[Glass] Explanation to "too many failed pom_gen scavenges" in this context??

Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Mar 8 09:50:10 PST 2016

Hi guys,

First of all, thanks to Richard for the suggestion. Adding the env var did
write the useful info in the gem log.

Problem is that even if I tried to fix it (in my code), I still failed :(
 I attach the whole log in case someone wants to take a look.

However, I think there is something strange in
#installAlmostOutOfMemoryStaticHandler:. I added some logging to this
method to see what was going on (in bold the important parts):

*installAlmostOutOfMemoryStaticHandler: initialCommitThreshold*
*  | handler commitThreshold used |*
*  commitThreshold := initialCommitThreshold.*
*  handler := AlmostOutOfMemory*
*    addDefaultHandler: [ :ex | *
*      "Exception caught, do a commit."*
*      Transcript*
*        show: 'exception handled: ' , ex printString;*
*        cr.*
*      System commitTransaction*
*        ifFalse: [ *
*          Transcript*
*            show: 'AutoCommit failed';*
*            cr.*
*          nil error: 'AutoCommit failed' ].*
*      System _vmMarkSweep.*
*      Transcript*
*        show: 'commit threshold value: ' , commitThreshold printString;*
*        cr.*
*      used := System _tempObjSpacePercentUsedLastMark.*
*      Transcript*
*        show: 'percent used ' , used printString;*
*        cr.*
*      used < commitThreshold*
*        ifTrue: [ *
*          "We dropped below the threshold, reenable the signal"*
*          Transcript*
*            show: 're-enable the signal ';*
*            cr.*
*          System enableAlmostOutOfMemoryError ]*
*        ifFalse: [ *
*          "commit and mark sweep did drop us below threshold. cut
threshold in half *
*           and try again. Record an entry in the object log "*
*          commitThreshold := (100 - commitThreshold) // 2 +
*          Transcript*
*            show: 'commit threshold value: ' , commitThreshold
*            cr.*
*          commitThreshold < 98*
*            ifTrue: [ *
*              Transcript*
*                show: 'signalAlmostOutOfMemoryThreshold: ';*
*                cr.*
*              System signalAlmostOutOfMemoryThreshold: commitThreshold ]*
*            ifFalse: [ *
*              "we're with 10% of out of memory, commit instance counts
structure *
*               into objectlog for posterity."*
*              Transcript*
*                show: '10% out of memory... record in the object log ';*
*                cr.*
*              (ObjectLogEntry*
*                trace: 'almost out of memory: ' , commitThreshold
*                object: (System _vmInstanceCountsReport: 3)) addToLog.*
*              System commitTransaction*
*                ifFalse: [ *
*                  Transcript*
*                    show: 'Last AutoCommit failed ';*
*                    cr.*
*                  nil error: 'AutoCommit failed' ] ] ].*
*      ex resume ].*
*  SessionTemps current*
*    at: #'CommitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryStaticException'*
*    put: handler.*
*  System signalAlmostOutOfMemoryThreshold: commitThreshold*

Now...if I check the gem log, I get this:

*--transcript--'exception handled: a AlmostOutOfMemory occurred
(notification 6013), Session''s temporary object memory is almost full'*
*--transcript--'commit threshold value: 10'*
*--transcript--'percent used 0'*
*--transcript--'re-enable the signal '*

And that 4 lines repeated several times, until it starts with the:

************ Fatal error 4067 OutOfMemory ******

*Printing Smalltalk stack because of OutOfMemory:*
*Smalltalk stack: printing to topaz .out file at [03/08/2016 12:36:11.827

And this is what I don't understand...from the transcript, it seems
that "*System
_tempObjSpacePercentUsedLastMark" *always answered 0, hence we are below
threshold (no problem!). But then I get the OutOfMemory anyway...  so...
how can I run out of memory if #_tempObjSpacePercentUsedLastMark answered 0
each time?

Thanks in advance,

On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 7:07 PM, Dale Henrichs <
dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> On 03/07/2016 11:57 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <
> <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> Mariano,
>> The handler for AlmostOutOfMemory relies on being able to resume after a
>> successful commit, but a GemStone vm will sometimes cross the threshol in
>> the middle of a "random C code" called by a primitive ... in these cases we
>> have to defer the signalling of AlmostOutOfMemory until we reach a point
>> where we can safely resume .... The implication is that depending upon the
>> details of your call it is possible to physically run out of memory before
>> the deferred signaling can take place ...
>> If you lower the threshold, you should be able to find a limit that gives
>> you room to finish the memory hungry primitive call and get the deferred
>> AlmostOfOfMemory exception signalled.
> Yes,* but I am already running the threshold with 10% with a 700MB temp
> space*... how less than that should it be? mmmm
> This implies that you are doing something that consumes quite a bit of
> memory while in  a primitive .... a stack trace would be helpful ... but it
> is likely that the only way to get a stack trace in this situation is to
> set the env vars as suggested by Richard ...
> Dale

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