[Glass] Install GemStone in a Testing Environment

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Jun 17 13:26:38 PDT 2016

On 6/17/16 12:35 PM, BrunoBB via Glass wrote:
> Dale,
> The product from https://downloads.gemtalksystems.com  does have Metacello
> installed ?
No ...
> I want to create a clean environment where the client to be used is Topaz
> (may be Jade) to perform the installation of my packages (with Metacello
> scripts).
I don't quite know what "clean environment" means ...
> Regards,
> Bruno
> PS:
> This is very different from my Development environment that have it all
> (github, tode, etc).
Yes, and I am not really able to support "non-standard" development 
environments ... virtually all of the functionality that is present in 
GsDevKit_home needs to be supported ...

Now if you don't want to use tODE in your stone, that's possible and 
relatively straightforward to do within the GsDevKit_home environment:

   createStone -g <stone-name>

creates a stone without tODE installed ... but then it also does not 
have the correct version of Metacello and GLASS installed and for that 
you need to run GsUpgrader yourself --- you will still be using the code 
from GitHub, but you will have to manually deal with updates and the 
like yourself and we are venturing into "unsupportable territory" ...

You can certainly take this path, but it makes it very difficult for me 
to help you...


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsUpgrader

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