[Glass] Fwd: Re: [Pharo-users] [Seaside] [ANN] Zürich Smalltalk Meetup Nov 8th, 2016

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Oct 19 13:44:13 PDT 2016

Since the question that Michal is answering showed up on the GLASS list, 
I thought it made sense to forward the answer here for those who aren't 
on the pharo list ...

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Pharo-users] [Seaside] [ANN] Zürich Smalltalk Meetup Nov 
8th, 2016
Date: 	Wed, 19 Oct 2016 22:01:50 +0200
From: 	Michal Balda <lists at michalbalda.cz>
Reply-To: 	Any question about pharo is welcome 
<pharo-users at lists.pharo.org>
To: 	pharo-users at lists.pharo.org

the short answer is: not yet.

The back story is: We have been experimenting with GemStone and Tugrik 
at work. While Tugrik appears to work very well (even though it is new 
and not yet finished), I found the overall architecture 
(Tugrik+Mongo+Voyage) a bit complicated. Tugrik is meant to be a 
replacement for Voyage-Mongo but actually uses parts of its 
implementation and behavior. I understand that it does so to mimic 
Voyage-Mongo so that switching from Mongo to GemStone is relatively 
painless. That does not fit our use case though - we don't need a 
replacement for Mongo since we haven't used it in the first place. We 
would also like to have something that we could possibly maintain 
ourselves, should the priorities of Esteban or Dale change in a few 
years (I don't want this to sound negative, I am sure they would not 
drop the support just because they want to, but I understand they are 
very busy and for us it is a certain risk we would like to mitigate).

While playing with Tugrik I came up with a few ideas so I started a 
clean Pharo image with the following task in mind: find a way of getting 
objects from Pharo to GemStone and back, as simply as possible, without 
any unnecessary dependencies. In other words, I wanted to see if I could 
create a simpler Pharo-to-GemStone persistence solution than the 
existing Tugrik+Mongo+Voyage stack. As of now it's still in an early 
phase but I already have something that could work. For the meetup in 
Zürich I want to have something to show (a small demo), or, if I run 
into any conceptual issues, to have a topic for discussion if anyone's 

I won't release it publicly until I am sure it works well. But I can 
guarantee you that if anything exciting does emerge, this mailing list 
will learn about it. It will definitely not be exclusive for the people 
who attend the meetup. I just want to use the opportunity of the meetup 
to get early feedback and/or input, maybe it will trigger a discussion 
about important issues that I haven't thought about yet. I am not at all 
a GemStone expert so the possibility is there.


On 18.10.2016 14:38, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> Hi,
> I would love to be in Zurich, but I obviously can't :(
> So... is there a way to get some more info about that "Gemstone-based 
> persistence framework for Pharo"? And who is Michal? Last name?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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