[Glass] Class Migration

Otto Behrens via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Feb 1 04:53:13 PST 2016

Sorry, did not attach the package in the previous mail.

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 2:52 PM, Otto Behrens <otto at finworks.biz> wrote:

> We often override the method #migrateFrom:instVarMap: to initialize new
>> instVars or to transform some instVars that have been renamed or changed
>> structure. What is important is that the you clean up these methods after
>> migration because it may cause harm if you migrate the same class again.
>> You can also write the migrateFrom:instVarMap: in a way that it is
>> idempotent, for example:
>> What you intend?
>> This is not the default implementation of:  migrateFrom: oldObject
>> instVarMap: aMap
> When you migrate objects where you changed the instVars and you want to do
> something special with each object (like initializing the new instVar as in
> the example I gave you below), in this case, you override
> migrateFrom:instVarMap:
>> migrateFrom: oldObject instVarMap: aMap
>>   super migrateFrom: oldObject instVarMap: aMap.
>>   someInstVar ifNil: [ someInstVar := OrderedCollection new ]
>> O yes i'm very interested.
> I attach a package that I extracted from our code (into a new package).
> You can load this package and call
> Migrator new packageNames: #(); migrateAll
>> Now i need to understand and work for implement a support to integrate it
>> with Pharo development.
> You can load this same package in Pharo. But, there are some classes like
> System that you need defined. GemStone has a "Grease" package that you can
> load in Pharo. I do not know what is its name. We just have our own package
> where we define classes such as System and Metaclass3. And this package we
> only load in Pharo as this Migrator code will never run in Pharo.
>> I think your experience is very good and if you can share your works, i
>> can start with some value added.
> Hope this helps. Let me know where are some gaps.
>> Thanks,
>> Dario
>> There are several other issues to deal with when the system becomes
>> complex, some are:
>> - Fixing data problems before doing the migration
>> - Renaming classes
>> - Controlling the order of migrating some classes before others
>> - Ensuring that all instances are migrated when you're done
>> Let me know if this helps or if you need more information.
>> Cheers
>> Otto
>> On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 5:24 PM, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass <
>> glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>>> Ciao,
>>> i need to manage the 'migrations' of class and relative instances.
>>> I read the Prog-guide3-1 Class Creation, Versions, and Instance
>>> Migration .
>>> Now my question is how to manage the migration when i development in
>>> Pharo,
>>>  and load the new structure into GLASS with the relative package using
>>> GemTools or Tode.
>>> I do some test with GemTools migrate option and filetree packages load.
>>> Question:
>>> someone implemented a support into Pharo to handle these problematic
>>> and porting the 'migration' into Gemstone?
>>> I think of something that when I change classes in Pharo,
>>> record - define  the statements that then allow gemstone to applying m
>>> igration.
>>> Thanks for any considerations,
>>> Dario
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