[Glass] Short introduction with tODE, Git, packages and so on ...

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sun May 22 07:26:39 PDT 2016

Ah ... something like a package rename? or are you thinking that you 
will want to merge several packages together as well?

I don't have a package rename command implemented, but I think that it 
is a long overdue feature ... for some reason the original Monticello 
implementation did not include package renaming ....

Anyway, I've opened an issue to add this command ...

I plan to dribble out bugfixes over several weeks as I need to keep 
several other balls in the air while I work thorough these bugfixes/new 
features :)


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/issues/269

On 5/22/16 2:23 AM, Marten Feldtmann wrote:
> No, that is not what I wanted. I do not want to copy already defined 
> packages to the repository.
> I wanted to move the *content* of already defined packages to the 
> newly created "core" package of that repository - to get rid of my old 
> package structure and follow the new one created by tODE.
> Marten
>>> * How can I add already defined classed to a package/project I newly 
>>> created to swap from pure Monticello packages to git based repository.
>> All that you need to do is to copy the package from the mcz 
>> repository into a filetree repository on your git repository. From 
>> the tODE command line you would do something like the following:
>>   mc copy  FooBar-Core-dkh.2 
>> http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/FooBar 
>> filetree://$GS_HOME/shared/repos/FooBar/repository
>> or from the GUI:
>>   - use `mr list` to open a window on the repositories in you image
>>   - select the source monitcello repository ( 
>> http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/FooBar)
>>   - use the 'packages' menu item to open a window on the packages in 
>> the repository
>>   - select the package that you want to copy  (FooBar-Core) in the 
>> packages window to open a versions window
>>   - select the package version that you want to copy 
>> (FooBar-Core-dkh.2) and then use the `copy to repository' menu item 
>> to select the target repo 
>> (filetree://$GS_HOME/shared/repos/FooBar/repository)
>> Dale

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