[Glass] Restore backup
Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Nov 2 07:20:37 PDT 2018
> On 10/31/2018 11:30 AM, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass wrote:
>> Ciao Dale,
>> sorry but I had a problem on a server.
it was not the server in question.
>> I was able to verify the restore on an old system and everything worked.
I have hard disk where is replicate the operating system and the gsDevKitHome environment and the database.
After startup the emergency PC with this device i do ( from tode shell ) the restore operation without problem.
I used the same original gestionale.dbf.gz backup file.
>> Do not ask me the details ( now ) but I think everything ( the origin GLASS where i do the backup - and the Target GLASS where i restore the data )
>> refers to the old gsDevKitHome environment.
> So you have resolved the "corrupt object errors"? Hardware issues would be a a likely cause of corrupt obj errors and sigsegvs and "garbage collection errors" and if you've "solved" your problem by running on different hardware then it isn't likely (tho still possible) that you are running into the bugs that have been fixed in later versions of GemStone ...
OK, good to know.
But in the emergency system with GsDevKit_home environment and relative database
where i restored the same original gestionale.dbf.gz backup file
the problem is still that ( see my first email dated 24/10 )
>>> You may have run into a memory manager bug that has been fixed in later versions of GemStone ... you might try using a larger TOC to avoid the bug:
>> In which file ( path ) should I set this parameter?
> This would be set in the system.conf file ($GS_HOME/server/stones/<stone-name>/extents/system.conf) or the gem.conf file ($GS_HOME/server/stones/<stone-name>/gem.conf)
I changed both.
>> Keep in mind that the problems about restore I had on a system where I have the GsDevKit_home environment
>> Then: the origin GLASS where i do the backup is based on gsDevKitHome
>> the target where i do the restore is based on gsDevKit_Home
> Ah now I understand a bit more ... the `script --script=rebuildSys` script should work in the new environment, but the version of tODE installed for gsDevKitHome may be too old (I don't recall at the moment).
Now the tODE where i do the script --script=rebuildSys is based on gsDevKit_Home
But the system answer the same error:
a InternalError occurred ( error 2261 ) , The object with object ID remoteNil is corrupt.
Reason 'store past end'
I press the Abort for some time.
After 40 seconds the tode shell report : GciSessionNotLoggedInError: Session no longer logged in
The recent gem log file is:
is it possible that the problem is related to the DataCurator password?
The restore database has a different password than the 'swordfish'
I change to the new restore password into:
1) tODE entry description password
2) the ../server/base_3106/product/seaside/etc/ gemstone.secret
but I have some doubts.
Also because when i run: stopStone base_3106 the system report:
GsDevKit script: stopStone base_3106
path: /opt/GsDKb/GsDevKit_home/bin/stopStone
Error running shell command: '/opt/GsDKb/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone'
with args:
STDOUT: '--- 02/11/18 14:59:41.276 CET ---
stopstone[Info]: GemStone version ''''
stopstone[Info]: initiating ''base_3106'' shutdown...
GemStone: Error Fatal
Login failed: the GemStone userId/password combination is invalid
or expired.
Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 4051 Arg Count: 0 Context : 20 exception : 20
STDERR: =================
GsDevKit script: stopGemstone
path: /opt/GsDKb/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone
stopstone[Error]: Invalid username(DataCurator) or password.
Error on or near line 22 :: stopGemstone :: stopGemstone
Error: Shell command: '/opt/GsDKb/GsDevKit_home/server/bin/gs/stopGemstone' failed.
GsDevKitStopstoneCommandLineHandler class(Object)>>error:
GsDevKitStopstoneCommandLineHandler class(GsDevKitAbstractCommandLineHandler class)>>runShellCommand:args:noError:
GsDevKitStopstoneCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activateSubCommand: in Block: [ aCommandLinehandler activateWith: commandLine ]
PharoCommandLineHandler(BasicCommandLineHandler)>>activate in Block: [ self handleArgument: (self arguments ifEmpty: [ ...etc...
PharoCommandLineHandler class(CommandLineHandler class)>>activateWith:
PharoCommandLineHandler class>>activateWith: in Block: [ super activateWith: aCommandLine ]
MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess in Block: [ ...
BlockClosure>>newProcess in Block: [ ...
Error on or near line 99 :: devKitCommandLine stopstone base_3106 :: devKitCommandLine stopstone base_3106
Error on or near line 74 :: stopStone base_3106 :: stopStone base_3106
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