[Glass] ConfigurationOf vs. upgradeSeasideImage

Ken Treis via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Feb 8 10:30:15 PST 2018

Thanks, Dale. It turns out I was premature in declaring victory yesterday, and the "needs recompile" error is still happening even with my triumphal "fix".

Should I be using the upgradeStone script from GsDevKit rather than the upgradeSeasideImage script in the official GS 64-bit distribution? I'm not using GsDevKit / tODE on this project yet, but migration to tODE is a near-term goal.

Ken Treis
Miriam Technologies, Inc.
(866) 652-2040 x221

> On Feb 7, 2018, at 6:18 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Ken,
> I suggest that you take a look at the GsDevKit_home upgradeStone script[1] for inspiration. That sounds like a familiar problem and I'm pretty sure that I've addressed that issue plus others in the upgradeStone script.
> Dale
> [1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/blob/master/bin/upgradeStone#L192 <https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/blob/master/bin/upgradeStone#L192>
> On 02/07/2018 05:08 PM, Ken Treis via Glass wrote:
>> I'm working on upgrading a system from 3.2.15 to 3.3.5 and hit a snag. I'm not sure if this is a bug in upgradeSeasideImage or just an odd quirk of our setup.
>> When upgradeSeasideImage tries to auto-detect ConfigurationOfX classes to remove, it is apparently deciding to include the base `ConfigurationOf` class from Metacello in its list of removals. The script ends up loading it fresh, removing it, and then bombing when one of the packages triggers  `ConfigurationOf class>>ensureMetacello`.
>> I worked around this by building my #BootstrapExistingConfigurationList that omitted ConfigurationOf, and then the upgradeSeasideImage script completed without errors.
>> Here are some highlights from the upgradeTo3x.log leading up to the failure:
>>> Automatically generating list of loaded configuration classes to be removed:
>>>   ConfigurationOfGLASS
>>>   ConfigurationOfFileTree
>>>   ConfigurationOfGofer
>>>   ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon
>>>   ConfigurationOfGrease
>>>   ConfigurationOfGsMisc
>>>   ConfigurationOfGsOB
>>>   ConfigurationOfGoferProjectLoader
>>>   ConfigurationOfGsMonticello
>>>   ConfigurationOfGsCore
>>>   ConfigurationOf
>>>   ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents
>>>   ConfigurationOfSeaside3
>>>   ConfigurationOfMetacello
>> [snipped]
>>> loading 'Metacello-Base-dkh.103.mcz'
>>> class created: 'ConfigurationOf'
>> [snipped]
>>> BootstrapExistingConfigurationList do: [:class | class removeFromSystem ].
>> […]
>>> --transcript--'Loaded -> ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon-dkh.25 --- upgrade.weco-write.com <http://upgrade.weco-write.com/>:/opt/gemstone/product/seaside/monticello/repository --- cache'
>>> -----------------------------------------------------
>>> GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
>>> a ImproperOperation occurred (error 2142), Cannot execute method, 'method needs recompile, ConfigurationOf class >> ensureMetacello , oop 36494597889'
>>> Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 2142  Arg Count: 2 Context : 69194451969 exception : 72186891777
>>> Arg 1: [72186892033 sz:82 cls: 74753 String] method needs recompile, ConfigurationOf class >> ensureMetacello , oop 36494597889
>>> Arg 2: [20 sz:0 cls: 76289 UndefinedObject] nil
>>> topaz> time
>>>  02/07/2018 10:47:24.935 PST
>>> topaz > exec iferr 1 : stk 
>>> ==> 1 ImproperOperation (AbstractException) >> _signalFromPrimitive: @7 line 15   [methId 56587946753]
>>> 2 ConfigurationOfGsSqueakCommon >> project      @1 line 1   [methId 72117275905]
>> Again, this might be just a quirk of my setup… but it seems (in my limited understanding) that the upgrade wouldn't need to remove ConfigurationOf after having just loaded it.
>> In case anybody else needs the workaround, I just copied the auto-generation code from the log, hacked it as follows, and used it to set #BootstrapExistingConfigurationList explicitly before running `upgradeSeasideImage`:
>>> "Patched code from upgradeSeasideImage (to avoid removing base ConfigurationOf class)"
>>> GsFile gciLogServer: 'Automatically generating list of loaded configuration classes'.
>>> UserGlobals at: #BootstrapExistingConfigurationList put: OrderedCollection new.
>>> UserGlobals associationsDo: [:assoc |
>>>   assoc value isBehavior
>>>     ifTrue: [
>>>       ((assoc key asString _findString: 'ConfigurationOf' startingAt: 1 ignoreCase: false) == 1 and: [assoc key ~= #ConfigurationOf])
>>>         ifTrue: [
>>>           GsFile gciLogServer: '  ', assoc key asString.
>>>           (UserGlobals at: #BootstrapExistingConfigurationList) add: assoc value ]
>>>     ].
>>> ].
>> --
>> Ken Treis
>> Miriam Technologies, Inc.
>> (866) 652-2040 x221
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