[Glass] Trying to NOT run out of gem space while having a decent profiling sample resolution
Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon May 29 15:53:48 PDT 2017
On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 7:29 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Allen Otis suggested me a nice idea to use #computeInterval: so that I can
> get a decent number of samples based on the approx total time rather than a
> fixed interval value. The problem is, of course, the higher the sampling,
> the more gem temp space I need. I already increased my gem temp space quite
> a bit, but for certain scenarios I am still running out of memory.
> Basically, the profiler outputs:
> There was an error trying to profile: *a Error occurred (error 2517), 2
> failed attempts to signal AlmostOutOfMemory*
> So... besides the obvious solution of increase and increasing and
> increasing the gem temp space, I tried something similar to what I do with
> sixx...basically.. make that temp space to be persistence and do the stuff
> inside a memory handler that commits under pressure.
> My code looks like this:
> profile: aBlock estimatedTotalCpuTime: totalCpuTime tallyThreshold:
> tallyThreshold writingReportOn: aStream
> "Profiles aBlock with a sample of miliseconds and writes the resulting
> report (limited to tallyThreshold number of invokations of a given method)
> into aStream "
> | profMon startTime endTime persistentKey persistentDict |
> persistentKey := ('PROFMONITOR' , Object new identityHash asString)
> asSymbol.
> persistentDict := UserGlobals
> at: #'ProfMonitorRoots'
> ifAbsentPut: [ RcKeyValueDictionary new ].
> [
> FACompatibilityUtils current
> commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring: [
> startTime := System _timeGmtFloat.
> profMon := ProfMonitorTree new.
> persistentDict at: persistentKey put: profMon.
> profMon intervalNs: (profMon class computeInterval: totalCpuTime) *
> 4.
> profMon startMonitoring.
> [ aBlock value ]
> ensure: [
> "This #ensure: is very important because the closure we are
> profiling may raise a signal... (like seaside request processing which uses
> notifications)..so without the #ensure: we do not write the report
> anywhere..."
> [
> endTime := System _timeGmtFloat.
> profMon stopMonitoring.
> profMon gatherResults.
> aStream
> nextPutAll:
> 'Total time: ' , ((endTime - startTime) * 1000) asInteger
> asString;
> cr;
> cr.
> aStream
> nextPutAll: (profMon reportDownTo: tallyThreshold);
> cr.
> profMon removeResults ]
> on: Error
> do: [ :ex | aStream nextPutAll: 'There was an error trying to
> profile: ' , ex printString ] ] ]
> threshold: 80 ]
> ensure: [
> persistentDict removeKey: persistentKey ifAbsent: [ ].
> System commit ]
> What I cannot understand is that WITHOUT the #
> commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring:threshold: logic, I only get the out of
> memory problem in a few scenarios (those scenarios that are really big).
> Now, WITH the logic of #commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring:threshold: I
> thought I should get none (ideally) out of memory problem as the samples
> are now persistent. Yet... the funny part is that I am getting above error
> for every single profile I do..even for small ones. WTF!
> I am clearly doing something wrong, but I cannot see it.
> What does it mean exactly the exception *" 2 failed attempts to signal
> AlmostOutOfMemory" *???? How can someone fail to signal the exception ?
> What can I do so that it doesn't fail ?
BTW, I forgot to say I am able to create a continuation for the exception
and debug it.
Attached is the stack that throws that exception.
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