[Glass] Deployment setup

Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Jun 6 11:39:18 PDT 2017


	A) in the  seaside_3212 repository	 relative to the 	BaselineOfSIXX   load

		1)  the tode input :	 ( BaselineOfSIXX project lastVersion ) load


         	Could not resolve: XML-Observable [XML-Observable-JohanBrichau.1] in cache http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/PharoExtras/XMLSupport/main (4)

		2) The relative   (github://glassdb/SIXX:master/repository )  menu load entry

			 in the project list  works fine.

	B1) i use the lighttpd web server and i configured the FastCGI entry.

		Now the seaside_3212 define the gemServer based on zinc on port 8080.

		But the lighttpd don't answer to it.

		What i need to add in the lighttpd config to manage it?

	B2 ) in alternative to B1

		I have do test to create the FastCGI with the  seasideWebServer but it answer: ' No serverClass defined for service 'fastcgi'

		In Tode i do the command  :

			project load --loads='FastCGI' Seaside3
			but the system answer :   Name not found

			What i wrong ?

	C) i have  a new GsDevKit_home  with  a a new 3.3.6  repository 

		i think to load seaside following:	https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/blob/master/docs/gettingStartedWithSeaside.md

		it's right ?

	D) i have a o macbook with a Tode client based on gsDevKitHome

		i had a session to link the  seaside_3212  ( Based on  GsDevKit_home ) run on the server ( the same og point A )
	(TDSessionDescription new
	name: 'meeting001';
	gemstoneVersion: '3.2.12';
	stoneHost: 'meeting001';
	stoneName: 'seaside_3212';
	gemHost: 'meeting001';
	netLDI: 'seaside_3212_ldi';
	gemTask: 'gemnetobject';
	userId: 'DataCurator';
	password: 'swordfish';
	backupDirectory: '';
	serverGitRoot: '/opt/oodb';
	serverTodeRoot: '/opt/oodb/gsDevKitHome/dev/tode';
	yourself) exportTo: TDShell sessionDescriptionHome.

		When i do the Tode test login the system answer:
	Error running testLogin:
	The gci library 'libgcirpc-3.2.12-32' for GemStone version '3.2.12'
	was not found in the expected location '/opt/git/gsDevKitHome/pharo/pharo-vm/'.
	Please double check that the GemStone version is correct.
	It may be necessary to download a copy of 'libgcirpc-3.2.12-32' for
	Macintosh from http://ftp.gemtalksystems.com/pub/GemStone64/3.2.12.

		I download the GemStone64Bit3.2.12-i386.Darwin

		 and copy the libgcirpc-3.2.12-32.dylib	into /opt/git/gsDevKitHome/pharo/pharo-vm/'.

		But the Tode test login answer the same error ...


	Thanks for considerations,

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