[Glass] Again, Corrup Error preventing debugging real seaside exception

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Feb 1 12:50:35 PST 2017


This second error is not related to the earlier error we were tracking 
... I don't see an actual error message in your email, so I'm not 
exactly sure what is breaking here ... Nonetheless, #changeClassTo: was 
a nasty little performance hack that is no longer needed.

In GRUtf8CodecStream>>nextPutAll: the following should be done:

     ifTrue: [ stream nextPutAll: aString asString ]
     ifFalse: [ stream nextPutAll: aString _encodeAsUTF8intoString ]

and in Utf8>>asString the following should be done:

     ^ self decodeToUnicode

It is odd that this "trick" is failing now (especially without an error 
message), but I think the right answer is to eliminate the use of 


On 02/01/2017 12:17 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 4:26 PM, Dale Henrichs 
> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>     Darn, the ExecBlock isn't persistent then ... well, the next best
>     thing is to get the #sourceString of the home method for the block
>     and/or the #blockSource of the block. So we'll add a bit more
>     logging information to ExecBlock>>selfValue:
>               GsFile gciLogServer: 'Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: ', self
>     asOop printString.
>               GsFile gciLogServer: 'Bug46661 ExecBlock blockSource: ',
>     self blockSource.
>               GsFile gciLogServer: 'Bug46661 ExecBlock homeMethod
>     inClass: ', self method homeMethod inClass printString.
>               GsFile gciLogServer: 'Bug46661 ExecBlock homeMethod
>     selector: ', self method homeMethod selector asString.
>               GsFile gciLogServer: 'Bug46661 ExecBlock homeMethod
>     source: ', self method homeMethod sourceString.
>     With regards to additional corrupObj errors, we are hitting the
>     patch, so there must be more than one failure mode involved. Can
>     you get us the stack from the other corruptobj errors? The stack
>     should be slightly different.
> OK. First, I attach what I get rendered by Seaside. Then in 
> `blockInfo.txt` you have the printing of the ExecBlock. Finally, I 
> attach the stack. Note that the error now happened on another place. 
> So I had to add the write down of the stack here (see bold part)
> seasideProcessRequest: aNativeRequest adaptor: adaptor resultBlock: 
> resultBlock
>   | result |
>   [
>   self retryDelays
>     do: [ :retryDelay |
>       (result := self
>         seasideProcessRequestWithRetry: aNativeRequest
>         resultBlock: resultBlock) ~~ nil
>         ifTrue: [ ^ result ].
>       System _sessionCacheStatAt: 2 put: (System _sessionCacheStatAt: 
> 2) + 1."requests retried"
>       (Delay forMilliseconds: retryDelay) wait ]."exceeded retry limit"
>   ^ adaptor
>     internalServerErrorMessage:
>       'Too many retries: ' , (self retryDelays size + 1) printString ]
>     on: Error
>     do: [ :ex |
>       self doAbortTransaction.
> *Transcript*
> *        show:*
> *          (String*
> *            streamContents: [ :aStream | FACompatibilityUtils current 
> printExceptionStack: ex toLevel: 250 on: aStream ]).*
>       result := adaptor internalServerErrorMessage: ex description."Do 
> an explicit return. Because of the abort above, the default action for 
> an exception (resume) is set. see bug39246."
>       ex return: nil ].
>   ^ result
> ---
> OK, let me know if you need something else.
> Cheers
>     Dale
>     On 02/01/2017 10:47 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>>     On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 3:30 PM, Dale Henrichs
>>     <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
>>     <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>         Mariano,
>>         This is a GemStone bug (internal bug #46661  "error 2110 from
>>         ExecBlock >>selfValue").
>>         We'd like to be able to disassemble the home method of the
>>         ExecBlock that is causing the error, so that we can
>>         characterize (and fix) the bug properly. To that we need to
>>         get the oop of the ExecBlock from frame 9 of the stack ...
>>         given the oop of the ExecBlock, we'll be able to disassemble
>>         the home method and perhaps understand the root cause ...
>>         Probably the best way to get the oop of the ExecBlock is to
>>         install a modified version of the proposed patch for the bug
>>         and log the oop of the receiver:
>>         login as SystemUser and patch ExecBlock>>selfValue with the
>>         following:
>>         method: ExecBlock
>>         selfValue
>>         "return self in an active copy , or nil if self is not
>>         referenced."
>>         | theVc ofs |
>>         theVc := staticLink .
>>         theVc ~~ nil ifTrue:[ | vcOfs |
>>           vcOfs := self selfOffsetInVC .
>>           vcOfs > 2"VAR_CONTEXT_NAMED_SIZE" ifTrue:[
>>             vcOfs > theVc basicSize ifTrue:[
>>                 GsFile gciLogServer: 'Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: ', self
>>         asOop printString.
>>                ^ nil "workaround bug 46661
>>         <http://kermit/bug?bug=46661>"].
>>             ^ theVc _primitiveAt: vcOfs
>>           ].
>>         ].
>>         ofs := self _selfOffsetInSelf .
>>         ofs ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
>>           ofs := ofs - 1 .
>>           ^ self _primitiveAt: ofs .
>>         ].
>>         ^ nil
>>         %
>>         When you get the oop of the ExecBlock, use the Oop in the
>>         following and remove the gciLogServer: from the patch.
>>         Here's sample topaz code that you can run, once you get the
>>         oop of the exec block (our sample is based on getting the oop
>>         of the default sort block for a SortCollection.
>>         topaz 1> run
>>         SortedCollection new _defaultBlock
>>         %
>>         [20400641 sz:0  ExecBlock2] anExecBlock2
>>         topaz 1> disa @20400641
>>           block for home method 19569409, SortedCollection >> _defaultBlock
>>           method:19568385 sourceString:20808705 numArgs:2, public, No literals
>>         Step/Source IP    Opcode         Description  (IP in bytes from &obj.hdr)
>>           ---/------ ---   -------------- -----------
>>            1/   101    56    CHKInt
>>                        58    push_STK_s1 s1=24 bytes(3 words)
>>                        64    push_STK_s1 s1=16 bytes(2 words)
>>            2/   112    72    SEND sel=Symbol(oop 2366721) #'<=' env:0, 1 args,
>>         sendCache.u2=16
>>            3/   116    80    return_tos_u1 u1=32 bytes(4 words)
>>         topaz 1> disa @19569409
>>         SortedCollection >> _defaultBlock
>>           method:19569409 sourceString:20808705 numArgs:0, public, literals at IP 72
>>         Step/Source IP    Opcode         Description  (IP in bytes from &obj.hdr)
>>           ---/------ ---   -------------- -----------
>>            1/     1    56    InterpCHKInt
>>                        58    push_SBLOCK_u1 u1=14 (zlitIdx 6 Block oop 20400641
>>         (MethodId 19568385 ))
>>            2/    98    64    return_tos_u1 u1=16 bytes(2 words)
>>     Hi Dale,
>>     [debrisdemo at quuveserver1 logs]$ grep  "Bug46661" *.log
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     gemnetobject8706.log:Bug46661 ExecBlock oop: 2425564417
>>     [debrisdemo at quuveserver1 logs]$
>>     topaz 2> disa @2425564417
>>     ERROR 2101 , a InternalError occurred (error 2101), The object
>>     with object ID 2425564417 does not exist. (InternalError)
>>     topaz 2>
>>     So...maybe it is a none persistent object?
>>     BTW should the workaround have fixed the original issue? Because
>>     I am still getting the Corrupt error even with the patched selfValue.
>>     Thanks!
>>         On 02/01/2017 10:00 AM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>>>         This looks like a smoking gun ... thanks ... I'll let you
>>>         know if we need more information.
>>>         On 02/01/2017 09:47 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>>>>         On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 2:42 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass
>>>>         <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>>         <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>>>             Which version of GemStone?
>>>>         3.3.3
>>>>             This looks to be some sort of error in trying to create
>>>>             a continuation in WAGemStoneWalkbackErrorHandler>>open:
>>>>             or WARemoteDebuggingWalkbackErrorHandler>>open:
>>>>             And looks to be similar to the error that Paul has hit
>>>>             in 3.3.1
>>>>         So...What I did is that in #open: I added code to write the
>>>>         ORIGINAL exception into the gem log:
>>>>            Transcript
>>>>         show:
>>>>         (String
>>>>         streamContents: [ :aStream | FACompatibilityUtils current
>>>>         printExceptionStack: err toLevel: 250 on: aStream ]).
>>>>         With that, I got the following information (please note the
>>>>         parts in bold).
>>>>         --transcript--'New style SigAbort hanlder'
>>>>         FastCGI Server started on port 40212
>>>>         --transcript--'Starting Gem for adaptor name: FastCGI with
>>>>         adaptor class: WAFastCGIAdaptor on port: 40212'
>>>>         --transcript--'Error stack for creating walkback: '
>>>>         --transcript--'1 FAGemStoneCompatibility class >>
>>>>         printExceptionStack:toLevel:on: @2 line 2  [GsNMethod
>>>>         37854443265]
>>>>         2 [] in  ExecBlock1 (DpQuuveProductionWalkbackErrorHandler)
>>>>         >> open: @81 line 66  [GsNMethod 52025345]
>>>>         3 String class (SequenceableCollection class) >>
>>>>         new:streamContents: @6 line 5  [GsNMethod 19668114433]
>>>>         4 String class (SequenceableCollection class) >>
>>>>         streamContents: @2 line 3  [GsNMethod 19668113921]
>>>>         5 [] in  ExecBlock1 (DpQuuveProductionWalkbackErrorHandler)
>>>>         >> open: @71 line 66  [GsNMethod 52027649]
>>>>         6 OutOfRange (AbstractException) >> _executeHandler: @4
>>>>         line 8  [GsNMethod 19134335489]
>>>>         7 OutOfRange (AbstractException) >> _signalFromPrimitive:
>>>>         @1 line 1  [GsNMethod 19134325505]
>>>>         8 VariableContext (Object) >> _primitiveAt: @1 line 1
>>>>          [GsNMethod 19131848449]
>>>>         *9 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> selfValue @9 line 9
>>>>          [GsNMethod 19132408321]*
>>>>         *10 GsProcess >> _frameContentsAt: @55 line 70  [GsNMethod
>>>>         19133016321]*
>>>>         *11 GsContext >> continuation:level: @4 line 4  [GsNMethod
>>>>         35975919105]*
>>>>         *12 GsContext class >> fromContinuation:atLevel: @3 line 3
>>>>          [GsNMethod 35975921409]*
>>>>         13 GsContext >> sender @8 line 4  [GsNMethod 35975918593]
>>>>         14 DpQuuveProductionWalkback (WAGemStoneWalkback) >>
>>>>         currentContextForContinuation: @12 line 6  [GsNMethod
>>>>         35981465089]
>>>>         15 DpQuuveProductionWalkback (WAGemStoneWalkback) >>
>>>>         currentContextForWalkback @3 line 2  [GsNMethod 35981465857]
>>>>         16 DpQuuveProductionWalkback (WAGemStoneWalkback) >>
>>>>         initializeWithException: @3 line 3  [GsNMethod 35981466369]
>>>>         17 DpQuuveProductionWalkback >>
>>>>         initializeWithException:continuation: @2 line 2  [GsNMethod
>>>>         56277705729]
>>>>         18 DpQuuveProductionWalkback class
>>>>         (WARemoteDebuggingWalkback class) >>
>>>>         exception:continuation: @3 line 2  [GsNMethod 35981461761]
>>>>         19 [] in  ExecBlock0
>>>>         (DpQuuveProductionWalkbackErrorHandler) >> open: @43 line
>>>>         38  [GsNMethod 52027905]
>>>>         20 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 44  [GsNMethod
>>>>         19132399361]
>>>>         21 DpQuuveProductionWalkbackErrorHandler >> open: @15 line
>>>>         50  [GsNMethod 52034305]
>>>>         22 DpQuuveProductionWalkbackErrorHandler
>>>>         (WAWalkbackErrorHandler) >> handleDefault: @2 line 2
>>>>          [GsNMethod 35981553921]
>>>>         23 DpQuuveProductionWalkbackErrorHandler (WAErrorHandler)
>>>>         >> handleError: @2 line 2  [GsNMethod 35977035521]
>>>>         24 DpQuuveProductionWalkbackErrorHandler (WAErrorHandler)
>>>>         >> handleGemStoneException: @5 line 4  [GsNMethod 35976973313]
>>>>         25 DpQuuveProductionWalkbackErrorHandler
>>>>         (WAGemStoneWalkbackErrorHandler) >> handleException: @2
>>>>         line 2  [GsNMethod 35981454337]
>>>>         26 [] in  ExecBlock0 (WAExceptionHandler) >>
>>>>         handleExceptionsDuring: @11 line 5  [GsNMethod 37840329473]
>>>>         27 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 44  [GsNMethod
>>>>         19132399361]
>>>>         28 [] in  ExecBlock1 (WAExceptionHandler) >>
>>>>         handleExceptionsDuring: @7 line 8  [GsNMethod 36035181057]
>>>>         29 [] in  ExecBlock1 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @11 line 51
>>>>          [GsNMethod 19431386881]
>>>>         30 InternalError (AbstractException) >>
>>>>         _executeOuterHandler: @4 line 7  [GsNMethod 19134334977]
>>>>         31 InternalError (AbstractException) >> _pass:with: @5 line
>>>>         13  [GsNMethod 19134331905]
>>>>         32 InternalError (AbstractException) >> pass @2 line 14
>>>>          [GsNMethod 19134331137]
>>>>         33 [] in  ExecBlock1 (FaApplicationContextManager) >>
>>>>         inContext:do: @32 line 12  [GsNMethod 50887641345]
>>>>         34 InternalError (AbstractException) >>
>>>>         _executeOuterHandler: @4 line 7  [GsNMethod 19134334977]
>>>>         35 InternalError (AbstractException) >> _pass:with: @5 line
>>>>         13  [GsNMethod 19134331905]
>>>>         36 InternalError (AbstractException) >> pass @2 line 14
>>>>          [GsNMethod 19134331137]
>>>>         37 [] in  ExecBlock1 (FaBasicApplicationContext) >>
>>>>         renderOn: @23 line 11  [GsNMethod 56210914817]
>>>>         38 InternalError (AbstractException) >> _executeHandler: @4
>>>>         line 8  [GsNMethod 19134335489]
>>>>         39 InternalError (AbstractException) >>
>>>>         _signalFromPrimitive: @1 line 1  [GsNMethod 19134325505]
>>>>         40 Utf8 (Object) >> _onStackAsSelfBelow: @1 line 1
>>>>          [GsNMethod 19131797505]
>>>>         41 [] in  ExecBlock0 (Object) >> changeClassTo: @9 line 26
>>>>          [GsNMethod 19432195073]
>>>>         42 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12  [GsNMethod
>>>>         19132413953]
>>>>         43 Utf8 (Object) >> changeClassTo: @5 line 30  [GsNMethod
>>>>         19131817473]
>>>>         44 GRUtf8CodecStream >> nextPutAll: @10 line 8  [GsNMethod
>>>>         29463089665]
>>>>         45 WAHtmlDocument (WADocument) >> nextPutAll: @2 line 2
>>>>          [GsNMethod 35976968705]
>>>>         46 [] in  ExecBlock2 (WAHtmlAttributes) >> encodeOn: @10
>>>>         line 6  [GsNMethod 36035602689]
>>>>         47 WAHtmlAttributes (GRSmallDictionary) >> keysAndValuesDo:
>>>>         @6 line 2  [GsNMethod 19745996545]
>>>>         48 WAHtmlAttributes >> encodeOn: @3 line 4  [GsNMethod
>>>>         26035337729]
>>>>         49 WAHtmlDocument (WAXmlDocument) >>
>>>>         openTag:attributes:closed: @4 line 5  [GsNMethod 35962598145]
>>>>         That's the info I could get for the moment.  Will continue
>>>>         trying to find more.
>>>>             Dale
>>>>             On 02/01/2017 09:09 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass
>>>>             wrote:
>>>>>             Hi
>>>>>             I am clicking a button on my Seaside app and I get the
>>>>>             attached screenshot. It looks like there is an
>>>>>             original problem
>>>>>             'Error creating WAWalkback: a OutOfRange occurred
>>>>>             (error 2110), for a VariableContext should be between
>>>>>             4 and 5'
>>>>>             Which is then lost when trying to log the exception.
>>>>>             Below is the gem log.
>>>>>             Right now I would try to change
>>>>>             #internalServerErrorMessage: to see if I can prevent
>>>>>             the logError so that at least I am able to get the
>>>>>             original exception so that I can debug it and know
>>>>>             what it is about....
>>>>>             -------
>>>>>             --transcript--'New style SigAbort hanlder'
>>>>>             FastCGI Server started on port 40211
>>>>>             --transcript--'Starting Gem for adaptor name: FastCGI
>>>>>             with adaptor class: WAFastCGIAdaptor on port: 40211'
>>>>>             --transcript--'Error creating WAWalkback: a OutOfRange
>>>>>             occurred (error 2110), for a VariableContext should be
>>>>>             between 4 and 5'
>>>>>             ----------- Internal FASTCGI LOG ENTRY: anArray-----------
>>>>>             ----------- Internal FASTCGI ERROR Encountered:
>>>>>             2017-02-01T10:18:31.43275594711304-05:00
>>>>>             a TransactionError occurred (error 2249), Further
>>>>>             commits have been disabled for this session because:
>>>>>             'CorruptObj, fetch past end'. This session must logout.
>>>>>             1 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title:shouldCommit:
>>>>>             @3 line 4  [GsNMethod 19837057537]
>>>>>             2 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title: @2 line 3
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19837063681]
>>>>>             3 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> internalServerErrorMessage: @21
>>>>>             line 14  [GsNMethod 37855252481]
>>>>>             4 [] in  ExecBlock1 (GRGemStonePlatform) >>
>>>>>             seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: @32 line 15
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 36040141313]
>>>>>             5 TransactionError (AbstractException) >>
>>>>>             _executeOuterHandler: @4 line 7  [GsNMethod 19134334977]
>>>>>             6 TransactionError (AbstractException) >> _pass:with:
>>>>>             @5 line 13  [GsNMethod 19134331905]
>>>>>             7 TransactionError (AbstractException) >> pass @2 line
>>>>>             14  [GsNMethod 19134331137]
>>>>>             8 [] in  ExecBlock1 (System class) >> _localCommit:
>>>>>             @24 line 34  [GsNMethod 19431909377]
>>>>>             9 TransactionError (AbstractException) >>
>>>>>             _executeHandler: @4 line 8  [GsNMethod 19134335489]
>>>>>             10 TransactionError (AbstractException) >>
>>>>>             _signalFromPrimitive: @1 line 1  [GsNMethod 19134325505]
>>>>>             11 System class >> _primitiveCommit: @1 line 1
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19133373185]
>>>>>             12 System class >> __commit: @2 line 8  [GsNMethod
>>>>>             19133359617]
>>>>>             13 [] in  ExecBlock0 (System class) >> _localCommit:
>>>>>             @21 line 30  [GsNMethod 19431909633]
>>>>>             14 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> onException:do: @2 line
>>>>>             66  [GsNMethod 19132400129]
>>>>>             15 System class >> _localCommit: @9 line 31
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19133359873]
>>>>>             16 SessionMethodTransactionBoundaryPolicy
>>>>>             (TransactionBoundaryDefaultPolicy) >> commit: @3 line
>>>>>             3  [GsNMethod 19470788865]
>>>>>             17 System class >> _commit: @8 line 16  [GsNMethod
>>>>>             19133360129]
>>>>>             18 System class >> commitTransaction @5 line 7
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19133369089]
>>>>>             19 System class >> _commitPrintingDiagnostics @3 line
>>>>>             8  [GsNMethod 19133283585]
>>>>>             20 SystemCommitTransaction >> defaultAction @2 line 3
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19832138497]
>>>>>             21 SystemCommitTransaction (AbstractException) >>
>>>>>             _signalWith: @6 line 25  [GsNMethod 19134336001]
>>>>>             22 SystemCommitTransaction class (AbstractException
>>>>>             class) >> signal @3 line 5  [GsNMethod 19134317825]
>>>>>             23 GRGemStonePlatform >> doCommitTransaction @4 line 3
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19837059329]
>>>>>             24 [] in  ExecBlock0 (GRGemStonePlatform) >>
>>>>>             seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: @30 line
>>>>>             32  [GsNMethod 36040140801]
>>>>>             25 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19132413953]
>>>>>             26 TransientRecursionLock >> critical: @12 line 12
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 30973507329]
>>>>>             27 GRGemStonePlatform >>
>>>>>             seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: @4 line 6
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 35976432641]
>>>>>             28 [] in  ExecBlock1 (GRGemStonePlatform) >>
>>>>>             seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: @18 line 6
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 37840320257]
>>>>>             29 Array (Collection) >> do: @6 line 10  [GsNMethod
>>>>>             19132528897]
>>>>>             30 [] in  ExecBlock0 (GRGemStonePlatform) >>
>>>>>             seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: @8 line 5
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 36040141569]
>>>>>             31 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 44
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19132399361]
>>>>>             32 GRGemStonePlatform >>
>>>>>             seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: @3 line 12
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 35976541697]
>>>>>             33 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> process: @4 line 4  [GsNMethod
>>>>>             37855252225]
>>>>>             34 [] in  ExecBlock0 (WAFastCGIAdaptor) >>
>>>>>             answerResponderRole: @8 line 4  [GsNMethod 50547927553]
>>>>>             35 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 44
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19132399361]
>>>>>             36 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> answerResponderRole: @3 line 5
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 37855252993]
>>>>>             37 FSResponderRole >> answer @3 line 4  [GsNMethod
>>>>>             37855475457]
>>>>>             38 FSResponderRole (FSRole) >> handleConnection @3
>>>>>             line 5  [GsNMethod 37855487745]
>>>>>             39 FSConnection >> unsafeServe @5 line 8  [GsNMethod
>>>>>             37855375105]
>>>>>             40 [] in  ExecBlock0 (FSConnection) >> safeServe @15
>>>>>             line 8  [GsNMethod 56276117761]
>>>>>             41 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 44
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19132399361]
>>>>>             42 [] in  ExecBlock0 (FSConnection) >> safeServe @11
>>>>>             line 9  [GsNMethod 56211351041]
>>>>>             43 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 44
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19132399361]
>>>>>             44 [] in  ExecBlock0 (FSConnection) >> safeServe @7
>>>>>             line 12  [GsNMethod 50842477057]
>>>>>             45 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19132413953]
>>>>>             46 FSConnection >> safeServe @3 line 15  [GsNMethod
>>>>>             37855377153]
>>>>>             47 FSConnection >> serve @2 line 4  [GsNMethod
>>>>>             37855376641]
>>>>>             48 [] in  ExecBlock (FSSocketServer) >> listen: @15
>>>>>             line 15  [GsNMethod 50843215361]
>>>>>             49 ExecBlock >> valueWithArguments: @1 line 1
>>>>>              [GsNMethod 19132413697]
>>>>>             50 GsProcess >> _start @8 line 16  [GsNMethod 19132995841]
>>>>>             51 <Reenter marker>
>>>>>             -----------
>>>>>             --transcript--'handled sigabort:
>>>>>             2017-02-01T10:28:51.61530303955078-05:00'
>>>>>             GemStone signal handler: signal 15 (SIGTERM), received
>>>>>             from process 1 userId 0
>>>>>             si_code: 0 at 1485964384, SI_USER, signal from
>>>>>             kill(2), sigsend(2), raise(3C) or abort(3C)
>>>>>             [debrisdemo at quuveserver1 logs]$
>>>>>             -- 
>>>>>             Mariano
>>>>>             http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
>>>>>             <http://marianopeck.wordpress.com>
>>>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>>>             Glass mailing list
>>>>>             Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>>>             <mailto:Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
>>>>>             http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
>>>>>             <http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass>
>>>>             _______________________________________________ Glass
>>>>             mailing list Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>>             <mailto:Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
>>>>             http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
>>>>             <http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass> 
>>>>         -- 
>>>>         Mariano http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
>>>>         <http://marianopeck.wordpress.com>
>>     -- 
>>     Mariano http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
>>     <http://marianopeck.wordpress.com>
> -- 
> Mariano http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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