[Glass] Git based repositories (package-cache) problem when moving extent to another stone

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Oct 27 17:46:09 PDT 2015

Okay ... I'll ship it! ... thx

On 10/27/15 4:00 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> Yes, it does work too.
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 6:48 PM, Dale Henrichs 
> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>     On 10/27/2015 01:35 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>>     On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 4:39 PM, Dale Henrichs
>>     <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
>>     <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>         On 10/27/2015 11:56 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>>>         On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Dale Henrichs
>>>         <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
>>>         <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>>             On 10/27/2015 10:50 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>>>>             Dale,
>>>>             While that more robust #exists does help in the sense
>>>>             that the user gets a much better error message, I think
>>>>             it's not enough.  So now I get this message:
>>>>             ...RETRY->BaselineOfSeaside3
>>>>             ...RETRY->BaselineOfSeaside3
>>>>             gofer repository error: 'GoferRepositoryError:
>>>>             UserDefinedError: Disk error:  for path:
>>>>             /opt/gemstoneAdditions/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/gs_329/logs/github-cache/GsDevKit/Seaside31/v3.1.4.2-gs/GsDevKit-Seaside31-55f1bac/repository'...ignoring
>>>>             ...FAILED->BaselineOfSeaside3
>>>             Right, but aren't we trying to figure out why the load
>>>             works when you remove the offending directory
>>>         Yes, my load works when we remove the offending directory.
>>>             but does not work when you explicitly set the cache
>>>             directory to nil:
>>>               MCGitHubRepository cacheDirectory: nil
>>>         Yes, this does not fix the problem. What I found out is that
>>>         besides that, I could do:
>>>         MCRepositoryGroup default repositoriesDo: [:rep | rep
>>>         flushCache ].
>>>         That WOULD have fixed my problem. However #flushCache fails
>>>         too because of the same error. So we are not even able to
>>>         #flushCahe with current code.
>>         Ah this is the piece that I was missing ... I had
>>         misunderstood that this did not work either ... and I thought
>>         you were trying to track down why this did not clear the
>>         cache ... but I understand now that when you run this code,
>>         you get a permissions related error and so you "cannot flush
>>         the caches"
>>     Yes. So there were 2 things. First, the  ` MCGitHubRepository
>>     cacheDirectory: nil` as not enough as I also needed to
>>     #flushCache instances.
>>     Second, was that I was not even able to flush caches because of
>>     permissions related errors.
>>>             ... when an extent is copied to a different stone
>>>             directory there are potentially a number of places that
>>>             need to be fixed ... basically anywhere that is going to
>>>             look for things on disk ... the Smalltalk code that gets
>>>             executed by $GS_HOME/bin/newExtent currently cleans up
>>>             the tODE directory dependencies and it should also reset
>>>             the github-cache directory (whether or not errors are
>>>             going to be thrown because of permission errors)...
>>>             The
>>>             $GS_HOME/sys/{default|local}/client/tode-scripts/rebuildSys
>>>             script is intended to clean up these directory/stone
>>>             dependencies for tODE and GLASS and you are expected to
>>>             override with application-specific clean up code ....
>>>             Soooo is the above error happening before or after you
>>>             have cleared MCGitHubRepository class>>cacheDirectory?
>>>         After. It has no effect for me running such code.
>>>             I am under the impression that:
>>>               MCGitHubRepository cacheDirectory: nil
>>>             isn't working for you ... am I missing something?
>>>         You are not missing anything. That is not working for me and
>>>         I don't understand why it would. I am under the impression
>>>         that I would also need:
>>>         MCRepositoryGroup default repositoriesDo: [:rep | rep
>>>         flushCache ].
>>>         No?
>>>>             But my code still fail to load. There are a couple of
>>>>             places that should be changed. Search for the string
>>>>             "*MCFileTreeFileUtils current directoryExists:*"
>>>>             And you will find
>>>>             --------------------
>>>>             MCGitHubRepository class>>resetCacheDirectoryIfInvalid
>>>>              MCGitBasedNetworkRepository>>directory
>>>>              MCGitBasedNetworkRepository
>>>>             class>>resetCacheDirectoryIfInvalid
>>>>             MCFileTreeRepository>>flushCache
>>>>             I think those guys should handle the error and on
>>>>             error, the flush or reset anyway. To avoid this (adding
>>>>             error handling in all those places), I suggested adding:
>>>>             MCFileTreeFileDirectoryUtils class >>
>>>>             directoryExistsAndValid: aDirectory
>>>>               ^ aDirectory exists on: Error do: [  false ]
>>>>             And so, the above 4 methods should actually send
>>>>             #directoryExistsAndValid:  rather than #directoryExists
>>>             I'm not sure that I want to try to bullet-proof this
>>>             chunk of code ... I am worried about what happens if you
>>>             don't have write permission in the first place or the
>>>             disk is full or ???? there are too many possible error
>>>             conditions that will either continue to fail or may mask
>>>             the original problem if we just handle the errors ...
>>>             Besides it seems to me that the problem here is that
>>>             MCGitBasedNetworkRepository
>>>             class>>resetCacheDirectoryIfInvalid (which sets the
>>>             cacheDirectory nil) won't work because if I understand
>>>             things correctly `MCGitHubRepository cacheDirectory:
>>>             nil` doesn't work ... or am I missing something here ....
>>>         Problem is that even if I do  `MCGitHubRepository
>>>         cacheDirectory: nil`  the MCGitHubRepository instances still
>>>         have the offending directory as part of the instvar
>>>         'directory' and so the MC load fails. That's why I think I
>>>         need this code:
>>>         MCRepositoryGroup default repositoriesDo: [:rep | rep
>>>         flushCache ].
>>>         Which effectively clears the 'directory' from
>>>         the MCGitHubRepository instances. But..guess what? I cannot
>>>         flush, because:
>>>         *MCGitBasedNetworkRepository >> flushCache*
>>>           "the directory acts like a cache since we download the
>>>         directory from a git-based repository (github, bitbucket, etc.)"
>>>         *  super flushCache.*
>>>           self class flushDownloadCache.
>>>         *  directory := nil*
>>>         that method calls super and so this is executed:
>>>         *MCFileTreeRepository >> flushCache*
>>>           "force properties to be reread ... if the directory
>>>         exists, otherwise let nature
>>>            take it's course"
>>>           super flushCache.
>>>           directory
>>>             ifNotNil: [
>>>         *(MCFileTreeFileUtils current directoryExists: directory)  
>>>         ->>> this will throw error now*
>>>                 ifTrue: [
>>>         repositoryProperties := nil.
>>>                   self repositoryProperties ] ]
>>>         So...to conclude, THIS piece of code does seem to workaround
>>>         my problem:
>>>         /MCGitHubRepository cacheDirectory: nil./
>>>         /System commit. /
>>>         /MCGitBasedNetworkRepository allSubInstances do: [ :rep | /
>>>         /      " cannot send #directory: becaue it really expects a
>>>         directory instance. /
>>>         /      By puttin a nil in 'directory' we are able to run
>>>         #flushCache. See MCFileTreeRepository >> flushCache.  for
>>>         more details** "/
>>>         /      rep instVarNamed: 'directory' put: nil./
>>>         /      rep flushCache ]./
>>>         /System commit. /
>>         I didn't realize the bit about "would work except for error" ...
>>         No I have a good picture and I do think that
>>         MCFileTreeRepository >> flushCache can and should be fixed[1]
>>         ... we should be able to unconditionally clear the cache in
>>         the fact of an error. Here's my proposed fix to
>>         MCGitBasedNetworkRepository >> flushCache from the bug report[1]:
>>         flushCache
>>           "the directory acts like a cache since we download the
>>         directory from a git-based repository (github, bitbucket, etc.)"
>>           [super flushCache] on: Error do: [:ignored | "perhaps dump
>>         something to Transcript?" ].
>>           self class flushDownloadCache.
>>           directory := nil
>>     Yes, I would dump the error into the transcript.
>     Okay here's a modified patch:
>     flushCache
>       "the directory acts like a cache since we download the directory
>     from a git-based repository (github, bitbucket, etc.)"
>       [ super flushCache ]
>         on: Error
>         do: [ :ex |
>           Transcript
>             cr;
>             show:
>                 'Error for: ' , self description printString , '
>     during flushCache: '
>                     , ex description printString ].
>       self class flushDownloadCache.
>       directory := nil
>     Could you test this one as well? ... There is still some exposure
>     to permission errors for the superclass (MCFileTreeRepository),
>     but in this case we're not dealing with a cache but the repo
>     itself ... which is more serious and not really repairable by an
>     automatic method ... there is a `project rehome` command that
>     let's you point a different fileTree repo and that should be the
>     solution for this particular case ...
>     I'll start the process of pushing this fix to Metacello ...
>     Dale
> -- 
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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