[Glass] GsDevKit_home release: error handling and muliple stone names accepted by stopNetldi and stopStone scripts

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Apr 28 17:03:02 PDT 2016

Improved error handling in bash scripts and stopNetldi and stopStone 
take multiple stone name arguments.

If an error occurs in a script the error message is displayed as red 
text ... if a program called by script fails, the line number in the 
script where the program was called from is listed and nested scripts 
display nested list of line numbers ... This will make it easier for you 
to recognize that an error has occurred and it will make it somewhat 
easier for me to figure out where the error occured (if the error is 
unexpected) ...

I've defined the basic script funcitons and I'm using them in most of 
the scripts, but not all of the scripts have been touched ... I will do 
that in a second pass ..

See PR for more details.

Update Script:

   updateGsDevKit -g


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/pull/107

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