[Glass] GsDevKit for Docker

Jupiter Jones via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Sep 11 16:22:09 PDT 2018

Hi again,

Just some thoughts out loud. Anyone with container and kubernets knowledge please chime in :)

I’m looking at what needs to persist in GsDevKit for any particular user, and it comes down to three directories:


The “shared” directory doesn’t really need persistence if we assume that when a new version of GS is released, a new image will be created, and the server will replace the old image with the new one.

The same may be said about “sys” however it’s possible, even likely, that new nodes will be added in tODE to support the production system.

“server” obviously contains the stones and translogs so needs to be persistent. 

Ideally, it would be nice if there was a single directory root for data that needed persistence. Having 2 directories mounted (“server” and “sys") may be an issue since there is a link in “sys/stones” pointing to “server/stones”. I’ll have to confirm if that link works once “server” and “sys” are mounted as separate volumes. I have a feeling it won’t.

I forgot to mention, the current state of this work is at:

https://github.com/JupiterSmalltalk/DockerForGemStone <https://github.com/JupiterSmalltalk/DockerForGemStone>

On the GsDevKit branch.

So the error from the previous email is easily replicated by checking out that branch then running “make build” in the GsDevKit-Starter-3.4.2 directory.

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