[Glass] createStone test 3.6.0 failed

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Wed Dec 2 09:20:35 PST 2020

On 12/1/20 11:49 AM, Marten Feldtmann wrote:
> "git log -2" shows only changes up to 24.11.2020

You are clearly missing the commit from November 26 and 30.  In my clone 
I'm seeing all of the commits on the master branch.

Here's picture of the commits up on github:

So it means that somehow the `git pull` didn't work??

Here's a series of commands that I ran in my repo and you should see 
pretty much the same thing:

    rogue:instance>git remote -v
    gsdevkit	git at github.com:GsDevKit/GsDevKit.git (fetch)
    gsdevkit	git at github.com:GsDevKit/GsDevKit.git (push)
    origin	git at github.com:glassdb/glass.git (fetch)
    origin	git at github.com:glassdb/glass.git (push)
    rogue:instance>git status
    On branch master
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

    nothing to commit, working tree clean
    rogue:instance>git log
    commit be86d29fcc3efd86dc59d6ab6ccddb3480c2f2ea (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/issue_130, origin/HEAD, issue_130)
    Author: Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
    Date:   Mon Nov 30 18:40:59 2020 -0800

         Issue #130: remove a debug statement

    commit 0226e549a0c43181587525212cf8bfbbff6ea331
    Author: Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
    Date:   Mon Nov 30 12:44:44 2020 -0800

         Issue #131: use Locale class>>decimalPoint in ScaledDecimal>>_printAsDateAndTimeANSISecondsOn:

    commit 7a6df0e62cf39f1b0292a4040249dcea64dc5e21
    Author: Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
    Date:   Thu Nov 26 13:11:33 2020 -0800

         Issue #130: one final change needed to properly load a definition with a nil superclass

    commit f450354df2e09acbb24420402e7b60662c1279bc
    Author: Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
    Date:   Thu Nov 26 12:05:15 2020 -0800

         Issue #130: also missing UndefinedObject>>subclass:instVarNames:classVars:classInstVars:poolDictionaries:inDictionary:category:options:

    commit c88ba2ad3e500e3df7ceb88ba1df40846b4d8992
    Author: Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
    Date:   Thu Nov 26 11:32:30 2020 -0800

         proposed fix for Isssue #130

    commit 463fc94d28ace7dbebeb11fea1de43b0d0e76887
    Author: Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
    Date:   Sun Nov 1 13:03:55 2020 -0800

         Issue #129: bump the monticello versions again, since they need to trump versions on GemSource

Run these four commands and send me the output so I can try to 
understand why  you are not able to get the newer commits:

       git remote -v
       git status
       git pull origin master
       git log -2


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