[Glass] Newbie on GLASS - Hello world fail

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Sep 21 10:17:00 PDT 2015

On 09/21/2015 09:50 AM, Ezequiel Tolnay via Glass wrote:
> Hi Mariano,
> How do you set-up "ConfigurationOfSeaside"? I have BaselineOfSeaside3, 
> which extends from ConfigurationOf. Is it the same thing / newer 
> interface? Or is it for a different purpose? How can I load the 
> packages you mentioned in your first response? #('Core' 'Zinc-Seaside' 
> 'Javascript' 'JQuery' 'JSON' 'FastCGI' 'Email')
> Cheers!
> Ziggy
Hey Ziggy,

I'm glad you worked through your initial issues. I plan to respond to 
some of your emails to clarify a point or two...

You have a baseline because the install script[1] you used does a 
`project load Seaisde3` which loads Seaside based on the project entry 
registered with tODE ($GS_HOME/tode/sys/default/projects/seaside) that 
looks like the following:

   ^ TDProjectSpecEntryDefinition new
       baseline: 'Seaside3'
         repository: 'github://GsDevKit/Seaside31:3.1.?/repository'
         loads: #('Development' 'Zinc' 'FastCGI' 'Examples');
       status: #(#'inactive');
       locked: false;

A project entry is a specification for a Metacello load and is one of 
the fundamentals of tODE ... the ability to share a "project load 
specification" among multiple stones ... In this case the specification 
is for a `baseline:`. The baseline is the preferred way to load projects 
that are stored on GitHub ... the ConfigurationOfSeaside ends up loading 
the same baseline and is maintained to make it easy for folks using 
cross-platform projects as the Seaside versions for Pharo and Squeak are 
not maintained on github like the GemStone version is. Seaside3.2 will 
be loaded from github (thanks to Johan Brichau) and baseline references 
to Seaside3.2 will become more prevalent .

Soooo at the end of the day, a ConfigurationOf and a BaselineOf can end 
up loading the same code, just via a slightly different path ...



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