[Glass] Early access update: PR #13

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Oct 28 15:15:52 PDT 2015

On 10/28/2015 02:30 PM, Jon Paynter wrote:
> Yes the project was created with 'project new' cmd.
> "mc list Route" gave me 2 packages:  BaselineOfRouteEvent and 
> RouteEvent-Core.  both prefixed with an * -- which I assume means they 
> were modified
> The RouteEvent project is brand new, so there is nothing worth saving 
> in it, so I removed the 2 packages, and removed the 
> BaselineOfRouteEvent class.  I also removed the folder 
> ~/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/RouteEvent from the server filesystem.  
> Lastly I removed ~/GsDevKit_home/sys/local/server/projects/RouteEvent.ston
> Then when I re-run "project new --class RouteEvent"  it still fails 
> with 'No #baseline pragma found'
> So it seems there is some other part of the project hanging around 
> thats causing problems.  What else do I need to remove/delete so all 
> traces of this project are gone?
> I did some poking around in the debugger -- it seems the error in 
> question comes AFTER I should be prompted for class information. so 
> something is preventing the class creation dialog from opening.

without a stack I can't answer the question.... the questions in my 
previous email still apply ...

> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 12:44 PM, Dale Henrichs 
> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>     On 10/28/2015 11:13 AM, Jon Paynter wrote:
>>     On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 10:51 AM, Dale Henrichs
>>     <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
>>     <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>         Okay, it looks like you've got an invalid/incomplete
>>         BaselineOfRouteEvent class and the problem is probably being
>>         triggered because you've got a project entry for the
>>         RouteEvent project ...
>>         In your original project list listing, I didn't see a
>>         RouteEvent project, so you must have doing some work since
>>         sending that email ... and whatever you did wasn't complete
>>         and or incorrect...
>>         so in a tODE shell logged into the `seaside` stone  start by
>>         restoring to the pre-update status:
>>           bu restore preUpdate.dbf.gz
>>     Restore completed with no issues
>>         and try bringing up a project list (I have suspect that it
>>         will fail, but at least you can get an interactive debugger
>>         on it):
>>           project list
>>     running project list gives me a walkback "no #baseline pragma found"
>>         I'm not interested in the stack - but more interested if you
>>         don't get a stack:) If you do get a project list to come up I
>>         want to see a CMD-SHIFT-P of the project list (color not
>>         necessary this time)
>>         Anyway, I do want to see the following method source:
>>           browse method --spec BaselineRouteEvent>>baseline:
>>     I think you meant BaselineOfRouteEvent ?
>>     BaselineOfRouteEvent has no class or instance methods
>     This is the root cause of the problem ...
>>         If the method doesn't exist that would explain it ... if the
>>         method does and I would like to see the project entry ... and
>>         I don't have a command that you can run to get it (I will add
>>         a flag to the `project entry` command to allow one to edit a
>>         project entry without having to open a project list) ... so
>>         if you could do the following (one at a time ):
>>         ls /sys/local/server/projects
>>     tode 1 > ls /sys/local/server/projects
>>     README.md  RouteEvent@/
>>         ls /sys/stone/projects
>>     tode 1 > ls /sys/stone/projects
>>     README.md
>>         and then do a `edit` on the node named RouteEvent in either
>>         of those two directories and give me the contents ... if
>>         there is no RouteEvent ... we'll need to do something else ...
>>     Here is the contents of the file that does exist
>>     tode 1 > edit /sys/local/server/projects/RouteEvent
>>     ^ TDProjectSpecEntryDefinition new
>>         baseline: 'RouteEvent'
>>           repository:
>>     'filetree://$GS_HOME/shared/repos/RouteEvent/repository'
>>           loads: #('default');
>>         status: #(#'active');
>>         locked: true;
>>         yourself
>     If you move the project entry file, the issue will go away (`mv
>     /sys/local/server/projects/RouteEvent /home` in tODE shell)...that
>     way, if your end up wanting to restore the project entry you
>     haven't lost it ...
>     How do you think that BaselineOfRouteEvent ended up with no
>     methods ... the `project new` command should have created the
>     needed methods in the class ... if you used `project new` ...
>     If you did use `project new` you may find that the
>     BaselineOfRouteEvent is dirty (there is an initial commit to the
>     repo when you use `project new`.
>     `mc list Route` ... will give you a list of packages and if
>     BaselineOfRouteEvent is dirty youy might try the `revert` menu
>     item to restore the missing methods ....
>     Dale

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