[Glass] Grrrr cannot migrate (class rename with subclasses and with a name of a deleted class)

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Sep 9 11:36:21 PDT 2015

On 09/09/2015 06:24 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> Hi Dale,
> Just for the record, I tried with this scenario:
> [marianopeck at quuveserver1 ~]$ free -m
>               total        used        free  shared  buff/cache   
> available
> Mem:           8014         388        6850 359         775        7205
> Swap:         16639           0       16639
> And still didn't work. Note that I have 7GB of RAM free. At the end, 
> when the system crashed, this was the resulting state:
> [marianopeck at quuveserver1 ~]$ free -m
>               total        used        free  shared  buff/cache   
> available
> Mem:           8014         338        1316 973        6359        6639
> Swap:         16639           0       16639
> Anyway, no problem, I would assume this is a problem in and 
> hopefully I will never need to list instances / migrate this class 
> until I am in 3.2/3.3...
> Thanks for the effort!

I'm not sure that I can interpret the `free -m` numbers correctly. Are 
you confirming that this as a near out of RAM situation?

We've got an engineer pursuing the "out of memory" scenario and looking 
for a smoking gun in the code for, so that we can be assured 
that we don't have an existing bug in 3.2/3.3...

Thank you for your help in tracking this down ...


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