[Glass] gt4gemstone: 3.2.16 possible?

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sat May 20 06:22:37 PDT 2017

Hey Johan,

Could you be a bit more specific about the error you are getting and the 
step that you are performing ... I have a passing familiarity with 
gt4gemstone ... I've been using it fairly regularly and converted the 
scripts to load into GemStone 3.4, but I haven't actually studied the 
scripts themselves.

The bare GemStone install for gt4gemstone is intended to be installed as 
SystemUser and therefore shouldn't be expecting any GLASS classes to be 
present, but there might be some classes in 3.3.x that aren't in 3.2.x, 
but I would need to see a stack...


On 5/19/17 11:43 PM, Johan Brichau via Glass wrote:
> Hi there,
> I’ve got gt4gemstone working by following the instructions on the github site on a GS 3.3.4 in a GsDevKit environment.
> Because we are on GS 3.2.16, I’m trying to get it working in that version of Gemstone and hitting some issues with security policy in the first install step: SystemUser does not see GLASS classes loaded by DataCurator.
> I did not yet start solving it, but if there is a zero chance of me getting it to work in that version of GemStone, it would be cool to know now :)
> thx
> Johan
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