[Glass] How to make Seaside ignore a repeat request

Richard Sargent via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Oct 31 17:25:50 PDT 2018

I have a situation where some requests may take a long time, resulting in the
user getting impatient and triggering the request again. If the second
request cannot get the lock while the first is processing, the request
processing loop retries for a total of 10 attempts before giving up. 
(This is especially critical when the default #retryDelays of 23.31 seconds
is too long and have been shortened.)

Short of fixing the thing that takes a ridiculously long time, what can I do
to prevent or ignore the user triggering the request a second time and
perhaps getting back a /Too many retries: 11/ response instead of what was

Is there a way to disable the UI while a request is being processed?
Is there a way to produce a "null response" that won't try to update the
display in the browser?


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