[Glass] How to find a string in a large number of strings ...

itlists@schrievkrom.de via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sat Mar 19 00:11:24 PDT 2016

Am 18.03.2016 um 23:31 schrieb Martin McClure:

> If it is the entire string, (the string is 'foobar' and I know I want
> 'foobar') use a Set, this will be very efficient (but if you know the
> entire string, why do you need to look it up at all?)

 The information is: is the string present within that set ... thats
all. I think I will start with a set - though I thought its a waste of
memory to have the whole stuff loaded into the gem memory and set
operations are memory based ...

Marten Feldtmann

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