[Glass] GemTools 1.0-beta.8.7.1-32x not working with GS

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Sep 17 21:39:52 PDT 2015

On 9/17/15 7:44 PM, Alejandro Zuzek via Glass wrote:
> Hi,
> I have tried to use the latest version of GemTools (1.0-beta.8.7.1) to
> connect to a GS server and the login fails with this error
> description:
> 'Unable to create a GemStone session, check netldi log file.
> Netldi ''gs64ldi'' on host ''ubuntu'' reports the request '''' failed:
> Requested version level 3020, this server is at level 3022'
The gci libraries need to be updated ... assuming that you are running 
on linux, you can update the gci libraries by doing the following:

   # exit the GemTools image
   cd GemTools-1.0-beta.8.7-3*.app/Contents/Linux686
   rm gciForLinux.so
$GS_HOME/gemstone/products/GemStone64Bit3.2.8.1-x86_64.Linux/lib32/*.so .
   ln -s libgcirpc-3.3.0-32.so gciForLinux.so
   # restart the GemTools image
> If I've followed the code correctly, the error is returned by a primitive
> and I think the libraries would need to be recompiled to work with GS
> Is there a new reléase of GemTools planned shortly or should I switch to
> tODE?
No new releases planned for GemTools but the above instructions should 
get you functional again. If you are comfortable with GemTools then I 
would suggest that you continue using it for now ... I plan to release a 
new version of GsDevKitHome by mid-November which includes a new version 
of tODE and between now and the release I am restructuring project 
structure (see GsDevKit_* on github://GsDevKit), so it might be best to 
hold off for a bit ... if you are interested in moving to tODE anyway, 
then go ahead and take it for a spin ...


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