[Glass] error upgrading stone: become is not allowed

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Apr 27 11:09:52 PDT 2017

On 04/27/2017 10:56 AM, Johan Brichau via Glass wrote:
> Final info: when I remove the instance before starting the upgrade process, all works fine.
> As the instance was only persistent because it was on the object log, I don’t need to try to keep it
Okay, that's good to know ... I'm glad you've been able to get past the 
problem ...
>> On 27 Apr 2017, at 17:48, Johan Brichau <johan at yesplan.be> wrote:
>> A bit more info… I did a lookup of the oops mentioned in the call of become:
>> In the source 2.4 extent:
>> 	The receiver object with oop 4489369089 does not exist
>> 	The argument object with oop 148062465 is an instance of NPGsFileWrapper
>> In the destination 3.2 extent (following the failed bulk migrate after application load):
>> 	The receiver object with oop 4489369089 is an object anArray( #'switch')
>> 	The argument object with oop 148062465 is still that instance of NPGsFileWrapper
>> When I executed: SystemRepository findReferencePathToObject: (Object _objectForOop: 4489369089), I got:
>> a ArgumentError occurred (error 2027), A committed object was expected rather than object anArray( #'switch'), which is either special or uncommitted.
>>> On 27 Apr 2017, at 17:22, Johan Brichau <johan at yesplan.be> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> In the conversion of a Gemstone stone to Gemstone 3.2, I hit an error in the final step when loading our application code:
>>> a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2426), become is not allowed on aNPGsFileWrapper, 'One object is a GsFile or RubySocket while the other is neither'
>>> Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 2426  Arg Count: 2 Context : 1906733569 exception : 4489410561
>>> We indeed have a subclass of GsFile, called NPGsFileWrapper
>>> Migrating the instances on application load seems to wrong, though both the old and new class are ‘NPGsFileWrapper’ (see stack context of the invocation of become: below)
>>> 5 NPGsFileWrapper (Object) >> become:           @4 line 112   [methId 59070977]
>>>    receiver [4489369089 sz:6 cls: 4487621633 NPGsFileWrapper] aNPGsFileWrapper
>>>    anObject [148062465 sz:4 cls: 6802930945 NPGsFileWrapper] aNPGsFileWrapper
>>>    self [4489369089 sz:6 cls: 4487621633 NPGsFileWrapper] aNPGsFileWrapper
>>>    prot [10 sz:0 cls: 74241 SmallInteger] 1 == 0x1
>>> Any way to circumvent this issue in the upgrade?
>>> Or do we need to move away from having instances of classes that are subclasses of GsFile before we attempt to upgrade?
>>> thx
>>> Johan
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