[Glass] Installation is driving me mad ...

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sat Jan 16 09:08:03 PST 2016

On 1/16/16 1:05 AM, Marten Feldtmann wrote:
> Ok,
> actually I am also willing to solve this problem because I have to ... :-)
> Create the database on a source computer and transfer the stuff has 
> lots of disadvantages:
> * at least 500MB of transfering data - which is pretty time consuming
> * due to local symbol links one has to use at least "tar -chf" to 
> create a suitable backup
> * the copied database on the target system will start - but loading 
> updates seems to be not working due to the fact, that all packages 
> reference to filetree repositories with an absolute path located on 
> the original system. If you have a user "glass" on source system then 
> the repositories reference a location in the "glass" directory ... on 
> the target you then get errors like:
> |ERROR 2318 , a UserDefinedError occurred (error 2318), reason:halt, 
> filetree:// repository 
> '/home/glass/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/zinc/repository' does not 
> exist. (UserDefinedError)|
> when executing stuff like
> |GsDeployer deploy: [|
> |Metacello new|
> |baseline: 'ZincHTTPComponents';|
> |repository: 'github://GsDevKit/zinc:gs_master/repository';|
> |onLock: [:ex | ex honor ];|
> |load: 'Zinc-WebSocket-Core' ].|
> * still the bad feeling that there may be other situations which might 
> fail ...
> Can I resolve this ?
Right now you seem to be focusing on the problem of moving a pre-created 
stone from one machine to another .... which is slightly different than 
the original problem of copying the GsDevKit_home directory structure 
from one machine to another?

If we eliminate the pre-created stone from the equation, then presumably 
`tar -chf` or rsync can be used to copy the basic directory structure 
... including the cloned git repositories and if there are remaining 
issues with the basic scripts, I'm sure that we can resolve them once we 
identify them.

The majority of the problems you mention above have to do with copying a 
pre-created stone, which I agree is not a good idea, but is the the 
problem that needs to be resolved?

Specifically do you need to copy a pre-created stone from one machine to 

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