[Glass] SmalltalkCI gemstone on mac os sierra

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Mar 22 11:54:35 PDT 2017


If you are running with the latest update for Sierra, you should be okay 
... There was an issue, but we believe that the problems were addressed 
by Apple.

I think that you are having a hostname issue that is not necessarily 
related to Sierra ... I'm pretty sure that the mac os has funky behavior 
when setting the hostname, i.e., when you "name" your host during the 
standard mac os installation/upgrade/startup process, the hostname is 
hot necessarily propogated to the underlying operating system... I don't 
recall all of the details, but it has to do with the fact that your 
hostname is not in the file /etc/hosts and that causes a problem for 
GemStone. Furthermore, it is not sufficient (on the mac only?) to simply 
edit /etc/hosts. I think it is necessary to use `sudo hostname` to 
properly set the hostname - but this advice may be different for Sierra(?).

I think the rule of thumb is that the name returned by `hostname` must 
be present in /et/chosts for GemStone to run properly ... and I'm pretty 
sure that `sudo hostname` is the incantation that guarantees that. 
However, I am not running on Sierra yet:)

If `sudo hostname` doesn't work I think you'll need to Google for 
properly setting hostname on Sierra.


On 03/22/2017 08:26 AM, Johan Brichau via Glass wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m trying to run SmalltalkCI with a GemStone 3.2.15 on my mac (os sierra).
> The stone startup fails with this message:
> [Error]: OS error: getaddrinfo failed, EAI error 8, nodename nor servname provided, or not known,
> Does anybody know a cause or solution?
> thx
> Johan
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