[Glass] Install last master branch of Seaside

Reg Krock via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Sep 26 11:00:04 PDT 2018


> On 26 Sep2018, at 3:44 AM, jtuchel at objektfabrik.de via Glass <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Petr,
> Am 26.09.18 um 08:31 schrieb Petr Fischer via Glass:
>>> Hi Dario,
>>> Since Pillar was extracted from Pier and extended, some of those extensions use traits in Pharo, so it’s no longer a smalltalk community project - rather Pharo only for now.
>> It's possible to move methods from Pharo Traits to the proper Pier superclass (or Object class) and everything should be fine IMHO.
>> But yes, it's some work, you can make a porting work on the Pharo side and then export final work to the Gemstone, or hack package loader on Gemstone side or something like this (even more work)...
> hmm. If that means Traits aren't really essential to Pier/Pillar, I wonder why they are being used. Is this intended to balkanize and fragment the Smalltalk market  a little more? I guess we've already lerned that fragmentation is not a good base for a viable market.
>> If I understood it well, something new about project loading/managing is baking at Gemstone - new Tonel format etc etc. It would be nice if Gemstone were ready for new things (Traits) coming from Pharo and make needed conversions automatically  - lot of stuff/libraries comes from Pharo and the gap expands...
> That's an interesting point. I guess if Traits show to be useful, it makes absolute sense to look into them - not only for Gemstone but also other vendors.
> Don't get me wrong: I wouldn't mind if Pharo takes the lead on Smalltalk. Better Pharo does than we all stay on our ivory tower or balloon for another 25 years, looking down at the rest in disgust, because "that was all invented in our language - we just never finished it”.

There definitely is some utility in Traits and I agree that a common implementation should be done across all Smalltalk dialects. 

But I also think that they are the new shiny tool and it may be abused. I find that composition is often sufficient to resolve issues where Traits are used.


> Joachim
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