[Glass] new tODE Minimal Client release: Voyage-Tugrik support

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sat Aug 13 10:38:45 PDT 2016

This release of tODE[1] includes the additions to the tODE Minimal 
Client in support of Voyage-Tugrik[2].

Voyage-Tugrik is a new Voyage-based persistence layer for Pharo5.0 that 
uses GemStone/S as the backed. Tugrik[3] implements a MongoTalk[4] 
compatible Smalltalk API making it possible to easily port MongoDB based 
Voyage applications to use GemStone with a minimum of effort.

A key feature of Voyage-Tugrik is the adaptation of server blocks[1] to 
the Voyage framework ... server blocks combined with the object mapper 
facilities in Voyage make it practical to write client-server 
applications using Pharo and GemStone where the boundary between 
client/server execution can be managed by the developer in the source 
code for the application.

Voyage-Tugrik is still in the proof of concept stage. I will be 
presenting Voyage-Tugrik at ESUG 2016 and shortly I will be recruiting 
"partners" for setting priorities and contributing code to move 
Voyage-Tugrik from alpha, to beta, to release.

Feel free to ask any questions, but keep in mind that the next 2 weeks I 
will be on vacation and then attending the conference, so i will have 
limited badwidth :)


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/pull/282


[3] https://github.com/dalehenrich/Tugrik#tugrik

[4] https://github.com/dalehenrich/mongotalk#mongotalk-


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