[Glass] Where is the cache repository located ? Easy way to maintain content of cache ?

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Feb 2 08:07:32 PST 2017

By default yes ... at the end of the day they end up on disk either way 
and they only get into the SPC when you reference them and you are a 
"flush away" from removing them from the repository ...

Running the `gs flushCaches --hard` command or executing the following:

     ObjectLogEntry initialize.
     MCRepositoryGroup default repositoriesDo: [ :rep | rep flushCache ].
     MCDefinition clearInstances.
     MCMethodDefinition cachedDefinitions
       removeKeys: MCMethodDefinition cachedDefinitions keys.
     MCMethodDefinition shutDown.
     MethodVersionHistory uniqueInstance cleanUp.
     TDTopezServer clearPersistentElementCacheStack

is a good idea if you are concerned about cleaning up in-repository 
caches. If you are not using the tODE command, keep an eye on the 
TDGemStoneTool>>gsFlushCaches: method for the up-to-date list of 
candidate caches ...


On 2/2/17 7:54 AM, Marten Feldtmann wrote:
> All these packages are stored in the database ?
> Marten
>> Dale Henrichs via Glass <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> hat am 2. 
>> Februar 2017 um 16:48 geschrieben:
>> Marten,
>> You can find the cache repository being used by evaluating:
>>   MCCacheRepository default
>> For GemStone, we arrange for the cacheRepository to be stored in the 
>> repo as MCDictionaryRepository.
>> The easiest way to flush the cache is to use the tODE command `mr 
>> flush`. Otherwise you can execute the following:
>>   MCRepositoryGroup default repositoriesDo: [ :rep | rep flushCache ].
>>   System commit
>> Dale
>> On 2/2/17 7:39 AM, Marten Feldtmann via Glass wrote:
>>> I would like to know, where the content of the cache repository is 
>>> located. Within the database ? Somewhere on disc ?
>>> I've a faulty member in this structure and would like to know, how 
>>> to remove a package from that repository.
>>> Marten
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