[Glass] Updating code in a production system

BrunoBB smalltalk at adinet.com.uy
Thu Jan 23 11:44:55 PST 2020


I'm doing some basic experiments to update code (methods, classes and
packages) in supposed production system.

There are three packages with 2 o 3 classes each. If i try to upload (a new
version) one package from GIT i got the an error. The update expression is:
GsDeployer deploy: [
  Metacello new
    baseline: 'BpmRuntimeUpdate';
    onLock: [:ex | ex honor];
    load: 'update2' ].

a Error occurred (error 2514), An error occurred during a multi-threaded
operation: 'Page 323313 is not a dataPage, pageKind = 0'
Error (AbstractException) >> _signalFromPrimitive: @6 line 15
Repository >>
@1 line 1
[] in Repository >>
listInstances:limit:toDirectory:withMaxThreads:maxCpuUsage:memoryOnly: @49
line 19
Repository >> _doListInstancesFrom:with:includeMemory: @7 line 7
Repository >>
listInstances:limit:toDirectory:withMaxThreads:maxCpuUsage:memoryOnly: @20
line 29
Repository >> listInstances:limit:toDirectory:withMaxThreads:maxCpuUsage: @2
line 4
MCPlatformSupport class >> listInstances: @3 line 4
[] in GsDeployer >> doBulkMigrate @33 line 24
ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12
GsDeployer >> doBulkMigrate @18 line 56
[] in GsDeployer >> deploy: @11 line 14
[] in MCPlatformSupport class >> commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring: @12 line 7
ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12
MCPlatformSupport class >> commitOnAlmostOutOfMemoryDuring: @7 line 8
[] in GsDeployer >> mcPlatformSupportDo: @14 line 11
ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12
GsDeployer >> mcPlatformSupportDo: @10 line 12
GsDeployer >> deploy: @3 line 3
GsDeployer class >> autoMigrate: @4 line 13
GsDeployer class >> deploy: @2 line 12
Executed Code  @2 line 1
GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC @1 line 1

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