[Glass] Compiling a method on GS
smalltalk at adinet.com.uy
Wed Feb 19 14:05:50 PST 2020
Tested on GS 3.5.1
It seems that are 3 groups of methods to compile expressions:
1) Answer an exception if the compilation fail
^ self2 add: self3'
dictionaries: GsSession currentSession symbolList
category: 'other'
environmentId: 0]
on: CompileError do: [:ex | ex halt].
2) Does not answer an exception but it does NOT compile the source
^self2 add: self3'
dictionaries: GsSession currentSession symbolList
category: 'other' ]
on: CompileError do: [:ex | ex halt].
3) Does not answer an exception (if the source is well formatted) and it
does compile the source:
^ self2 add: self9 '
category: 'other'
using: GsSession currentSession symbolList]
on: CompileError do: [:ex | ex halt].
But if evaluate the following it does answer an exception (with an invalid
formatted source):
^ self2 add: self9 ; adf() '
category: 'other'
using: GsSession currentSession symbolList]
on: CompileError do: [:ex | ex halt].
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