[Glass] Cannot execute a leaf node

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Oct 4 15:39:21 PDT 2017


Here's the source for TDFileSystemLeafNode>>block

   ^ (self name endsWith: self stonFileExtension)
     ifTrue: [
       [ self asTDLeafNode block ]
         on: STONReaderError
         do: [ :ex | super block ] ]
     ifFalse: [ super block ].

and from the stack you are calling TDLeafNode>>block from 
TDFileSystemLeafNode>>block. According to `break steps 
TDFileSystemLeafNode>>block`, step point 9 is the second call, implying 
that the name does not end with `.ston`, so going to frame 6 and seeing 
the value of the name instance variable will get us one step closer to 
figuring out what might be going wrong here ...

BTW, I originally thought that the seasideWebServer was intended to be 
used with 3.2, but I installed 3.2 and was able to run the script and 
launch a web server, so that is not the issue ..


On 10/2/17 3:25 PM, Jupiter Jones wrote:
> Hi Dale,
>> I'd like to see a stack from this to get my bearings. Use the builtIn `debugMode` to get a debugger on the command error:
> TodeCommandError: Cannot execute a leaf node
> --------------------
> 1. TodeCommandError(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @6 line 25
> 2. TodeCommandError(AbstractException)>>signal: @3 line 7
> 3. TodeCommandError class(AbstractException class)>>signal: @3 line 4
> 4. TDFileSystemLeafNode(TDNode)>>error: @2 line 2
> 5. TDFileSystemLeafNode(TDLeafNode)>>block @2 line 2
> 6. TDFileSystemLeafNode>>block @9 line 7
> 7. TDTopezServer>>evaluateCommand:objIn: @11 line 10
> 8. TDTopezServer>>evaluateSTONCommand: @10 line 6
> 9. Executed Code
> 10. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1
> TDFileSystemLeafNode(TDLeafNode)>>block @2 line 2
> --------------------
> .         -> TDFileSystemLeafNode(TDLeafNode)>>block @2 line 2
> (context) -> aGsNMethod
> (self)    -> /sys/stone/home/seaside/seasideWebServer
> .t1       -> /sys/stone/home/seaside/seasideWebServer
> .t2       -> 'Cannot execute a leaf node'
> I don’t know how to get a more detailed stack for printing, so let me know if you need more :)
> Cheers,
> J
>> On 09/29/2017 08:16 PM, Jupiter Jones via Glass wrote:
>>> I’ve just installed GS3.3.4 and seaside 3.2 from SeasideSt on github (rather than the GsDevKit/Seaside31).
>>> I then mounted the GsDevKit_home/etc/GsDevKit_seaside31/bin in tODE and went to register a seaside server and got the following error:
>>> tode 1 > seaside/seasideWebServer --register=zinc --port=8383
>>> Topez ERROR: a TodeCommandError occurred (error 121000), Cannot execute a leaf node
>>> I have a previous installation of 3.3.3 in the same GsDevKit and the scripts are working. I’m not sure what I’ve done differently and any advice would be appreciated.
>>> Cheers,
>>> J
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