[Glass] Curious about GemStone 3.5

Norm Green norm.green at gemtalksystems.com
Wed Apr 10 15:05:41 PDT 2019

As Martin said, stoneless (we call it "solo" mode) is just 
single-session access to an existing, read-only repository.  Classes can 
be loaded into a solo session, but need to be reloaded every time a solo 
session is started.  Alternatively, you can load all your classes and 
objects into a normal GemStone session (with a stone) and commit, then 
shut down the stone and access the shut down repository in solo mode.


On 4/10/2019 2:00 PM, BrunoBB via Glass wrote:
> Hi,
> I have read in Git issues and mail list some features of GS 3.5 ...
> It seems it will support Tonel package format and run a Gem without the need
> of a Stone.
> It is possible to list features here ?
> Or i should wait until official release ?
> Some doubts in my mind:
> * How the Stoneless Gem will get the classes if it is not connected to a
> Stone ?
> * Maybe it will be a special Gem with the behavior stored somewhere else (or
> preloaded) ?
>     - If the Stone is upgraded how this will affect the Stoneless Gem ?
> regards,
> bruno
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