[Glass] nil objects are found in listInstances:?

Otto Behrens via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Sep 25 08:48:51 PDT 2015


I just encountered a situation I find hard to understand. I'm running
a GS 3.2.6 and I'm doing some migrations. So after all my fixing and
things, I check if I find any "destroyed" objects. These are objects
in our domain, where we set a special instVar called #objectState to

I do this query to check:

System abortTransaction.
(SystemRepository listInstances: {CollectiveInvestmentScheme})
do: [ :instances |
(instances select: [ :i | i isDestroyed ])
ifNotEmptyDo: [ :destroyedObjects | self error: 'More destroyed CIS
objects: ' , (destroyedObjects collect: [ :o | o asOop ]) printString
] ]

And, alas, I get the error: More destroyed CIS objects: anArray(
967292673, 968180993, 968574465, 968610561...

The weird bit is:

Object _objectForOop: 967292673

returns nil!

I run my query again, and find the same results.

SystemRepository objectAudit reveals no problems.

Please help! Am I smoking my socks?


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