[Glass] XML Parser bug ?

BrunoBB via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sat Jul 16 15:40:20 PDT 2016


Thanks for the info very useful.
It is a feature of the new version to comply the standart.

My workaround to extract the string inside a node (now all tests are green):

getValueFrom: node ifNone: aBlock
	node stringNodes isEmpty ifTrue: [^aBlock value].
	^node stringNodes last string

Change for:
getValueFrom: node ifNone: aBlock
	node stringNodes isEmpty ifTrue: [^aBlock value].
	(node stringNodes reject: [:e | e string = String lf]) ifEmpty: [^aBlock
value]. "*"
	(node stringNodes allSatisfy: [:e | e string trimBlanks isEmpty]) ifTrue:
[^aBlock value]. "*"
	^node stringNodes last string


View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/XML-Parser-bug-tp4906721p4906794.html
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