory: nil.
> If you are using $GS_HOME/bin/newExtent or $GS_HOME/bin/createStone with
> the `-t` option (which you should be), then newExtent ends up running the
> `rebuildServerTode` script:
> $GS_HOME/bin/todeIt $stoneName "script --script=rebuildServerTode"
> which itself runs $GS_HOME/sys/local/client/tode-scripts/rebuildSys ...
> whose job is to do things like make sure that the freshly copied extent is
> adapted correctly to it's new environment so I think that adding this line
> to the script would be correct:
> eval `MCGitHubRepository cacheDirectory: nil`
Thanks. I just tried it but it seems it is not yet enough. Look at the
exception I get:
@31 line 39a GoferRepositoryError occurred (error 2710), a
ImproperOperation occurred (error 2085), Expected nil to be a Boolean./
. -> a GoferRepositoryError occurred (error 2710), a
ImproperOperation occurred (error 2085), Expected nil to be a Boolean.
.. -> aMetacelloEnsureFetchingMCSpecLoader(explicit load : 1.6
(class)@ -> GoferRepositoryError
(oop)@ -> 1767077889
currGsHandler@ -> nil
gsArgs@ -> nil
gsDetails@ -> 'a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2085), Expected nil
to be a Boolean.'
gsNumber@ -> 2710
gsReason@ -> nil
gsResumable@ -> false
gsStack@ -> nil
gsTrappable@ -> true
messageText@ -> 'a GoferRepositoryError occurred (error 2710), a
ImproperOperation occurred (error 2085), Expected nil to be a Boolean.'
repository@ ->
tag@ -> nil
And when I inspect the 'repository' I get this:
@31 line 39a GoferRepositoryError occurred (error 2710), a
ImproperOperation occurred (error 2085), Expected nil to be a
. ->
.. -> a GoferRepositoryError occurred (error 2710), a
ImproperOperation occurred (error 2085), Expected nil to be a Boolean.
(class)@ -> MCGitHubRepository
(oop)@ -> 1226322689
(committed)@ -> true
cache@ -> nil
creationTemplate@ -> nil
directory@ -> aServerFileDirectory
projectPath@ -> 'GsDevKit/Seaside31'
projectVersion@ -> 'v3.1.4.2-gs'
projectVersionPattern@ -> '3.1.?'
readonly@ -> true
repoPath@ -> 'repository'
repositoryProperties@ -> aDictionary( 'packageExtension'->'.package',
storeDiffs@ -> nil
And as you can see the problematic is that 'directory' instVar. if I send
#pathName to it, I get:
I tried sending #flushCache to the repository instance, but not luck..the
'directory' instVar still there...
Note that #flushCache of github class DOES nil the 'directory' instVar.
However, this is funny:
MCGitHubRepository cacheDirectory: nil.
MCRepositoryGroup default repositoriesDo: [:rep | rep flushCache ].
MCRepositoryGroup default repositoriesDo: [:each | (each projectVersion =
'v3.1.4.1-gs') ifTrue: [Halt halt] ].
And then it halts... 'each' continues to have again the wrong value in
'directory'. Shouldn't this be nil? Of course I made sure the
#flushCache was really sent to the repository.
I don't get it.
> In fact, if you don't get there first, I'll submit a Metacello bug report,
> and then add this patch (along with a reference to the Metacello bug) to
> rebuildSys. I'm not planning a drop for a day or so, so if you want me to
> do the patch sooner, I can slipstream the patch into master and then
> create the bug and comment the patch with my next regular Early Access drop
> ...
> I might be inclined to think that patch actually belongs there ... when
> you move an extent ... all of the disk caches should be cleared ....
> Dale
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