[Glass] Mixing Unicode and String instances in Indexes [WAS] Re: Further commits have been disabled for this session because: 'CorruptObj error'. This session must logout.

Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Oct 28 10:48:30 PDT 2015

On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 2:32 PM, Dale Henrichs <
dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> I guess the exact unicode error message would be a starting point ...
Hi Dale,

Ok, I opened a new thread, as you asked.
OK I will try to recover it (I must recover from backup so give me a few).

> This whole thread started because we had a bug that would throw a
> corruptObj message when invalid unicode was fed to a unicode primitive ...
> that bug was fixed in 3.2.2 or so ...
> So this corruptObj message is occuring for a different reason altogether
> ...
> In general you should not have to rebuild indexes across upgrade
> boundaries (unless we document that you have to) ....
> While it is good to know that a rebuild of indexes fixed you problem,. I
> am still interested in understanding what caused the error in the first
> place, since it may actually be another bug ...
Dale, a few things:

1) The original stack / code that triggered the real error was NEVER show
anywhere. From the "button" I clicked in my app, which caused the problem,
I can tell you 99% that the error ocurred when I performed a query using
the special syntax ( {   }  ) for accessing an index of a collection.
The fact of not seeing the REAL stack, WAS a problem.

2) From what I understand, I DID have to rebuild my indexes because in the
documentation it said that instances of Unicode7 cannot coexist together
with isntance of String in the same index. Let's say I have an index on a
instVar called 'tickerSymbol' of class XXX. I had a RcIdentitySet with
instances of XXX in which some instances have a String instance in
'tickerSymbol' and others had a Unicode7 as instance. (why?  no clue...).
In the documentation I read this was not possible anymore and if this were
the case I would need to create a Unicode-kind of index. And that's what I
did and what it worked.

I think the bug (if it IS a bug..and if it is reproducible) should be very
easy to reproduce with tODE and gsDevKit

1) create stone called gs_3106
2) Create dummy ClassWithIndex with instVar 'instVarWithIndex'.
3) Create a equality index over instVar 'instVarWithIndex' with path
element class String (old API since we are in
4) Store in #myUserGlobals a RcIdentityBag with 2 instances of
ClassWithIndex, one with a String in 'instVarWithIndex' and one with a
Unicode7 instance.
5) Use `upgradeStone` (forcing a target 3.2.9 stone called gs_329) to
upgrade from gs_3106 to gs_329
6) Make a #select: { } using 'instVarWithIndex' in the RcIdentityBag stored
in the userglobals.

I am leaving early today, but I can give it a try to see if I can reproduce


> Dale
> On 10/28/2015 09:41 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> Sure, I can start a new thread. But what else could I provided you in
> order to get to the bottom of this?
> The only thing I did not mention in my email is the exact unicode error
> message when checking the health of the indexes.
> What else could help?
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 1:34 PM, Dale Henrichs <
> dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> Mariano,
>> I would like to understand this a bit more - the corruptObj error in this
>> original message should not be the source of the corruptObj in this case,
>> because we believe that we have fixed that bug
>> I'd like to get to the bottom of this (perhaps a different email thread,
>> since at the moment I don't think they share the same root cause ...
>> Dale
>> On 10/28/2015 06:30 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>> Just for the record in case someone finds a similar problem. I was also
>> getting the error
>> *"a TransactionError occurred (error 2249), Further commits have been disabled for
>> this session because: 'CorruptObj error'. This session must logout."*
>> I got this error in a stone that I just migrated frlom to 3.2.9.
>> The stack was not showing the real error, but something like this:
>> ----------- Internal FASTCGI ERROR Encountered:
>> 2015-10-28T09:05:03.8873279094696-04:00
>> a TransactionError occurred (error 2249), Further commits have been
>> disabled for this session because: 'CorruptObj error'. This session must
>> logout.
>> 1 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title:shouldCommit: @2 line 4
>>  [GsNMethod 32628056833]
>> 2 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title: @2 line 3  [GsNMethod 32628060929]
>> 3 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> internalServerErrorMessage: @20 line 14  [GsNMethod
>> 35365869057]
>> 4 [] in  ExecBlock1 (GRGemStonePlatform) >>
>> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: @4 line 15  [GsNMethod
>> 34982101505]
>> 5 TransactionError (AbstractException) >> _executeOuterHandler: @3 line 7
>>  [GsNMethod 26844481025]
>> 6 TransactionError (AbstractException) >> _pass:with: @4 line 13
>>  [GsNMethod 26844477953]
>> 7 TransactionError (AbstractException) >> pass @2 line 14  [GsNMethod
>> 26844477185]
>> 8 [] in  ExecBlock1 (System class) >> _localCommit: @2 line 34
>>  [GsNMethod 27208227073]
>> 9 TransactionError (AbstractException) >> _executeHandler: @3 line 8
>>  [GsNMethod 26844481537]
>> 10 TransactionError (AbstractException) >> _signalFromPrimitive: @1 line
>> 1  [GsNMethod 26844471553]
>> 11 System class >> _primitiveCommit: @1 line 1  [GsNMethod 26844868097]
>> 12 System class >> __commit: @2 line 8  [GsNMethod 26844854785]
>> 13 [] in  ExecBlock0 (System class) >> _localCommit: @2 line 30
>>  [GsNMethod 27208227329]
>> 14 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> onException:do: @2 line 66  [GsNMethod
>> 26843884289]
>> 15 System class >> _localCommit: @8 line 31  [GsNMethod 26844855041]
>> 16 SessionMethodTransactionBoundaryPolicy
>> (TransactionBoundaryDefaultPolicy) >> commit: @2 line 3  [GsNMethod
>> 27996333825]
>> 17 System class >> _commit: @7 line 16  [GsNMethod 26844855297]
>> 18 System class >> commitTransaction @5 line 7  [GsNMethod 26844864257]
>> 19 System class >> _commitPrintingDiagnostics @2 line 8  [GsNMethod
>> 26844773377]
>> 20 SystemCommitTransaction >> defaultAction @2 line 3  [GsNMethod
>> 32628044801]
>> 21 SystemCommitTransaction (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @5 line 25
>>  [GsNMethod 26844482049]
>> 22 SystemCommitTransaction class (AbstractException class) >> signal @3
>> line 5  [GsNMethod 26844463873]
>> 23 GRGemStonePlatform >> doCommitTransaction @4 line 3  [GsNMethod
>> 32628057857]
>> 24 [] in  ExecBlock0 (GRGemStonePlatform) >>
>> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: @24 line 32  [GsNMethod
>> 34982100993]
>> 25 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12  [GsNMethod 26843897345]
>> 26 TransientRecursionLock >> critical: @11 line 12  [GsNMethod
>> 34929957889]
>> 27 GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: @3
>> line 6  [GsNMethod 34965516033]
>> 28 [] in  ExecBlock1 (GRGemStonePlatform) >>
>> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: @2 line 6  [GsNMethod
>> 34997412097]
>> 29 Array (Collection) >> do: @5 line 10  [GsNMethod 26844013569]
>> 30 [] in  ExecBlock0 (GRGemStonePlatform) >>
>> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: @3 line 5  [GsNMethod
>> 34982101761]
>> 31 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 26843883521]
>> 32 GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: @2
>> line 12  [GsNMethod 34965516289]
>> 33 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> process: @3 line 4  [GsNMethod 35365868545]
>> 34 [] in  ExecBlock0 (WAFastCGIAdaptor) >> answerResponderRole: @2 line 4
>>  [GsNMethod 35391972609]
>> 35 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 26843883521]
>> 36 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> answerResponderRole: @2 line 5  [GsNMethod
>> 35365870337]
>> 37 FSResponderRole >> answer @3 line 4  [GsNMethod 35366788609]
>> 38 FSResponderRole (FSRole) >> handleConnection @3 line 5  [GsNMethod
>> 35366808065]
>> 39 FSConnection >> unsafeServe @5 line 8  [GsNMethod 35366100481]
>> 40 [] in  ExecBlock0 (FSConnection) >> safeServe @2 line 8  [GsNMethod
>> 35409050625]
>> 41 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 26843883521]
>> 42 [] in  ExecBlock0 (FSConnection) >> safeServe @2 line 9  [GsNMethod
>> 35403513089]
>> 43 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 26843883521]
>> 44 [] in  ExecBlock0 (FSConnection) >> safeServe @2 line 12  [GsNMethod
>> 35392137217]
>> 45 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12  [GsNMethod 26843897345]
>> 46 FSConnection >> safeServe @2 line 15  [GsNMethod 35366102529]
>> 47 FSConnection >> serve @2 line 4  [GsNMethod 35366102017]
>> 48 [] in  ExecBlock (FSSocketServer) >> listen: @3 line 15  [GsNMethod
>> 35392254721]
>> 49 GsProcess >> _start @7 line 16  [GsNMethod 26844511489]
>> 50 <Reenter marker>
>> The corrupt thingy made me think in running an audit in the indexes since
>> I knew they changed in 3.2.9. I executed this code that I normally run to
>> check indexes health:
>> | collectionsWithBadIndexes |
>> IndexManager current removeAllIncompleteIndexes.
>> collectionsWithBadIndexes := IndexManager current nscsWithBadIndexes.
>> Transcript show: 'There are ' , collectionsWithBadIndexes size asString,
>> ' collections with bad indexes.'; cr.
>> Transcript show: 'The following are the OOPs of such collections: '.
>> collectionsWithBadIndexes do: [ :each | Transcript show: ' - ' , each
>> asOop asString.  ].
>> Transcript cr.
>> And that indeed triggered an error saying something about Unicode and
>> collector etc. So it was clearly the problem that I had an index mixing
>> plain strings and instances of Unicode* classes. So the fix was to rebuild
>> the indexes (first removing all of them via `IndexManager current
>> removeAllTracking.`) and specifying a Unicode* as the `pathElementClass` or
>> using the new API for creating indexes and using the message for unicode
>> ones.
>> Best,
>> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Dale Henrichs <
>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
>> wrote:
>>> ... and it turns that the particular case that was causing the
>>> corruptObj error in produces an ArgumentError in 3.2 ... there are
>>> some paths in the 3.2 code base that could lead to corruptObj errors and
>>> THOSE will be fixed in 3.2.x. If we do a release, the bug will be
>>> fixed there. Right now there is no schedule for a release.
>>> Dale
>>> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Dale Henrichs <
>>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> ... and opened a GemStone Seaside3.1 issue[1]...
>>>> Dale
>>>> [1]  <https://github.com/glassdb/Seaside31/issues/20>
>>>> https://github.com/glassdb/Seaside31/issues/20
>>>> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Dale Henrichs <
>>>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I forgot to mention that internally we are tracking this as
>>>>> bug 44291...
>>>>> Dale
>>>>> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Dale Henrichs <
>>>>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Okay, I've talked to engineering and they agree that the corruptObj
>>>>>> error in this case is too extreme. We are in the final stages of a 3.2.1
>>>>>> release, so it may be too late to include a fix in 3.2.1, but it will most
>>>>>> likely be included in a 3.2.2, but we don't have a schedule for that.
>>>>>> Until then I think that the following patch
>>>>>> to GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: is the
>>>>>> best we can do:
>>>>>>   ----- Method:
>>>>>> GRGemStonePlatform>>seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: (in category
>>>>>> '*seaside-gemstone-core') -----seasideProcessRequest: aNativeRequest
>>>>>> adaptor: adaptor resultBlock: resultBlock
>>>>>>     | result |
>>>>>>     [
>>>>>>     | retryCount result count |
>>>>>>     retryCount := self retryCount.
>>>>>>     count := 1.
>>>>>>     retryCount
>>>>>>       timesRepeat: [
>>>>>>         (result := self
>>>>>>           seasideProcessRequestWithRetry: aNativeRequest
>>>>>>           resultBlock: resultBlock) ~~ nil
>>>>>>           ifTrue: [ ^ result ].
>>>>>>         System _sessionCacheStatAt: 2 put: (System
>>>>>> _sessionCacheStatAt: 2) + 1. "requests retried"
>>>>>>         (Delay forMilliseconds: self retryDelay * count) wait.
>>>>>>         count := count * 10 ]. "exceeded retry limit"
>>>>>>     ^ adaptor
>>>>>>       internalServerErrorMessage:
>>>>>>         'Too many retries: ' , (retryCount + 1) printString ]
>>>>>>       on: Error
>>>>>>       do: [ :ex |
>>>>>>         self doAbortTransaction.
>>>>>> +       result := adaptor internalServerErrorMessage: ex description.
>>>>>> +       ex gsNumber == 2261
>>>>>> +         ifTrue:
>>>>>> +           [
>>>>>> +           "see discussion in:
>>>>>> <http://forum.world.st/Glass-Further-commits-have-been-disabled-for-this-session-because-CorruptObj-error-This-session-must-td4760409.html>
>>>>>> http://forum.world.st/Glass-Further-commits-have-been-disabled-for-this-session-because-CorruptObj-error-This-session-must-td4760409.html
>>>>>> + "
>>>>>> +           Transcript
>>>>>> +             cr;
>>>>>> +             show:
>>>>>> +                 'Session terminating due to CorruptObj error ...
>>>>>> session must logout'.
>>>>>> +           System logout ]
>>>>>> +             ex
>>>>>> +         return: nil "Do an explicit return. Because of the abort
>>>>>> above, the default action for an exception (resume) is set. see bug39246."
>>>>>> ].
>>>>>> -       result := adaptor internalServerErrorMessage: ex description. "Do
>>>>>> an explicit return. Because of the abort above, the default action for an
>>>>>> exception (resume) is set. see bug39246."
>>>>>> -       ex return: nil ].
>>>>>>     ^ result
>>>>>> If you use this patch, make sure that you have a system in place for
>>>>>> automatically restarting gems that get fatal errors. You should be using
>>>>>> monit or daaemontools in production since gems may crash occasionally  and
>>>>>> they need to be restarted. Other than the extra time/cpu/disk for
>>>>>> restarting a gem, stopping/restarting gems is not a fatal problem as no
>>>>>> persistent data is lost or corrupted ... see my post on "GLASS 101:
>>>>>> Disposable Gems, Durable Data"[1].
>>>>>> I'm on the fence about including this patch in the standard release
>>>>>> of Seaside for GemStone ... on the one hand if you get this particular
>>>>>> error (or any other "commit prohibiting error" the gem is effectively out
>>>>>> of service and needs to be restarted...
>>>>>> An alternative to logout would be to update a field in SessionTemps
>>>>>> that indicates the the gem needs to be restarted ... that session state can
>>>>>> be queried by a monit http request (presumably) ...  so at the end of the
>>>>>> day we should probably invent some sort of gem termination policy that can
>>>>>> be controlled at the application level...
>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>> <http://gemstonesoup.wordpress.com/2008/03/08/glass-101-disposable-gems-durable-data/>
>>>>>> http://gemstonesoup.wordpress.com/2008/03/08/glass-101-disposable-gems-durable-data/
>>>>>> On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Dale Henrichs <
>>>>>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Johan,
>>>>>>> I think that a corruptObj error in this case may be a bit extreme. I
>>>>>>> have asked engineering if there is a "session safe" method for finding the
>>>>>>> obviously invalid utf8 ... Today is a holiday, so I may not get a response
>>>>>>> until tomorrow.
>>>>>>> I hope that crashed vms is an acceptable outcome of the security
>>>>>>> audit?
>>>>>>> The corruptObj error is our response to the error thrown by ICU ...
>>>>>>> the commit prohibiting error normally is thrown when we think that "memory
>>>>>>> stomping" has occurred and we want to avoid persisting potentially corrupt
>>>>>>> objects ...  presumably the security audit folks knew that mishandling this
>>>>>>> particular ICU error condition could lead to a security breach:)
>>>>>>> Dale
>>>>>>> On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Johan Brichau < <johan at yesplan.be>
>>>>>>> johan at yesplan.be> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> Today, we had a security audit on a Seaside 3.0.10 application
>>>>>>>> running in a GS stone with FastCGI behind nginx.
>>>>>>>> I have no idea what exactly they did to obtain this, but the system
>>>>>>>> went unresponsive after the following error until I restarted the gems.
>>>>>>>> - a InternalError occurred (error 2261), The object with object ID
>>>>>>>> 'Hannes_Alfvén' is corrupt. Reason: 'carrysize > 0 at end of utf8 decode'
>>>>>>>> - a TransactionError occurred (error 2249), Further commits have
>>>>>>>> been disabled for this session because: 'CorruptObj error'. This session
>>>>>>>> must logout.
>>>>>>>> - repeat last one
>>>>>>>> The stacks from the gem log are attached.
>>>>>>>> I am trying to trace what happened. Any clues?
>>>>>>>> Johan
>>>>>>>> ----------- Internal FASTCGI ERROR Encountered:
>>>>>>>> 2014-05-26T13:37:41.31612992286682+02:00
>>>>>>>> a InternalError occurred (error 2261), The object with object ID
>>>>>>>> 'Hannes_Alfvén' is corrupt. Reason: 'carrysize > 0 at end of utf8 decode'
>>>>>>>> 1 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title:shouldCommit: (envId 0) @2
>>>>>>>> line 4  [GsNMethod 7469480705]
>>>>>>>> 2 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title: (envId 0) @2 line 3
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 7469494785]
>>>>>>>> 3 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> internalServerErrorMessage: (envId 0) @20
>>>>>>>> line 14  [GsNMethod 9828254465]
>>>>>>>> 4 [] in  GRGemStonePlatform >>
>>>>>>>> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: (envId 0) @4 line 26  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 10506396161]
>>>>>>>> 5 AbstractException >> _executeHandler: (envId 0) @3 line 8
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 1394121473]
>>>>>>>> 6 AbstractException >> _signalFromPrimitive: (envId 0) @1 line 1
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 1360964097]
>>>>>>>> 7 String >> decodeFromUTF8 (envId 0) @1 line 1  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 1064104705]
>>>>>>>> 8 UTF8PrimitiveEncoding >> decode: (envId 0) @2 line 4  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 7470277121]
>>>>>>>> 9 GRUtf8GemStoneCodec >> decode: (envId 0) @3 line 3  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 7468617985]
>>>>>>>> 10 [] in  WAUrl >> decodedWith: (envId 0) @3 line 17  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 9230396417]
>>>>>>>> 11 SequenceableCollection >> collect: (envId 0) @9 line 16
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 1064183041]
>>>>>>>> 12 WAUrl >> decodedWith: (envId 0) @22 line 17  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 8789933313]
>>>>>>>> 13 WAFastCGIRequestConverter >> requestUrlFor: (envId 0) @6 line 4
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 9828231425]
>>>>>>>> 14 WAServerAdaptor >> requestFor: (envId 0) @3 line 6  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 8790261761]
>>>>>>>> 15 WAFastCGIRequestConverter >> requestFor: (envId 0) @12 line 7
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 9828215809]
>>>>>>>> 16 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> requestFor: (envId 0) @2 line 4  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 9828250881]
>>>>>>>> 17 WAServerAdaptor >> contextFor: (envId 0) @2 line 5  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 8790264577]
>>>>>>>> 18 WAServerAdaptor >> process: (envId 0) @2 line 5  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 8790258433]
>>>>>>>> 19 [] in  WAFastCGIAdaptor >> process: (envId 0) @2 line 6
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 8794996737]
>>>>>>>> 20 [] in  GRGemStonePlatform >>
>>>>>>>> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: (envId 0) @2 line 13
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 10501067521]
>>>>>>>> 21 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 1064627457]
>>>>>>>> 22 [] in  GRGemStonePlatform >>
>>>>>>>> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: (envId 0) @14 line 14
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 10506395905]
>>>>>>>> 23 ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @2 line 12  [GsNMethod 1064640769]
>>>>>>>> 24 TransientRecursionLock >> critical: (envId 0) @11 line 12
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 6527748609]
>>>>>>>> 25 GRGemStonePlatform >>
>>>>>>>> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: (envId 0) @3 line 5  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 10509761025]
>>>>>>>> 26 [] in  GRGemStonePlatform >>
>>>>>>>> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: (envId 0) @6 line 15  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 10506396417]
>>>>>>>> 27 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 1064627457]
>>>>>>>> 28 GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock:
>>>>>>>> (envId 0) @3 line 23  [GsNMethod 10509761281]
>>>>>>>> 29 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> process: (envId 0) @3 line 4  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 9828418049]
>>>>>>>> 30 [] in  WAFastCGIAdaptor >> answerResponderRole: (envId 0) @2
>>>>>>>> line 4  [GsNMethod 8795113729]
>>>>>>>> 31 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 1064627457]
>>>>>>>> 32 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> answerResponderRole: (envId 0) @2 line 5
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 9828248321]
>>>>>>>> 33 FSResponderRole >> answer (envId 0) @3 line 4  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 8854227457]
>>>>>>>> 34 FSRole >> handleConnection (envId 0) @3 line 5  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 8854243329]
>>>>>>>> 35 FSConnection >> unsafeServe (envId 0) @5 line 8  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 8853951745]
>>>>>>>> 36 [] in  FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 8  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 9557561601]
>>>>>>>> 37 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 1064627457]
>>>>>>>> 38 [] in  FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 9  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 9322044673]
>>>>>>>> 39 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 1064627457]
>>>>>>>> 40 [] in  FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 12
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 9258731777]
>>>>>>>> 41 ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @2 line 12  [GsNMethod 1064640769]
>>>>>>>> 42 FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 15  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 8853958913]
>>>>>>>> 43 FSConnection >> serve (envId 0) @2 line 4  [GsNMethod 8853957889]
>>>>>>>> 44 [] in  FSSocketServer >> listen: (envId 0) @3 line 15
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 9261209601]
>>>>>>>> 45 GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @7 line 16  [GsNMethod 1403422977]
>>>>>>>> 46 <Reenter marker>
>>>>>>>> -----------
>>>>>>>> ----------- Internal FASTCGI LOG ENTRY: anArray-----------
>>>>>>>> ----------- Internal FASTCGI ERROR Encountered:
>>>>>>>> 2014-05-26T13:37:41.37823009490967+02:00
>>>>>>>> a TransactionError occurred (error 2249), Further commits have been
>>>>>>>> disabled for this session because: 'CorruptObj error'. This session must
>>>>>>>> logout.
>>>>>>>> 1 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title:shouldCommit: (envId 0) @2
>>>>>>>> line 4  [GsNMethod 7469480705]
>>>>>>>> 2 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title: (envId 0) @2 line 3
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 7469494785]
>>>>>>>> 3 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> internalServerErrorMessage: (envId 0) @20
>>>>>>>> line 14  [GsNMethod 9828254465]
>>>>>>>> 4 [] in  GRGemStonePlatform >>
>>>>>>>> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: (envId 0) @4 line 26  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 10506396161]
>>>>>>>> 5 AbstractException >> _executeOuterHandler: (envId 0) @3 line 7
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 1394117633]
>>>>>>>> 6 AbstractException >> _pass:with: (envId 0) @4 line 13  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 1393936385]
>>>>>>>> 7 AbstractException >> pass (envId 0) @2 line 14  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 1393935361]
>>>>>>>> 8 [] in  System class >> _localCommit: (envId 0) @2 line 34
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 5944183041]
>>>>>>>> 9 AbstractException >> _executeHandler: (envId 0) @3 line 8
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 1394121473]
>>>>>>>> 10 AbstractException >> _signalFromPrimitive: (envId 0) @1 line 1
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 1360964097]
>>>>>>>> 11 System class >> _primitiveCommit: (envId 0) @1 line 1
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 1789434881]
>>>>>>>> 12 System class >> __commit: (envId 0) @2 line 8  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 1789345025]
>>>>>>>> 13 [] in  System class >> _localCommit: (envId 0) @2 line 30
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 5944183297]
>>>>>>>> 14 ExecBlock >> onException:do: (envId 0) @2 line 66  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 1064628225]
>>>>>>>> 15 System class >> _localCommit: (envId 0) @8 line 31  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 1789345281]
>>>>>>>> 16 TransactionBoundaryDefaultPolicy >> commit: (envId 0) @2 line 3
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 5986577665]
>>>>>>>> 17 System class >> _commit: (envId 0) @7 line 16  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 1789345537]
>>>>>>>> 18 System class >> commitTransaction (envId 0) @5 line 7
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 1789402113]
>>>>>>>> 19 System class >> _commitPrintingDiagnostics (envId 0) @2 line 8
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 1700522241]
>>>>>>>> 20 SystemCommitTransaction >> defaultAction (envId 0) @2 line 3
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 7468825857]
>>>>>>>> 21 AbstractException >> _signalWith: (envId 0) @5 line 25
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 1394122241]
>>>>>>>> 22 AbstractException class >> signal (envId 0) @3 line 5
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 1172775681]
>>>>>>>> 23 GRGemStonePlatform >> doCommitTransaction (envId 0) @4 line 3
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 7469481473]
>>>>>>>> 24 [] in  GRGemStonePlatform >>
>>>>>>>> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: (envId 0) @47 line 54
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 10506395905]
>>>>>>>> 25 ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @2 line 12  [GsNMethod 1064640769]
>>>>>>>> 26 TransientRecursionLock >> critical: (envId 0) @11 line 12
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 6527748609]
>>>>>>>> 27 GRGemStonePlatform >>
>>>>>>>> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: (envId 0) @3 line 5  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 10509761025]
>>>>>>>> 28 [] in  GRGemStonePlatform >>
>>>>>>>> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: (envId 0) @6 line 15  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 10506396417]
>>>>>>>> 29 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 1064627457]
>>>>>>>> 30 GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock:
>>>>>>>> (envId 0) @3 line 23  [GsNMethod 10509761281]
>>>>>>>> 31 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> process: (envId 0) @3 line 4  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 9828418049]
>>>>>>>> 32 [] in  WAFastCGIAdaptor >> answerResponderRole: (envId 0) @2
>>>>>>>> line 4  [GsNMethod 8795113729]
>>>>>>>> 33 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 1064627457]
>>>>>>>> 34 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> answerResponderRole: (envId 0) @2 line 5
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 9828248321]
>>>>>>>> 35 FSResponderRole >> answer (envId 0) @3 line 4  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 8854227457]
>>>>>>>> 36 FSRole >> handleConnection (envId 0) @3 line 5  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 8854243329]
>>>>>>>> 37 FSConnection >> unsafeServe (envId 0) @5 line 8  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 8853951745]
>>>>>>>> 38 [] in  FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 8  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 9557561601]
>>>>>>>> 39 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 1064627457]
>>>>>>>> 40 [] in  FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 9  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 9322044673]
>>>>>>>> 41 ExecBlock >> on:do: (envId 0) @3 line 42  [GsNMethod 1064627457]
>>>>>>>> 42 [] in  FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 12
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 9258731777]
>>>>>>>> 43 ExecBlock >> ensure: (envId 0) @2 line 12  [GsNMethod 1064640769]
>>>>>>>> 44 FSConnection >> safeServe (envId 0) @2 line 15  [GsNMethod
>>>>>>>> 8853958913]
>>>>>>>> 45 FSConnection >> serve (envId 0) @2 line 4  [GsNMethod 8853957889]
>>>>>>>> 46 [] in  FSSocketServer >> listen: (envId 0) @3 line 15
>>>>>>>>  [GsNMethod 9261209601]
>>>>>>>> 47 GsProcess >> _start (envId 0) @7 line 16  [GsNMethod 1403422977]
>>>>>>>> 48 <Reenter marker>
>>>>>>>> -----------
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>>>>>>>> Glass mailing list
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>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Glass mailing list
>>> Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
>> --
>> Mariano
>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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