[Glass] Year current previous error

Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Jan 5 06:43:04 PST 2016


	i found this problematic when i used this code in the year 2016 :

			Year current previous 

	It use the Timespan previous  method 

		 ^self class starting: ( start - duration) duration: duration 

	but because duration into 2016 is 366 days it return year instance starting at 31 - 12 - 2014 with duration set to 365 days ( end at 30 - 12 - 2015 )

	I copy into GLASS  the Pharo 		Year  previous		 implementation:

		"This implementation handles leap years correctly"
		^ self class year: (self year - 1)

	and all works fine.

	Question :  

		who and when include this code into GLASS distribution system ?

		I can do something about it ?



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